We gotta stop making excuses because of OW2

Its like around 130,000 players online at the same time daily.

Which is pretty good compared to other triple A games. But its not a top game like Fortnite, Valorant, ApexLegends, LeagueofLegends, Minecraft, and FinalFantasy14

Them abandoning the game is a problem and I’m not defending them but people don’t realize how massive of a change 5v5 is. Things that are balanced become insanely broken in 5v5. Discord orb is a perfect example. zen is already one of the best Heroes on live but becomes og brig levels of broken if put into 5v5 without nerfs to Discord. I’m not defending the devs, but they need to focus on 5v5. What they should do and I what I honestly think they’ll do is put the pvp into beta like halo infinite did when owl comes out and we will be playing an early build of ow 2. That’s the best they can do.

it’s always the same few sycophants on the forums making excuses for them anyway


you know, the worst part is that in the 5v5 updates our feedback could simply be silenced with a “you haven’t touched it directly, you can’t know how it really is compared to what you see”.

Not to mention they got into a bit of a scandal recently and it was QUICKLY resolved and they made statements about it.

Activision/Blizzard? Pfffft, as if they’d do that.

OW2 might gain some hype when it comes out, but I feel like it will just go back to the status of OW1 but maybe a little worse or better.


Activeplayer .io tracks players are live at the same time and live over a period of a month.

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