We are the 99%!

"for everytime you get a bad team or a thrower, the enemy does and you win because of it’
- common sense

Well, guess I would prefer to stay stuck then.

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Im not a leader either and it still worked. you don’t need to necessarily lead, but even asking the right questions in chat can be super helpful. “what can we do to kill that bastion? get rid of shield? kill the pocket?” your team might start to think more strategically than jump in, die, and trickle in for 4 minutes.

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Those would be mostly rhetoric questions such as “why you walked right into obvious Bastion behind next corner”. I mean, we both know an answer.

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OW player are notorious bad at teamplay

Not exactly. that’s just bad gamesense as the person either forgot about the bastion or didn’t know where he was.

if you play support, you can offer to pocket whoever is trying to dive bastion. if you play dps, you can offer to help flank or distract. if you play tank, you can help shielding, body blocking and even distracting.

ofc this is not gonna happen in one day and this is why it takes time to climb, but there’s a reason why these bastion strats are unplayable in higher ranks is because they’re actually very easily countered, so it is doable in lower ranks without having to nerf or buff heroes.

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The entitlement…lol


When I was in low gold, it would be really common for the enemy team to win a teamfight while we were at 99 percent on koth. Seeing that were on 99 percent my team would end up trickling in one by one because it there minds they were ‘jist so close’ and needed to just get 1 more percent. Same if there was less then a minute left on a push, instead of grouping up Somone would go ball and try to stall, instead of grouping and then the rest of the team will have to follow suit because it’s overtime now and oh sht we lost.

So it was for the enemy team too

I can and usually will, but they still would die. Healing is great thing, but it clearly wasn’t intended for someone to rush right through Bastion’s fire and live.

I have to go to work, so this is my last reply for a while, but you can always try changing things up. it is super easy to farm ults against a bastion comp for example. esp ana and genji. a nanoblade could be used at least once or twice and would almost always work as the enemy is probably grouped up in that situation. the players will have to learn how to use cover and not die until it’s ulti time.

and sure, maybe the first twenty matches nothing will work, but it will eventually. i would play upwards to 500 games a season when i was in gold/plat, and it ended up leading me to masters+ in 6 seasons… all soloQ. Basically, in every new game on the same map, you have to change/improve something about your own gameplay.

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Summarized so succinctly in three words.

In other words.

“I bought a game for 40-60 bucks, sunk hundreds of hours without paying a penny more but disagree with my main being nerfed despite the fact I am one of millions of players. LISTEN TO ME!”

you can’t tune this game based on low elo players.

They don’t know how the game works and they aren’t in a position to ask for nerfs/buffs.

Ive seen a plat player saying that briggitte is broken because he couldn’t kill her with Winston.

Come on

Yeah pls buff widow, i can’t hit anything :frowning:
And buff tracer i suck

At this point, under gm move the hero for the players, don’t allow over extending, everything has aimbot.
Enemy ult % gets shown so you don’t waste a ult you need soon.

Just make it (over) watch and play for your players.

I just select the hero and the game plays for me

Actually i miss the old times, can we have rank sections? Bc i hate to complain about this game, knowing higher up its not a issue.
While i kinda just wanna vent about my experiences and maybe get some advise usable for my rank. :sweat_smile:

At the start you where here to vent.
Get asked about rank or checked
And got replies for your rank (and hero mains)

I mean, it’s not like you can’t mirror comps in OWL and it’s not like we never see a mirrored comp game. WE ALWAYS see the same comps over and over. Nothing new yet they try to balance it out based on pro scene.

Somehow, when higher ranks have an issue, it becomes your issue, even if you never been there.

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Not if the issue requires a super skilled player or team coordination.
Otherwise kinda

Doesn’t matter, your favourite hero will still get screwed. If issue requires super skilled player or team coordination to happen, it still will be fixed.

And i’m glad it doesn’t get balanced around my rank. Otherwise my heroes would be absolutely unplayable

I am not glad at all, because they made my hero unplayable by assuming, that everyone else are from higher ranks.