We don't need 2-2-2, just use lfg

Just use LFG if you want 2-2-2. When I want it I use it. When I want to play my whacky 5 dps games I still have fun. Why ruin the game for me because you won’t use a great feature blizzard obviously worked very hard for? 2-2-2 isn’t even that great anyway. I literally just won a game with 5 dps and a wrecking ball against a 2-2-2 lol.


BuT tHaT mAtChEs Me AgAiNsT oThEr StAcKs. They’d rather force their dogma on everyone than just do it with the tools available.


Using a group finder system doesn’t seem like it will do anything to improve the Solo Q experience.

But nO oNe WantS tO UsE iT aNymOre.

I barely see anyone using it on eu/na servers. And no one doesnt use it in higher ranks either. People just wants to insta que rather than use more than 30 mins to find 5 other players to their team…

You mean destroy goats, because a meta will always exist.

So its okay to push that burden onto DPS players alone instead of those that actually want the feature?

Every time I’ve used the LFG system I’ve gotten way more toxic games and teams that take 15 mins to build and disband after 1 loss. I’ll pass

222/role que is needed for this game regardless.

Idk about you but im tired of having those games where people instalocks more than 4 dps & doesnt swap at all…

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Shut your face hole.

I’m not, and happy people have the freedom to do that, even if I solo tank or heal them most of the time. You have the option for 222 in LFG or finding like-minded people in the LFG section of the forums.

No reason to force those of us that like it currently to conform to 222 just because part of the population doesn’t want to put in that extra effort to get what they want.

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ok… Btw are you drunk again or why u r this mad/salty already?

I dont want to bring up other toxic threads you have made for the past 2 days as an example tbh but seriously… Just stop.

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like seriously, this is an issue for a lot of people, but I don’t mind being the brunt end of it.

I hate people I deal with in video game. Solve me.

Seriously, I don’t mind, I am often at fault in online video game interactions… use me as the ultimate worst example and how to deal with it.

Then maybe he should make a Group that is legitimate? Seems like a big part of LFG not working is people that want LFG to work refuse to make groups and use LFG.

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I only use LFG on my main, but the issue with that is that masters+ groups take ages to fill up, and after you lose, you gotta do it all over again. And on top of that, there are like 15 minute q times.

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Are you going to deny that stacks manipulate the MMR in poor ways, leading to worse games?

I don’t favor 2-2-2 but LFG is empty and even when someone is there it’s from a different server with 200ms ping.

LFG is all but useless.

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No, I’m not dumb. I do think it is asinine to force others to do 222 when it might not even be the majority of the player base that wants it, though. I’d rather recommend making a group of like-minded friends that play OW, adding people that work with you in comp and stack like that instead of forcing others to.

Edit: It would be super cool if that stupid video didn’t load every time I came back to the thread making me go deaf. Ugh

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Why, when it appears that the numbers show the Comp community is already playing 2-2-2 because they know its a better way to play?

I mean we wont agree here we both know that, but LFG isnt the answer, forcing us to make stacks that already stretch and distort the MMR/SR system, is not the answer.

So 2s are forced, I go in as dps, you don’t like my pick, ask me to change, I don’t change so I get reported as usual
Yer can see 2’s working well…
This game is a cesspool of toxicity and false reporting if you don’t play as a sheep and listen to the holy then thou wolfs.
2’s wont work. Its not a game designed for it. its FPS, not WoW.