We NEED an MMR reset for season 11

you guys dont understand the system do you? it was created to condense millions of players, both casual and professional down into the top 1% of players for the overwatch league.

Blizzard could care less if you are stuck in bronze, they have professional money makers to deal with. Comp is literally something that was designed to keep casuals toiling away for years to come with the idea they may some day make it to top 500 or whatever. its incredibly vague for that exact reason, to keep you in the dark and just grinding your way for all of eternity.


They will never implement the reset button.


Because smurf accounts make tons of money. 40 million players. LOL. 40 million accounts I’d say.



Also what exactly is an MMR/SR reset going to do?
All it will do is create mayhem for 2-3 months and eventually everybody will be at the same place where they are now.

How is it that some people can climb the ranks in this so called “rigged” system, where others can’t. Maybe it’s just that they are not good enough to climb?

Yes you will have throwers/leavers/griefers etc. but these people only make up a small portion of your games, 10% max.

I support this idea 100%

I would love to come back each season with the ability to get out of the mud of throwers each time.

It would motivate me to come back.


Don’t post this type of forum, it has been done hundreds of time over two years and never done, it won’t happen, it’s obvious, the game is designed for players in low ranks to stay there until they either get better at the game or by chance get to a higher rank.

Isn’t that how a competitive environment works?

Yes, that’s why a MMR reset wouldn’t do anything or make it worse for a competitive match because bronzes or silvers can face diamond’s or higher when seeing a plat is already a feet to handle.

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No they shouldn’t. When the S2 started, Blizzard did reset the mmr for everyone, and guess what? Effect got placed in Plat. Sure, he eventually become #1 in the world, but the fact that people from plat to low Gm got stomped hard.

You are just asking mmr reset because you can’t climb on your own with your skill, and just blaming the system.


I would rather see a voluntary reset than a mandatory one. Those who think they can do better have an option of resetting their MMR during the 3 day off season.

Those in higher tiers won’t reset but those who think they should be higher would.

People like me who think I’m where I should be (silver) probably won’t reset and go through the headache of it all like getting placed in gold to drop down to silver hahaha.


The reason they will never have an mmr reset is because they want you to buy an account. This is a huge cash cow for them.


MMR reset at 10 dollars only in off season would bring in money and you would still have those that buy new accounts to not mess with their mains.


double carried loool

not exactly
you cant improve if you play with lower ranks


so youre saying that low ranked players needs to wait for a boost? loool

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While I agree with an mmr / Sr reset, it comes with one complication.
Unless you overhaul the system itself there’s no point.
The people who gamed and cheated the system will go right back to where they are now and the folks who don’t game the system will likely stop more. The rank and ladder structure needs players in every rank, or if fails. So even if you get placed higher, and somehow your numbers fall off, the mmr will slam you where it thinks you need to be.
The whole system is an illusion.
Ranks need to go, sr needs to go, and a real season and real teams need to be formed.
Season wins need to mean something more than just a few points to a gold skin.
This is the only so called competitive environment that holds your last season against you.
Look around at real sports. There’s not a player or fan one that would tolerate a new season without a real fresh start. They’d stop watching or playing.
Who would watch a soccer season of the old record was so present? You team was 10-20-1
 So the new season starts, we’ll your team is still losing, sorry, keep watching maybe they will get better. ~eyeroll~
Unless you fix the freaking system am mmr reset is pointless.


i totally agree with you

This is a joke right?

imagine that you live with dumb people. you will become dumb too. if you play with higher players you improve faster


Thanks for confirming that you are trolling.

Nobody “gamed and cheated the system” because there’s no system to game. If you can find a way to climb with a sub 50% winrate, or magically climb to GM with one simple trick, then yes you’ve won the system.

But you can’t.

Because it’s impossible.