But we also need know what are the upcoming support stuff like the Brig ult changes…
Before we start deciding
SOMEONE needs to spoil all Blizz is hiding.
Because at this point, I can’t see a good future in game balance, without knowing what’s ahead.
Aka we are in a loop, because we are making buff suggestions where we currently are without knowing what is ahead.
And we keep taking two steps back then only step 1 forward.
Last patch confirmed that.
All tanks need to be brought up to Doomfist + Roadhog’s level, or those two need to be brought down. If it’s the former then hopefully they can make something good for support so it doesn’t feel like you’re playing the victim in Dead by Daylight the entire match. (Like it is now)
Been watching flats again lately?
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At this point we just need to know what ahead.
Because we seem to be hitting trees and bushes.
Buffing the other tanks to match hog and doom will be the last straw for supports. Queue times will go to 10 min+
Good streamer
I will gladly shill lmao
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technially just listen to all four: Is Overwatch 2 Doomed? (Group Up Podcast)
It’s enlightening