Here it is, as mentioned from Flats 2 talks about Balence (surprisingly educational)
Take an hour or 3 to listen if you want to.
Or you know…
You can complain about whatever below.
(It’s totally up to you.)
Here it is, as mentioned from Flats 2 talks about Balence (surprisingly educational)
Take an hour or 3 to listen if you want to.
Or you know…
You can complain about whatever below.
(It’s totally up to you.)
To be honest,
I said it out loud multiple times and gave OW2 about 6 months before we’re back to calling OW2 dead.
We’re literally walking right to that destination. OW2 can turn it around at any time before then but they keep making mistakes at every corner.
I don’t think that the game is doomed.
With the Microsoft merger potentially not happening there is hope.
Actually the opposite. (again)
Microsoft merger would be a good thing. (As Blizzard Actvision keeps proving by making mistake after mistake.)
They have a proven track record of trying to stifle competition in the cloud gaming space. So an all round bad thing, with some small positives.
Jester, can you make some quick and simple bullet points as to what has been said?
I’m busy watching paint dry on my fence, no time to listen.
One flats was already too many
What an odd view. It’s the MS merger would stop Blizzard from deleting their own game, not the other way around.
If you hadn’t noticed, Blizzard are doing their best to erase this game’s playerbase BEFORE the MS buyout completes.
With how they’re going about it? Its screwed unless Blizzard changes something.
The shop is terrible, and no money in this game means an inevitable content drought will happen again. If they’re not making money off of it, why bother?
And the slow balance/patches despite them saying they could do it much more often with things being different now. When really, these patches are slower than even OW1’s prior to the content drought.
If they don’t pull their act together, this game is not gonna last long, and there won’t be an OW3. And if there somehow is one, that one’s gonna die a horrible death just like OW1, and maybe even OW2. I’m trying to have hope, but given who we’re at the mercy of, I’m not holding my breath.
Like flats said casual OW is thriving. Comp is what’s bad and I think this is by design. In all their blog posts talking about balance the devs use data for all ranks. I think they are going back to OG OW1 causal design and once PvE drops I think this will solidify that theory.
you really say that after the balance patch we just got?
You realize that a game isn’t competition if you own it, right?
This. Never trust in company’s good intentions. I don’t see how this whole merge thing can be good for players. Although gotta admit there’s a fair share of my own personal bias against MS in this claim.
So they wouldn’t mind bringing back the Bethesda games to GeForce NOW, right?
I dont think overwatch 2 is gonna die anytime soon, but its definitely lost a lot of its personality and uniqueness. You could say its suffered an ego death
Hope your paint drys right then.
It’s literally been 24 hours.
there is an attempt right now to block microsofts acquisition of activision, and even if it goes through, without massive turnover of the dev and balance team the game will fail in two years MAX
Wow, now don’t know if waiting for the Season 3 patch is worth it anymore.
(saw it all now, it had everything… but the knowledge comes at a great cost. aka hope)
i saw the whole thing, i dont know any of the people talking but its safe to assume they are on the pro side of OW. This means they are good players and in high elo. They said though that this game right now is not for them and i think its sad because from bliz, with their actions, proof that.
I am not going to open the discusion on SJ still one shoting people, or support being killed by the new dps star tracer, comp overwatch will be a sweat fest for the very few people that will still play comp after the mid season balance. Freedo said that the devs are so far behind and there is no way to catch up, however i will disagree since the F2P model cater the casuals and not the 8 hour seasions daily people. Bliz only care about the 1-2 hour people that will play with a friend and do cool things.
I love overwatch, i played from day one and was heavily playing comp for hours on end (when i had the free time that is). As of right now, i tired comp and its a complete mess so i am better off in QP which is another hell on its own. I dont hink the game is “doomed”, its just it will not ever be able to please everyone and espeacialy these top tier players. Now is there a way we can change things? i dont know since the radio silence from the devs are very alarming and we have no idea why they do that and we can speculate all we want but we will never know.
I just hope that the game somehow gets in an ok spot since it was loved by so many people and its a shame that it is destroyed from within
I listened to it at work the other day they just complain about the same thing over and over and say it in different ways. That freedo guy could not sound more pretentious if he tried