Watch how PTR patch won't scratch goats in stage 2 OWL

I didn’t see anything relevant there that will make pros pick other comps because Brigitte still have ridiculous amount of armor/repair kit (150 burst healing + around 40+ HPS with all 3 supports healing along with repair pack so… good luck). It won’t make a scratch on goats, because Baptiste probably will not be available on stage 2 (few forums mvp talked about that already) and the only likely goats counter in maps like king’s row will be bunker+ Baptiste or… he’ll just make 3 3 even stronger.

Edit: this is not a post about hating on Brig i’m just pointing out one of the things that will prevent certain heroes from being viable.

Reminder: She created a meta where only snipers/one shot heroes were viable and GOATS was created to counter double sniper and have been here for far too long.

Edit 2: i’m saying this because Baptiste probably won’t be available in OWL/Contenders until stage 3(Forums MVP said that in one of my previous posts)

my opinion on goats


Brig is like the least important part of Goats


Lúcio and Zarya the core of the meta got nerfs. And the Hammond buff makes Dive more viable again.


Brig is one of the least important part of Goats atm.
And to be fair, we can’t say that they’re not TRYING to get rid of Goats, they just have to be careful to still keep the game playable for everyone that isn’t part of the Owl


Spotted the Brig-main.
Goats didnt exist before Brigitte, because Brig can damage, stun, CC and AOE-heal at the same time while healers like Ana and Mercy had to cycle between healing and damaging. :slight_smile:


Yeah? then why every variation of goats doesnt work without Brig?


Moira Goats was the orginal?

Sombra Goats is actually played in OWL where she replaces Brig

There’s more than one version of it

Zen/ Lucio/ Zarya are the three staples

Who are all getting nerfed :o


Goats didnt exist because no one ever noticed the synergy of AOE healers and tanks before the Contenders team

  • Not a Brig main

Goats not dying in stage 2?

Time to nerf dva and brigitte some more.


Brig is one of my least picked supports

I main Ana

Brig helped solidify Goats at the start, sure, but as of now, she’s the least important part and often the one swapped out for Sombra


Moira, Lúcio, Brig was the first goats variation

Zen, Lúcio, Brig was the second. Also i don’t know where the hell you think that she is swapped by Sombra when the only hero swapped in comps like that is for a Mei or Sombra not Brig. She is always there.


Goats didnt exist because there was only 1 aoe healer in the entire game before Brigitte. LUL
Im not counting Moira.


Allow me to introduce Moira and Mercys ult, Valkyrie.

Someone didn’t see the Lucio nerfs.


Neither are used in GOATS.
Both need to cycle between damaging and healing.
My argument still stands.

Don’t want/care about Brig if she is nerfed or not i just want to see some real changes like turning Zarya’s damage into actual tank damage and not a dps with a big hitbox maybe? little things like that. They mostly made changes that will only impact the game after goats is gone and will leave a massive trail of broken mess to fix (like every season have been)

Moira was in the first variation of Goats and got replaced by Zen.

If Goats doesnt die with the balance changes, the Moira buffs give her a solid place in Goats btw

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In Sombra GOATS, she replaces D.Va, not Brigitte.

But I agree with the rest, the power of GOATS lies mainly in speed boost and AoE healing - Lucio, Zenyatta’s Transcendence and Brigitte - not in Brig herself. Though Brigitte’s power is her burst healing, not the AoE.

Also, Moira is used in GOATS whenever the enemy team goes for the DPS heroes composition, like 4 DPS.


This patch will probably not remove GOATs from the game anyway. All the teams have been practicing GOATs for months. By the time the next patch hits live and stage 2 begins, they’ll probably not commit on other, more “experimental” comps, and forget GOATs completely. And even if they do, the lack of experience will not match the power of GOATs and their experience with this comp


Sorry what? Without brig , there would be no goats. Every variation of goats , sombre , winston, Hammond etc all have the triple support setup with brig bring the core . She is too good not to be played