We NEED an MMR reset for season 11

I feel like the whole system is completely messed up. People are stuck in low ranks with no way of getting out. On the flipside, terrible players get boosted above 3k. Due to the fact that the game tries to keep your win-rate at 50 players get boosted and players get stuck. The reason why the devs don’t want to do the hard reset is that many people complained about getting steamrolled/inconsistent games in season 1 placements. However, with the state that the game is in we urgently need a hard MMR reset to “purify” the ranks.


totaly agree !!!


Why would they reset? Let’s say you are at 2500sr. They reset for season 11. You get placed in 3500sr. However since you play at a gold/plat lvl eventually you will fall back to 2 500sr. Because that’s where you belong.

You are just asking for a loosing streak by requesting an mmr reset.


They should try it just to shake the game up a bit and for the players that believe bronze will face top 500, maybe wait a couple weeks for things to balance out.


They should re-haul Competitive mode.


This is not true at all, boosted players always fall back to their real SR when they solo q.


so how you’re still gm

just kidding

sorry could’nt hold it

OP they never gonna do that because people who are in GM gonna riot because MM never put you in GM it’s put you in diamond-master

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an optional fresh placement would be nice

basically your account would be treated as a new one without loosing your skins this would also make smurfs easier to track potentially

I don’t think it will fix the game though, what we really need is for the pbsr to be removed at every tier


your logic is flawed, and i will explain why. The way that an mmr reset would work is it would take players of all skill levels and randomly mix them into placements. Then based on performance and wins the playerbase would be shuffled into their new ranks. Most people would be close to where they were. But the people who were boosted and those who were stuck would get placed where they need to be.


I think the one thing no one accounts for when creating these posts is the placement matches after this reset. You’d have bronze players and GMs in the same game because everyone would be equal.

If you don’t think you are where you should be get a second account. But don’t be surprised when your second account is right where your first one is.

The GMs could boost the bronze players and we’d be right back where we started or the bronze players could drag the GMs down, and you’d have GMs in plat.


Lol? It’s master and it’s a lvl 30 alt, placed almost where my main is… so yeah the system works.


the only mmr reset you get is to buy a new account


Key words being “when they solo q” …They’ll never solo queue.


Remove pbsr is all I want really…

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I see why you want an MMR reset, but its not going to fix anything. During placements your just going to get bronze players with top 500. Does that sound fair? NO! No it doesn’t! Even if you place high your just going to drop back down to the rank you belong in. So what’s the point in an MMR reset if it’s literally not going to do anything.


I’m down for this. I feel like the only people against it are those in masters/GM who are afraid that they were indeed boosted and are just riding a 50%ish winrate.

If they just went ahead and did this after 10 seasons and people ended up where they started, then nobody would ever be justified in complaining again. Just reset it!


So what is stopping these people from being boosted again exactly?

This thread gets posted multiple times a week and it’s just as stupid every single time. The result, after 2 months of competitive being an utter sh*tshow, is everyone back where they are now. The people who claim they can’t climb just got ‘unlucky’ again. I’d rather have matches that are actually balanced thanks.


If they do it I hope they give us warning so I can not play for a few weeks or a month until the mayhem settles down.

GMs playing with and against bronze players should be interesting, which is exactly what will happen until the MMR system gets everyone back where they belong. That could take a while.

BTW I’m low-mid plat, so only very slightly above average. I’m not saying this because I’m a boosted GM who’s worried I won’t be able to climb back up.

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Funny how people want a MMR reset where bronze’s could be placed in the same match as GMs in a way that didn’t even try to balance teams.

Then, they rend their clothes and gnash their teeth at the idea of a no SR limit comp division which could have the same bronze and GM thing going. Except, the teams would be balanced against each other. I’ve stopped trying to figure out the crack-head logic that some people exhibit.