We got a response on Mercy

And it went exactly as expected. Can we just put the idea that Blizzard is ignoring her to rest? Please?


I hope you were ready for this.


I mean. They do seem to be ignoring her in terms of development time. He just confirmed that they were. 22k posts for a reply is a good metric to have, though. Let’s see if we can get Brig posts that high.

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her “on fire” rate needs to be fixed still


They responded to Brig

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They’re “ignoring her” in the same way they’re ignoring Soldier: 76. Balanced heroes don’t need changes so they don’t get changes.


We got a quick mention about Mercy, too. It was “We’re listening to feedback” and then started the 22k wait. Brig got the “We’re listening to feedback,” and now we wait.

I don’t disagree, I’m just saying I like the number as a metric.

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No. Today they said they’re nerfing her ult and may be doing other things.

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They said they’re potentially nerfing her ult. They’re still testing the change and it isn’t even on PTR.

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Okay? They still gave numbers, intention, and an estimated time we’ll be seeing it. That’s enough.


They probably just didn’t respond because they didn’t really need to. There was no serious community response outside of Mercy mains and there were 0 statistics showing she was underpowered.

Brigitte on the other hand is in a much more precarious position. Plus, they have already confirmed they’re going to nerf Rally.

Plus there is no Brigitte Megathread.


There probably ought to be at this point so we can get a proper count going.

Also, people were delusional to say Mercy was underpowered. She’s just been shoehorned into the bland healer role of the game.

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The Megathread is not to count replies. The purpose is to consolidate feedback into one place and clean up the forums so there aren’t 22k Mercy posts.


Couldn’t you argue that the purpose of a Brig megathread is to consolidate feedback so we don’t have 22k Brigitte posts?

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There aren’t that many Brigitte posts, and considering they’re already nerfing her there aren’t going to be as many anyway.

It took them what half a year to respond, I could careless how they change mercy it’s just kinda ridiculous how slow that took them. Oh well who gives a flying hek anymore. Ima just go play the game lul

I dunno what forums you’re looking at, but there are tons of Brigitte posts.

Many people are upset about his response due to the fact that he didn’t address the issue that most people on the thread are addressing. Her problem isn’t her pickrate, or her viability. It’s that she is unfun for a majority of the players that play her.


Can you imagine how disastrous of PR that would be? By calling out the people calling her ‘bad’ and saying they have no intention to buff or nerf her, he completely avoids the problem of addressing “We disagree with the people who don’t enjoy her. Play someone else.”

There are not 22k Brigitte posts. At all. Remember that like 1/6 of the playerbase is a Mercy Main.