We are the 99%!

Blizzard, you have literally suggested that the experience of 99% of your player base is unimportant to you. That you will tune this game to be fun and balanced for 1% of your player base, who cares about those no skill noobs in other ranks.
Stop it! We pay your bills! If we walk away from the game because it is no longer fun for us, do you think we will watch or care about OWL? Do you think we’ll buy OW2?
You have EXPLICITLY called out your bias, your lack of concern for 99% of those who play. You be careful, or you’ll end up with no one but that 1% left playing.


Someone on Reddit said it best a few days ago

“I’m tired of seeing my main butchered so GM players can have a slightly better meta”


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, balancing a game around your “pro” scene, or just according to the top ranks of competitive is and always will be a crappy way to balance a game. Every player has a bias on how the game should work, and which heroes should be nerfed or buffed, so only listening to a small portion of players when it comes to balancing makes zero sense. And if Blizz or anyone else thinks that just because the “pros” are getting paid or because someone is GM that they wouldn’t have a bias, then that is just naive.


Yeah it’s not like any of this balancing has really improved the situation in GM and OWL. They’ve just shifted from Unbalanced Oppressive Meta to Unfun Oppressive Meta to Unappealing Oppressive Meta. The one thing that actually did improve that situation somewhat, hero bans, was poorly implemented and no longer in the game for ladder players.

So, tell me, why are we continuing to try to force “balance” from the top ranks when it’s clearly not doing much good while it is adversely affecting the experience for mid-to-low ranks?


It’s kinda crazy how wide the gap has become if you just look at Brig as an example

For the past 30 days, Brig is most played support in GM (Less than 1% of the total playerbase)

She is 6th most played out of 7, barely beating Zen for dead last place in Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Plat (80%-85% of the playerbase)


Yep. Or in the tank roster–the only time in the history of the game in which Platinum and below was not completely locked in Rein jail was during Double Barrier between RoleQ release and the Tank Barrier patch. That’s it, and even then, Reinhardt was still the best tank. Meanwhile, GM/OWL has been all over the place with the tank picks.


yeah its not like they are even making the meta in GM better…

dont get me wrong i belive in top down balancing…but they aint balancin for anybody right now


top down balance doesn’t mean that the experience of worse players is unimportant. that is purely an assumption yall made.


I may have a idea why they don’t listen.
If you look at the diamond and below you see a hot mess of incoherent peoples who don’t know what they want. But if you look at Gm and higher you can see organised people who actually know what they want. So my guess is that it is better listening to one side who know what they want then the other side who don’t decide on what they want.
But yes, in all cases it IS stupid.


The only goal on dev’s plate is “kill double shields” right now…But it’s so funny because the weaker you make shields, the more they become necessary to survive

The more you nerf healing (like they just did with Brig for the THIRD patch in a row) and the more you buff DPS, the more you are making double shield a requirement to stay alive to do anything


Adding Sigma was a mistake, he started this whole mess


Its because of this inane mandate for OWL.

Look, Blizzard execs… it isn’t happening. I am not anti-OWL, I love Overwatch, but at this point, you are ruining the game …


I started out liking OWL but as more time goes on, that feeling is starting to sour


the 99% of the playerbase is only 3k people on the forums ? what are u talking about

and some people here are on mutilpe accounts and others that are high elos

forums is not the 99% of playerbase


I think you Over analysed what he said a bit too much.

Think a bit okay?


im tired of having to play a garbage meta as a punishment for becoming good at a videogame i love because some people care more about being able to play their favorite heroes in any and all scenarios over the actual health of the game


Not really
alot of people think that the forums is the low elo players who no one listen to at blizzard for some reasons

it’s just not

Are you a GM or top 500?
Not likely, Those player base aren’t on the forum to complain, they are most of the time happy with the buff or nerf because they asked for it. I said MOST OF THE TIME, there are always exceptions.

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actually i am :confused:
i peaked 4.2k friend

also i don’t just complain
it’s not like we are getting the buffs/nerfs that we want


You could not have 2 shield tanks alone forever… the real problem is they just cannot foresee what ways players will come up with. I think they need to test with pros first to see what shenanigans they will think of before releasing new characters…