We desperately need tanks who are fun to play

Because she’s a terrible tank. She really doesn’t protect her allies at all.

Well, she’d get upgraded a bit to tank better.

People like less tanky tanks better. It’s far easier to find an off tank than a main tank.

So you just want mei to be a tank then? How would you make her tankier without going against what you want?

Don’t get me wrong, if they change some things around, I could see mei actually being a pretty decent tank and being moved over to that category, but O don’t see them doing that without it going against what you want a tank to be.

Maybe +50 hp and two ice walls, but they’re easier to break?

That sounds like absolute hell to her teammates. 2 walls?

Easier to break, though. Maybe they’d have a gap to fire through? I’m not sure… she’s just an example.

Imo Rein is really boring because absorbing damage feels horrible, almost every tank has a specific noise or effect that is triggered by their shielding being used that is satisfying in some way (the most satisfying is Dva’s) but with Rein there’s almost no noise and it’s just so dull… Seeing that number go down feels like a punishment if anything, i never feel like im contributing from seeing that feedback. But that’s just my opinion and fun is subjective so…

In my experience, it’s not too difficult to find people willing to play Winston or Wrecking Ball. But that’s not what people want when they say main tank, even though they’re both supposed to be main tanks.

What they want is a shield tank like Rein or Orisa who sets up a dependable, reliable barrier they can fall back to. Winston has one but his is not as good as those two.

Orisa would be a lot more fun if she had less health, a better weapon, and regular movement.

Imagine it you had a hero like Baptiste or S76, but with a shield to throw down. More fun to play, fairer feeling to play into.

You’re right about tanks being kinda boring to play and them winning “1v1’s” in team fights (if that’s even a thing), because the squishy gets jumped and has no way to run or quickly kill a 600HP tank and that’s all I agree with.

Hammond is fun to play, but I personally don’t play him much, because he can’t really protect his team. Zaria is quite fun too when your enemies are silly enough to charge you over and over again, yet again she can’t really do much by herself.

I wish for a tank that gets more tanky if you play him right - I mean like a real protector. I don't know how could it work. Maybe if you take over damage that your teammates would take with his abilities, or by body blocking, or by interrupting enemies abilities and ults, or eating enemy shots by timing right some ability?

When I play Ashe or McCree these pings are sweet af, but I could give them up for some other “patting on the back sound” that would tell me, “you did good job by protecting that silly head from taking the bullet”.

Just my thoughts.

Too sleepy… off to bed. G’night.

I have fun playing DVa but everyone wants to keep nerfing her

A bullet / projective / beam attracting tank could be fun. Activate your cooldown, and for x amount of seconds attract all enemy damage (except maybe melee? don’t know how that could work). During that time either receive extra mitigation, or (and I like this one better) receive a temporary health boost and receive x% extra healing from all healing sources, that way team skill is also required.

You’d need to design some aspect of the hero’s kit to be better at the bottom and worse at the top or it’d hit major viability/ balance issues.

Characters needing to effectively use mobility to do well would generally be better at the top then the bottom.

Characters needing to aim again would generally do better at the top then the bottom.

Characters deriving their strength from cool downs rather than raw stats would again be better at the top than the bottom.

Combining all three without a mitigating factor and either you’ll be balanced at the top and useless everywhere else or you’ll be overpowered at the top.

i enjoy tanking alot and think all of them, except the gerbil, are very fun to play.

that makes them dps and not tanks … so if you want more dps, then just say that…

Tanks could be more like DPS. They don’t have to be big, slow, and have ludicrous health advantage.

I want tanks where I win because I play better. Not tanks where I win because I have 600 hp, better damage, and a better ult.

Tanks are actually a ton of fun for a lot of people, they just have gamesense and teamwork requirements that some players choose not to invest in.

Obviously (???) I’m not saying that DPS players don’t need any gamesense or teamwork at all, but it’s a much more forgiving role overall in these particulars.

Of course, since I do play tanks, I don’t get to experience the frustration of not having tanks on my team. I can easily imagine that could get very annoying in a lot of matches.

For any DPS-only players that want to broaden their roster a bit but not take on too much responsibility for positioning, I’d recommend you look into Winston and Hammond. They’re both somewhat non-intuitive to learn at first, but they have big payoffs in terms of potential skill ceiling and can be played very aggressively to good effect. The main thing to learn strategically about both, though, is that you are the fight initiator 9/10 situations. Let your team know when you are ready to start the ruckus. GLHF.

You are inherently misunderstanding the point of tanks. Your job is not necessarily to kill people. You can kill people, some tanks are quite good at it, but that’s not what your job is.

Your job is to create space for the other two roles to do their jobs.

Rein creates space by making a shield to protect his allies and applying pressure by walking forward.

Orisa creates space by making a shield to protect her allies and laying down suppressive fire.

Winston creates space by landing on top of people and being a general large nuisance that applies consistent but low DPS, which means the enemy team has to deal with him or else they will die, which provides cover for his allies to do whatever they want.

Wrecking Ball creates space by swinging around, disrupting people, knocking them back, landing in the middle of their ranks and applying DPS, and generally being annoying, similar to Winston.

Even the offtanks do it. DVa for example is quite good at killing people, and she actually does create space like that, because she’s a huge and dangerous target which needs to be dealt with. Roadhog creates space just by existing and threatening people with his hook combo, people have to watch out for him or else they will be hooked and die. Zarya does it by shielding her allies and powering herself up, making her a more and more dangerous target that needs to be focused on and killed.

What you are suggesting with a tank who is evasive and has low HP is antithetical to the role. Tanks need to be easy to hit because they are trying to be a threatening presence that is easy to hit to distract people from their squishier but more deadly allies.

If you want to kill people through superior play and evasiveness, that’s what the DPS category is for. Tanks being able to kill people through HP pool advantage is the point of the class.

If I’m being honest, Wrecking Ball describes what you want out of a tank. He has an immensely high skill floor and is not easy to play at all. He has a satisfying hitscan weapon. He is the fastest hero in the entire game. He’s so fast that he can even be hard to hit in some circumstances. The only thing he isn’t is low HP.

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D.Va is fun to play. Oh, never mind, not anymore.
No fun allowed apparently, not for tanks.

D va literately fits 3 out of the four categories and she been a top 3 tank since the game launched. Yet D VA since launch has seen more changes than any other besides mercy.

I mean, Dva can still beat nearly all DPS in a duel so…

Even the worst tank, Roadhog, is a better DPS than almost all DPS.