This post is in response to the fact that we are getting yet another competitive game mode.
I think I need to be the one to say the painful truth that everyone’s trying to ignore: Our base roster of heroes needs help.
So many players of this game feel like they can’t play heroes they truly want to play because of their current state. This is turning Overwatch that was widely regarded as a diverse and open game with many playstyles into a very closed game and unwelcoming to many different playstyles unfortunately.
Seeing that resources were STOLEN from our deeply IN NEED heroes could bring me to tears. It is heartwrenching seeing that instead of helping our most in-need heroes that we just get another competitive mode where we can’t even express our own unique playstyles in.
It actually breaks a part of my heart that after all of the pleas for help that we have resources stolen away from us.
Here are heroes that need help:
1: Bastion. He’s been neglected for years. This poor little robot with his cute little bird has been widely regarded as a troll pick for so long now that I don’t think many people who play him think they will ever see the light of day again.
2: Roadhog. He’s finally gotten a buff on the PTR and people are already calling for nerfs for him, after he’s been in a horrific state for well over a year or so now. Even if he has attention right at this moment, how long will it be until he is just nerfed into the ground again?
3: Mei. She’s still a fringe overly niche pick and widely seen as a troll pick if taken in competitive. Her job is better done by Sombra and overall outside of specific niches she loses. Mei is in such desperate need of help.
4: Wreckingball. He’s still seen as a troll pick too and is widely hated on in game. Sure a few people can do good things with him, but we all know when push comes to shove the vast majority of players will prefer reinhardt over wreckingball.
This is shown in pickrates, as Reinhardt is nearly at 100% pickrate.
4: Orisa. She’s never been really meta and has widely been regarded as being worse than Reinhardt outside of a pirate ship with bastion (or something similar). Even now with the current CC meta of lots of doomfist, bridgettes and the like Orisa is STILL left unpicked! And this is a prime time for her!
She needs so much help and LOVE.
5: Symmetra. She’s currently unable to duel anyone, her turrets are still too flimsy and her ultimate is one of the few ultimates in the entire game that can be outright IGNORED.
Like take Symmetra against Winston: Symmetra loses.
Take Symmetra against D’va: Symmetra loses.
Take Symmetra against Soldier: Symmetra loses.
There isn’t a single hero in this game aside from perhaps Mercy that Symmetra can beat in 1v1.
6: Mercy. She’s been unnecessarily reworked and beaten and abused so greatly that it’s actually worth crying over. Her winrates and pickrates suggest she is the troll-pick of the entire support category.
Moira out does her, Ana out does her, Baguette out does her, Zenyatta out does her, Lucio out does her.
Mercy needs love and attention. As I’ve indicated across so many different points in threads.
Like here is the math I did of Mercy vs. other supports in a table form:
All percentages is showing HOW MUCH THE HERO TO THE LEFT (row) DOES COMPARED TO MERCY. Areas that the opposing hero does MORE than Mercy will be marked by a (+) and areas the opposing hero does LESS than Mercy will be marked by a (-).
Moira ---------------(+) 1395%----(+) 1406%---------------(+) 1455%-------(+) 5.5%
Zenyatta -----------(+) 1027%----(+) 871%-----------------(+) 2108%-------(-) 53%
Bridgette^1 -------(+) 1072%----(+) 931%-----------------(+) 1379%-------(-) 45%
Lucio^2 -------------(+) 940%------(+) 949%-----------------(+) 1438%-------(-) 19%
Ana -----------------(+) 717%------(+) 608%-----------------(+) 954%---------(-) 16.5%
^1 [If you look into the Bridgette vs. Mercy analysis below, you actually can see mathematical backing for the concept that Bridgette contributes more to “team sustain” than Mercy through her armor generation and healing.]
^2 [Lucio may offer “only” 19% less healing than Mercy. But this isn’t taking into account his shield barrier in any capacity. I couldn’t find average damage shielded by Lucio so I left this out because I wanted to keep this as mathematically relevant as possible. I’m quite sure it’s non-trivial.]
Note: Table does NOT account for armor, shield, healing increase or other utility
So why are we focused on getting yet ANOTHER competitive game mode when we already have so many competitive game modes?
Our base hero roster is in pain. Mercy needs a rework or a revert or something, and yet resources are being STRIPPED AWAY and STOLEN from Mercy and put into game modes we already have.
We’ve had competitive mode for literally years now.
We already have LFG competitive.
We already have had competitive capture the flag.
We already have had competitive lucioball.
We already have had competitive deathmatch.
We already have had competitive so many modes.
So why are we stealing resources from the base hero roster to make yet another competitive game mode?
We already have had so many.
We deserve our base hero roster to be fun and engaging to play.
It means that instead of focusing on making our base roster of heroes we’ve had since release fun and engaging to play that they instead took away resources that could provide us with fun reworks.
It feels like a cruel and uncaring slap in the face after all of the effort and threads we’ve made. It is absolutely directly related to the mistreatment and cruelty we experience.
We should have a fun base roster of heroes we can play in ANY mode. And yet instead of a rework we instead are given yet another competitive game mode when we already have so many.
It just feels so terribly sad (honestly feel like I could CRY in real life seeing this) seeing this instead of a rework to our beloved guardian angel.
Like I even have made a post outlining a rework idea that REMOVES revive even. If revive can’t work in this game, fine. Remove it. And put that power through her entire kit.
I am honestly just wanting Mercy to be a fun pacifist healer that is engaging and cool to play. Right now she isn’t even close to that and she feels so painful to play.
What do we need to do just to have our angel back in the game and fun? What more can we do? What will it take for us to finally be acknowledged?