We don't need 2-2-2, just use lfg

Yeah. I just don’t think 222 is actually going to fix what is wrong with the game since all of the teamwork problems come from people and not game mechanics anyway.

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It is the answer, if blizz only allows stacks of the same elo there wont be a problem.

I disagree, there are fundamental issues around healing and tank health that warps the game.

On the other end, human behavior absolutely drives most of the issues.

Is a 2900 Widow, the equal of a 2501 Mercy?

really, your comparing a pure dps to a healer, that’s like me saying my cat can bark so it must be a dog.

“Salty Symm Main”

6 games won.

Yeah, sure buddy.

I kinda wish comp was just 500 SR range for all of competitive instead of 1000 for lower ranks, which I think would help immensely too. I don’t like that plats and silvers can be in the same game.


So you fix it brother. You want to allow stacks, without an MMR coded system, to be ‘fair’ against other stacks.

You have a 2999 Genji, and a 2502 Moira they duo, whats their MMR rank? Does it compare to a 2750 Ana and a 2750 Tracer duo?

yes I agree, 500 ± should be the way.

That’s a big mood right there

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MMR is a joke, we all know it. Would love to see a ana constantly heal a tracer blinking all the time. But anyhow.
There will never be a fix in this game. Its a rudimentary attempt to capture the fps market.
2’S will never be the answer due to the human factor.
Again, I pick dps, pick a hero, people don’t like it, I wont change, but yet I signed up for dps in the forced 2’s, I get reported, but hang on, who said I had to change from what I picked if forced is implimented, It will always come down to the human factor, people will enjoy that its been forced, but the human factor will still dictate what people should and shouldn’t play.

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Here’s the thing though…it isnt a joke. Pure Solo Queue games with people on their ‘mains’ even in QP have consistently been the most balanced, fair, and competitive games I’ve played over the course of my near 3 years in this game.

The system actually works, right up until the Lucio/Zen (lets say…me) decides in the QP game to learn McCree.

Its probably closer to the MMR system being too accurate, in assuming we play what we are best at, at all times, instead of playing what we want.

I maintain that stacks are absolutely detrimental to the game, regardless of any ‘the game is better with friends’ garbage, because the MMR system can actually do what it should, which it does well, and as such LFG is a complete non-starter.

Sad part is, 2-2-2 isn’t going to help anything either. I feel like those who desperately want it think it’ll change how players play.

LFG is great if, you know, players didn’t throw boulders into their own pathway.


Look we can agree to dis-agree on the MMR.
The fact remains, forced 2’s will create a crap storm then what crap storm we have now.
If anything, I believe there will be more false reporting for player picks.
The LFG can work, but the human factor is the issue, as it will be in forced.
If forced is used, then there has to be something done about the report system and the ± in elo ranks.
Whether we like it or not, we will have to adjust if it is bought in.
I just hope people can accept the fact that when I chose a hero that they don’t want me to play, that it is not up to them to tell me otherwise, if said hero is not working then it is up to me to change or not, as said tanks and heals etc. This will be the factor on how well it will do for the game.

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There will be some shifts required in how we approach the game, thats for sure. I just at this point look at it like this.

  1. Is the game functional right now? Hardly.

  2. Is there a chance it would improve with 2-2-2 and/or Role Queue and/or Solo Queue? I think so.

In the face of doing nothing, and letting the game continue to fester, or doing something, I vote ‘something’.

Yes something does need to happen, I agree fully with that.
I think people are at the point of being overly bored with the one comp system we have and are looking at ways just to have fun. Comp is more or less the new QP.
If they bought in other comp modes and kept them for seasons like the normal comp, it would give people options, greater options. People have called for it and its fallen on deaf ears.
I am opposed to forced as I like to solo que and choose what is required at the time and pick what is needed during without having a limitation.
But saying that and coming from 15years as a WOW player, is was a great option they bought in for the game apart from the wait times for dps, this is one disadvantage I can see happening.
We all have to adjust and hopefully if it is bought in, its done right.

I felt all of that on a personal level. I’m so screwed if 222 comes out. Blegh

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It’s just another way of restricting DPS from playing DPS, which is the real reason. GOATS and dive weren’t a massive problem in all ranks. And the low rank versions of either was melted by a Reaper and D.Va.

Lucio and Brig have been ‘ruined’ over Goats. Does Goats not impact ‘everyone’?

Yeah. I have 1/3 of my play time in each role so I am technically flex, but I am a DPS main that flexes. Sucks that any time I want to play my main instead of a tank or healer I get punished for it. Oh well.

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