We desperately need tanks who are fun to play

Yet even with all these stuns and CC tanks get as many elims as dps mainly in close quarters combat. Also tanks can output massive damage like a dps. Also all of those cc ability effects ever class not just tanks.

Not to mention that tanks hand out as much CC as any other class, especially Reinhardt, who has the best stun in the entire game.

Enforce a 2-2-2. Reduce CC. Make current tanks more tanky.

And then more people will want to play them.

You basically wrote a wish list that described Hammond, then negged Hammond as a gimmick. Idk what’s up with that

Oh its you again, before i even started reading i knew it would have “isnt fun” “rein/tanks op” and a list. Tanks. Are. Not. Op. Healers. Are.

Healers aren’t doing anything except the healing they’re supposed to do. Tanks are doing DPS level damage. That shows where the problem is.

If Lucio was doing 19k damage a match and beating out Genji, then supports would be a problem… but he’s not.

Zarya is fun to play.

The off tanks are better than the main tanks, but that’s just because they’re really DPS at heart, just not garbage like the actual DPS. And it doesn’t help if you don’t have a main tank, and you don’t.

In this game tanking damage can only get do far, noticr how all tanks. Every. Single. Tank. Needs to be in close range to deal sufficient damage. Getting ina tanks face and getting killed is your fault. Getting repeatedly hit by firestrike is your fautl, baiting/predicting it is easy, it has a 6 second cooldown, i count this out so i know his next use. Dying to tanks is thr equivalent of dying to reaper, you let them get too close

If we make Tanks less like DPS, can we make DPS do less damage if their tank dies?

Uh huh. I’ll make sure to inform Winston and Dva.

If your tank goes down as a DPS, there is nothing to stop the enemy team from swarming you and you will pretty quickly be killed unless you retreat.

Meanwhile, what do tanks lose if DPS die?

They get swarmed due to not being able to defend themselves according to your idea. Mostly a teamwipe. I would prefer that DPS had the incentive to protect their tank instead of going solo rambo.

They do :stuck_out_tongue: DPS are totally screwed if the tank dies. If DPS are not protecting you as a tank, maybe it’s because they have the life expectancy of a mayfly and are already dead when you needed them. Maybe DPS would be less useless if they weren’t ridiculously weak.

These days I have zero expectations from DPS, mine or the other team. The enemy tanks are the actual threat.

Honestly I find playing Rein fun as long as there is not much cc. The fun poison you talk about for tanks is the fact that they are highly susceptible to cc and when you are constantly face tanking stuns because of your giant hitbox, that’s not fun. At least to me. Fun is subjective, remember. And while you might think that playing tank isn’t fun, there are people who think it is, and people who think it is not fun for different reasons, like the susceptibility to cc.

Look, if you hate CC so much, you should agree with my suggested nerfs for Earthshatter. Because that’s one of the most toxic sources of CC in the entire game.

At least you need some game sense for it. You have to make sure that the enemy doesn’t have a shield in order to block it and you need to time it right. It lasts for so long, but it takes time and needs follow up. What I mean is being cced 20 times in 0.5 seconds after I let my shield down. Or not being able to deal with a Reaper because they heal so much. Or trying to duel a Mei, who can control where I can move, and instantly heal and be invulnerable for 4 seconds and can pop out at any time. And when I try to take the duel and swing, I get frozen. That’s what I mean.

Sure, though I think cute is more appropriate. I also put Tracer here, though she suffers HEAVILY from being extremely annoying.

I’m going to put forward Dva into the cute/hot category. The mech being the cute one. Also I like the eyes that Orisa makes.

Eh widow tries too hard. It’s basically how I would act if I were to role play as a sexy French woman (I am not a sexy French woman…). Tbh I put Pharah in the same bucket as solider as just someone I have no interest in (as much as one can be interested in an animation 0_o).

I would like to nominate Mei for this post as I consider her an off tank rather damage.

I… don’t agree >> hell doesn’t mccree have bamf on his belt… 0_o this is not badass ==

I vote Roadhog for this category.

Also rein works here too. The animation has him rocket skating around smashing all the things (granted he’s leaving his team to die, which is a definite notch against).

I have thus decided your opinion has been proven wrong, and I’m not messed up for putting Orisa/Dvas mech into the hot/cute category!

I think we need more variety of tanks so that at the very least, if we get bored of the current 2 and a half main tanks that we have, we can switch up the monotony a bit more.

I think what people really want are shields/barriers, how many people would play orisa if her shield was replaced with another ability? Why can’t DPS and Supports have barriers as well? I wasn’t playing when Sym had a shield, but i’m shocked that people never talk about it, from what I’ve seen it looked super useful.

I think if we had more barriers in the game it would make people happier. except for widow mains lol.

I’m down for a new tank with a new design, I don’t think we need to change the old ones. There fun when you can move and aren’t face tanking the entirety of the enemy’s cc