We need a response on the mercy megathread

I know this is either gonna get ignored or moved into the megathread dustbin like all mercy feedback but we need responses on mercy. Ever since the nerf we have gotten a grand total of 1 response and all it said is no revert, something we already knew.


What would a good type of response look like?

That isn’t going to be misinterpreted as a broken promise later.


No revert, winky face.


something like “Mercy isn’t our top priority now as we’re working on _____.”

They do have other heroes to look at, after all. I just wish they’d say something.


Indeed, I’m tired of this illusion that they are listening to our feedback when it’s been proven that they aren’t (forum profiles, see the read post counters). Let Mercy be discussed freely on the main forum again like all other heroes can. I don’t care if Mercy isn’t addressed for a while, just stop dumping everything regarding Mercy into a megavoid thread please!


The megathread is honestly the most insulting thing I have ever seen Blizzard do. To completely ignore an entire section of the fanbase and to employ mods to “get rid of” any post that involves talking about Mercy in any way is just a horrible abuse of power. Is it really that hard to just come clean and tell us you’re focusing on something else?


Lots of people argue that it’s just been the same 10 people arguing over it, but that’s not entirely true - lots of people left once the forums moved over, and many more just gave up on posting in there. I don’t blame them.


“Mercy isn’t our top priority as we’re working on Mei, Lucio, Reaper, Hanzo, Symmetra, Horizon Lunar Colony rework, upcoming events and heroes, all the other things we’ve told you we’re working on already, and all the things we’re not ready to tell you about yet.”



Way to generalize. Lots of people that I’ve seen posting about Mercy agree other F-Tier heroes need looking at.


Then why are people still making threads complaining that Mercy isn’t top priority at all times?

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They are? I haven’t seen many of those pop up. I’ve seen threads about Mercy feedback or discussing Mercy in general, and I’ve seen threads like these which want an overdue official response (or personally I’d rather the megathread be closed and things can be discussed on the main forum again, at the very least).

But they already stated that they were working on Hanzo rework, Torb tweaks, and Symmetra rework and that there were no plans for any immediate mercy changes at this time. (I believe its in that order). What else could they say?

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I’d want SOME explanation for why they’re leaving Mercy in this soulless, boring, no-skill-needed state. Nothing is fun about current Mercy, nothing.


If you want a response it’s best to quit playing OW. Companies only respond when their profits are hurt.


why would they reply there when majority of that thread is just same circle-jerk about mass rez and how she wasn’t op then and how they should bring it back etc.

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Better question, why would they continue silencing 99% of Mercy discussions, feedback or not? Not to mention have a misleading post stating they’re listening to our feedback or what not.

My desired response?


Mercy is not currently our top priority at the moment. We have several characters in who are need our attention more. We have completed the Hanzo reworks and are now in the progress of tweaking his changes before we go live.

Symmetra is currently our biggest priority and will take a lot of our focus if we intend to release her by summer.

Next, we have Torjorn to look at and work him to a more viable standing. Also with that “Certain Somebody Else” we hinted at.

Mercy is currently viable; her pickrates and winrates show, though still a bit high in both (which could be due to the current Meta). We are hoping to see how things change when we finally introduce Brigitte into Comp.

We thank you for your patience and hope you can bear with us for just a bit longer.


Come clean about what? They literally listed out all the things they were focusing on at the moment. Symmetra hasn’t even gotten any new news yet and her rework is due in Summer - Hanzo is still on the PTR and they said there was another secret hero that they were working on after Symmetra (new hero or rework for an old one).

Want Blizzard to say “we aren’t touching her until Winter 2019”?

because most of the people don’t care and find mercy very balanced rn, so balanced in fact that making threads about her being the focus is taking away from heroes that need help. Ignoring feedback that is about any type of revert when they clearly stated it’s not going to happen, seems super reasonable to me.

So what about other heroes who have had a recent influx of threads? Like Genji or Tracer? Funny how there’s never a megathread for those. Anyway enough debate for me tonight, I’m just going to settle with “we’ll agree to disagree”. Good night!