We need a response on the mercy megathread

literally nothing to agree or disagree on. Mercy debate has been done to death and devs have no reason to ask for feedback considering she’s balanced atm and still a top healer pick. They’ll just keep piling ur feedback in one big thread until it actually becomes constructive and about how to make mercy more engaging without touching the current iteration of rez.

I’m sorry that you’ve not seen some of the feedback over time then which hasn’t all been around resurrect or restoring mass resurrect for that matter. I’m one of those people who don’t think resurrect should stay as a 30 second free ability, it should either be earned or replaced entirely. Given how much the thread is in a mess because of any Mercy thread being moved there I’m not surprised you’ve missed them and are generalising that it’s all about restoring mass resurrect when it’s not.

You can continue to say Mercy is fine and that she shouldn’t be touched all you want, but I happen to observe that you have no play time on Mercy this competitive season so I don’t see how you can make a fair analysis from both playing against and playing as Mercy.

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They have said that. Mercy mains, at least in that thread, just ignored such things

Jelly does wish they would say something.

Mercy is in a balanced spot, is very powerful and viable, and still fun for many.

Problem is, a lot of other players think she is boring.

What can Blizzard do🤔

I have no clue😂

Since when have they even tried to show they are listening to the feedback? They just throw everything into a pile and let it rot so they don’t have to listen to how badly they are at balancing Mercy.

Mercy is balanced, she just isn’t as fun, but that is subjective.

It’s a tricky situation.

Because of instant baby reactions like that.

The thread still exists, they are aware of it.

Recall way back when there was a hog megathread that they actually unstickied in an attempt to bury it

You can observe all you wan’t doesn’t change the fact that i do play mercy from time to time and know what she can do. Also I can also ‘observe’ her pickrate and winrate in other higher elo or simply by watching top players play and who they demand as a healer. That’s like saying: ‘i’ve observed you’ve never had been hate crimed or hate crimed anyone in your life so how could you know whether it’s bad or not’. Our critical and rational mind allows us to make decisions and form opinions based on feedback that’s not necessarily made by us as individuals. Like… what…

Also go to megathread and check last 10 posts, if one of them doesn’t talk about some version of mass rez being in the game i’ll eat my words.

I just don’t like Rez as a cool down.

It’s too powerful as an E ability compared to the others (as I’ve mentioned the only one that hold a candle to it is Ana’s and that’s still a far off comparison).

It’s too forgiving; “Oh you didn’t get it? That’s alright, just wait 30secs and you can try again.”

I think single target rez is more fitting for the OW play-style; something like The Gaurdian’s Bionic Pods would even be OP simply for the fact that the teams are just too small.

Valk in it’s entirety is a let down since it’s nothing that Blizz originally proposed.

If Blizzard says;

“We can’t look into Mercy until Dive starts to dwindle”

Then I’d be fine, because Mercy THRIVES in the Dive meta, it’s why she’s still picked as regularly as she is.

She’s still highly mobile (and DOESN’T get shut down completely by Sombra), and with Dive moving as fast as it does, it works with that slow rez since you CAN be at the back, rez and the GA to the front.

Mercy just WORKS in Dive, and even though Blizzard says they “want” to end Dive, they are doing it at a snails pace. (Sorry but I highly doubt Brigitte is going to be enough to stop it.)

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I highly doubt they actually look at the suggestions in that thread, not only that but the thread isn’t even stickied and everyone knows about that Hog thread incident so they’d be foolish to try it again don’t you think?

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If that’s the planned date, then yes. Having the mega thread up suggests they’re still looking for feedback and still working on patching her yet every action they’ve taken suggests otherwise. So either unpin the mega thread or clearly comment on it saying that she won’t be touched again. Give some clarification to everyone that Mercy is in the position she is meant to be and they won’t be touching her again for a long time.
Right now, they’re giving off mixed signals to some people who haven’t been on the forums as long and until they do something about it people will still keep posting Mercy feedback.

