We got Reinhardts dying in two frames, bros

I don’t know if this has been shared yet, but I wanted to talk about it so the most responsible thing for me to do is share it again.

ht tps://youtu.be/2GsE4XgJnFo?t=753

In this flats video, you can see a Reinhardt at full health with his shield out get absolutely demolished in two frames by damage he couldn’t react to. Technically, he could have been IFed or bubbled. Practically, no human can react to a 600+HP tank getting killed in two frames.

You’ll see he got windowed, discorded, and effected by the new Damage hero debuff, and while something like that should kill a target, the issue is that he died in way he couldn’t react it. No “Getting to cover” like people are suggesting. He just died. In what way is this acceptable?

Is this really the price of having the game be “good” to you lot? Just tanks exploding to damage that no one can react to? Supports just losing to damage? Damage heroes have to be the best characters in the game, and in fact DAMAGE just has to be the best thing in the game? It feels like these choices were made for Overwatch by people who hate Overwatch.

If I want to die in two frames, I’d just go back to Titan Fall 2 or Call of Duty or something!



130 (fully charged Sojourn railgun) x 1.5 (railgun’s headshot multiplier) x 2 (Bap window) x 1.25 (Discord damage amp) = 487.5. 20% less healing received totally the problem, amirite?


This is ironically what it feels like to play Reaper at the moment. I seriously might as well go back to people killing me in three bullets while I have to use two shotgun blasts past bad breath range. It would be better than what I have to deal with at the moment.


It’s almost like damage numbers were the problem in the first place…


For the record, its not just the passive that’s the issue. It contributes though. The issue is that Damage is so overvalued that we might as well not have roles at all. If a tank can’t be the team’s cover for more than a 0.25 seconds (or so), and he also can’t get to cover before dying, what in the world do we have tanks for?

Reapers have been historically low tier due to game mechanics. Reinhardt would be were it not for his health and his shield, but now that doesn’t matter. The ONE THING he had was the ability to be kept up by his supports, but now a damn support ult couldn’t even save him.


Damage boost is additive, so it’s 130 base damage x 1.5 headshot multiplier x (2 + 0.25) damage boost multiplier = 438.75 damage.

What should be done about it

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I love how we’ve gotten back to exactly where we were in overwatch 1 where tanks were dying in 1 frame.


The only thing that would fix it is a damage boost cap.

Although if they wanna get fancy with it.
Make it so headshots are considered a part of that damage boost cap.

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Are you asking me? If so, I’d completely undo this patch and stop this trend of overvaluing damage just to satisfy the player who want to play some pew pew game. Players will not leave no matter what Blizzard does, so I’d seriously say “Tanks need to be tanky, and they need to be less dependent on cover than the average role. If you don’t like that, beat it”.

At least, from what I can tell, people would still play. Maybe Blizzard is struggling from behind the scenes. All I know is I’m seriously through with this nonsense of tanks having to be made of paper and people saying “Oh, just stay in cover, bro. Just don’t play the characters you want to play, bro”.

Lets stop with all these strange and bizarre changes that leads to more strange and bizarre changes. It has not worked yet. It won’t work. Overwatch is just getting more crippled and stupid, and why? Who’s satisfied? No one.


What about this patch made that clip happen? Looked like everything in that video existed prior to this patch

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I don’t agree. I certainly never saw a Reinhardt die in two frames, but I could be wrong. Regardless, if tanks everywhere are saying that something’s wrong (from Quick Play to even the pros), maybe something’s wrong?

I just don’t think there’s a scenario where a tank can be full health and using their mitigation ability AND getting healed by a support ult, and then they die in two frames. They said Lamp is an ult on a cooldown, but it isn’t. Its BETTER than an ult because it would actually save Rein.

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Pretty sure if you had a damage boost cap, and go the extra mile, and consider headshot modifiers to be a part of that damage boost cap.

That would fix it.

It’s just Math.

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Well I didn’t watch every single thing that hit him but it looked like Window, Discord, railgun and multiple heroes shooting at Reinhardt

Those all existed prior to this patch and have existed since OW1 aside from railgun, so what should be changed?

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I get you, but what about the rest of my point?

I don’t see why you’re ignoring my point, and then asking me the question again. If you weren’t ignoring me you would have your answer in the form of my opinion.



Sorry I must have missed it. From what I read my question was what should be changed to make things how they “should be” in your eyes?

You said (essentially) tanks shouldn’t be able to blow up like that, so what should change?

There was that game called gundham evolution but i don’t know what happened to it hehe

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I’ll just reiterate my point then: I see tanks dying fast, and I see tanks all across the board complaining, so I think damage itself has to be looked at. If that requires a revert of the stupid health and hitbox changes than so be it.

It shut down, I think.

Or I could dust off this idea from August 2021, where I anticipated SoloTank might be too vulnerable to headshots from Snipers.

Maybe make that 30% and bundle it with this?

Relevant Flats clip