“If you can’t get through it, go around it” mentality worked very well for the Germans over fifty years ago. With all the disruptors and flankers in the Overwatch hero roster, this should not be an issue either.
for source, check the Wikipedia article about ‘the Maginot Line’ if you still disagree
Why not just make her current secondary penetrate barriers and burst in first impact? Possible nerf the damage down a bit.
Sym used to be really good against bastion comps because of it
I can understand why you feel that way.
I’ve written about us needing a barrier piercing hero before and still agree with OP. If the hero has moderate damage (no one shot/sniper) then they can certainly pressure a tank like Reinhardt out of position or target squishies hiding behind said barrier.
Of course, a prepared team could defend against this (as they should be able to) but that situation would be similar to Wrecking Ball vs Mei/Sombra. Mei could really sour WB’s experience but his high health and the support of his team could allow him to still contribute. Barrier tanks could, like with Pharah, get the team to focus down a barrier piercing dps or instead allow themselves to be ‘forced’ out of position due to pressure.
I am really curious how the game would be now if we had these three things, last year:
- A DPS that could reliably penetrate barriers from range.
- A trait buff that ignores/does extra damage to armor (like Molten core) for Torbjorn’s primary/secondary fire, Ashe’s dynamite, Reinhardt’s Firestrike and all future “fire” skills. Having a better source of counters to armored targets before releasing a hero that could armor her team may have changed things a bit.
- A tank that reliably can protect heroes like Pharah or even Wrecking Ball. Most support and defensive abilities are practically melee ranged and now Baptiste’s kit also works best with heroes closer to him. Will Blizz start to concept tanks that work best at range from their allies? Could a “Sniper/Railgun tank” work?
Anyway - if we get a barrier piercing hero, I hope their weapon works like Resistance’s Auger. Fire bullets that drill through surfaces, getting stronger with each target it goes through. If the damage boost is too OP then maybe just the drilling animation for counterplay.
You really underestimate Winston.
Reminds me of B0re from Borderlands 2. A very fun ability to use, but I can’t imagine it would be well received. You could get one-shotted just for standing behind a barrier, which is pretty counter intuitive. Maybe it would be neat as an ult though, since it wouldn’t always be an immediate threat.
I like the drilling idea though. I’ve always pictured some kind of hardlight buzzsaw weapon that wouldn’t do too much damage, but would pierce normal heroes, and stick to barriers doing DoT for a few seconds.
they nerfed that feature on Brig and sym i doubt we will see any more direct counters to the face of a barrier.
genji’s blade can do that, and look how many people complain about him left and right. Even though he’s currently a mediocre at best hero in the current meta.
Why not have that toxic gas slowly shrink enemies max health by percentage based?
The game is toxic enough without the gas.
Make torbjorns rivets go through barriers, at 50% reduced damage. This has probably never been brought at blizzard. Probably hard to program in?
They also created Baptiste which completely contradicts that statement.
How about a hitscan weapon that can penetrate only even numbers of barriers? Say the double barrier in it’s sight would be equal to none.
I hate sym posts but I actually really think that her old alt fire was better, and fit her theme more.
You know it was bad if they say that storm arrow was more fun to play against.
they tried this with hanzo before storm and they didn’t like it so I don’t think they will add it anytime soon if at all
Last time I checked. Ppl where whining about GravDragon.
I think barrier penatration like what Sym had is pretty cheap and won’t counter the comps you want it to any more fairly than armor countered non-burst damage.
Like yeah, it could work to counter GOATS by simply ignoring the barrier mechanic and spamming at unprotected enemies like its bronze QP, but i don’t think heroes that are reliant on barrier protection need that kind of counter when its aimed at them instead of Zarya.