True - really, I think they are just trying to play it smart and keep their info close to their chest. When Blizzard actually starts to answer their playerbase, it tends to either inspire more outrage or become quickly forgotten (another big topic going around now is that Blizzard needs to make an official statement on One Tricking. That thread literally got a response from a dev quoting their statement on it and it still wasn’t enough. Tomorrow, someone else will probably post wondering why Blizzard doesn’t take a stance on it and no one will remember that blue post that bothered to finally answer them.

I know some people are new (some people still post about wanting scatter nerfed as if they never heard about the rework coming) and probably posting the first thing that comes to their mind too. These questions will always be asked because not everyone will dig into the post history and read up on these things.

Also, I wasn’t on these forums for long so I don’t know the real reason but I always imagined the Megathread was just put there to clean up the main page. I don’t think they want the forums to be 70% Mercy posts so they wrapped them up into one thread… at least, that is what I figured the reason was for :open_mouth: Maybe the subject isn’t as popular as before and it could all spill into General chat without much harm but I’m not sure.

I guess it is hard for Blizzard to really come out and say much because any little thing they say ends up turning into 20 youtube videos and 17 news articles ( “SYM IS TURNING INTO A DEFENSE HERO - WHAT ARE YOUR FEELINGS!?” ). Not to mention all the threats from players that they will uninstall (“We don’t plan on fixing Scatter’s cooldown right away” – BLIZZARD ISN’T GOING TO FIX SCATTER UNTIL THE NEXT SEASON, UNPLAYABLE “scatter gets reverted some days later”). I want new builds and updates every month along with character changes of course but I think companies have learned that no news is better than bad news so it is always best to wait it out until you know exactly what you want to give your audience. (Hanzo rework teaser they gave us months ago ending up exactly the same as it was proposed despite all the posts on what players think it should do. Blizzard will mention their thoughts on Mercy after they’ve already decided)


Yeah, I get that managing this kind of community can be a nightmare, especially given all the entitlement that some people exude but still. From my point of view, it feels like the megathread is only there to serve as a place to dump it all keeping the forums cleaner but also makes it easier to ignore if its all in one tidy little spot, given that its at something like 15k posts but still no comment at all that I am aware of. It just feels like they’ve poorly managed the community, they didn’t steer it in the right direction from the start or didn’t earn enough faith and now they’re paying for it. And honestly, I can see why people wouldn’t have much faith given the amount of sledgehammer nerfs so many characters got early on in their life span with little to no compensation.

At this point, I just really want better documentation of their changes. I wouldn’t even mind if I had to go through the forums or their main page to find the full list of changes but they leave some pretty crucial stuff out of the patch notes. I didn’t even realise the server’s were upgraded to 62 tick from 32 tick til I looked it up to show a friend.

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Something that looks a little like their response about removing Hanzo’s scatter would probably help a ton.

But really at the current moment… Mercy players and Mercy feedback are in limbo. We don’t know if they think she’s fine as she is. We don’t know if they are going to revisit her after Hanzo/Symm/Torb. We don’t know if they are internally testing some tweaks. We know nothing other than that they aren’t going to revert her.

At this point any sort of response (that ACTUALLY addresses the feedback… not just some patronizing “her pick rate is fine” that’s not been the problem for quite some time) would be better than the current radio silence.

Radio silence is now broken, but it was broken with something patronizing “her pick rate is fine”.

That is some great feedback from the Devs right? …

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Just because it’s not what you wanted to hear doesn’t mean it’s not a response.

No means no. I know you wanted to hear yes, but you’ve been told no.


they responded a week back saying no changes in order and i kinda agree she is in a good spot.

Did I say it wasn’t a response? No.

Great that is not the concerns raised in thread or else where.

Actually they did not say No and they did not reply to the concerns raised.

I’m not asking for changes “right now” I’ve been discussing in the thread ways to make her require more effort which will create room for a better sense of achievement for Mercy players and more respectable clutch plays.

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She’s picked a lot, so that is an issue because it either means the other healers are not good enough or that she is still overpowered.

With teamwork ress is easier enabled especially on tournament level and it still is potent to turn the tides in your favor as a team.