Was Sombra really that hard to fight?

She’s just incredibly unfair, unfun, annoying and tedious to deal with.

All heroes have some sort of counterbalance to weaken the thing they are good at.
Sombra didn’t, as her counter heroes are all terrible, and her window of punishment was too small.

it does suck when you play juno vs sombra but if i know there is a sombra i dont use my glide boost until the sombra attacks me. even then i get away with only 10 percent or like under 20 health. one time i got away with 1 health i think heh

i think there was only 1 game where a sombra utterly destroyed me as juno but most of the time it was she attacks me and i just glide away.

also a game where i predicted a sombra would be as widow… she probably thought i was hacking

also i posted this on another thread accidently … woops… a lifeweaver thread lol

TF2 spy has ~ 9s of invisibility with default watch, which can be greatly prolonged when refilled ~30/50/100% based on the type of ammo pack picked up. Many people were infact shooting random corners or places trying to reveal/kill invisible spies it was an ordinary part of the game, everyone was used to it, it was sort of like having a 6th/7th sense.

Spies just like sombras usually targeted isolated, distracted players out of position and were rather easily countered by a coordinated team play, spychecking and grouping together.

Unlike Sombra spy had multiple invisibility watches, each with unique attribues. C&D for example would let spy stay invis forever if he stays in one place, but the cloak drains faster if he moves and DR would have a short cloak time of ~5s, but would feign spy’s death and give spy a speedboost and decent damage protection for that limited amount of time.

Not even going to mention specific revolvers or knifes that could additionally prolong his cloak time.

Spy can’t have both invisibility and survivability at the same time

If you find a spy with the invis watch or cloak and dagger, then they just have to try and walk away while invisible.

If a spy has the dead ringer then they can easily get away from dangerous situations. However, approaching is much more difficult if you go with that watch.

Sombra got the long movement time of the invis watch, the infinite waiting time of the cloak and dagger, and the easy get out of danger tool of the dead ringer all at the same time.

Sombra isn’t nearly as lethal as the TF2 Spy, but she’s so much more annoying because you just can’t stop her from doing whatever she wants unless she chooses to overcommit.

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It’s not just you. There are like 5 of them, plus all the Sombra mains who are forced to pretend to like fighting against Sombra.

  • She sucks the fun out of every game.
  • She dont allow you to play what u WANT.
  • has nothing to do if shes hard to fight or not. Some ppl want to play certain heros and not counterwatch. So they should be allowed to do that, Sombra dont allow it though.
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Idk about the annoying part, a great spy can do circus acrobatics and clown you and your team for an entire match. Steal hp with a specific knife*, becoming rather unkillable, fake his own death over and over again, he can kill your entire team and you won’t even notice because his knife instantly steals identity, he can disable engineers buildings, no heals, ammo and teleporters for you.

Minority, maybe. Alone, no. We’ll see that baguette eating, blue man group reject taken down one day!

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Sombra (regarding her old kit) isn’t hard to fight, so much as she is obnoxious to fight. To successfully stop her from doing her job, it requires: Team coordination, people grouping up, relatively good aim, and high levels of both accuracy and game sense. Things that you aren’t going to see in your average Diamond and below game. And especially not in your average Quickplay match.


Oh for sure Spy can be annoying, he’s just not nearly as annoying as Sombra

Only good Spies are annoying, almost all Sombra’s are annoying, winning or losing

Dayum good for Brig!

Then you bait her. Or position better.
You stsrt moving off, but stay in los of a support, you get jumped, everyone kills the sombra, then you continue attacking freely from 3 different directions more safely.

The same as a diving genji, winston, dva, doomfist and venture. You bait them to move in but are ready to peel the moment they do that.

The problems only happen when 2 teammates run in opposing directions and promptly forget that they need to be within peeling range from their team. Either to peel or be peeled for.

We’ll see if this sombra iteration will be the first one i have issues with or if i keep sending them to spawn.

Hahahahahaha. That’s a good one! (I main gunspy)

Sombra never stopped me from playing anything else than zen, and when my teammate went zen i made sure sombra didn’t stop them from playing zen.

You just had to listen for her and be ready to peel. You didn’t have to do anything else.

support have it easy with everything on every button

I frequently duelled and won against sombra, while playing mercy.
No immortality, no cleanse, no self heals while shooting and no movement without team.

I do not think it was difficult to fight her before.

But I think the problem was, it was not fun or intuitive. It is like Widowmaker or Roadhog being present in the match. Because they exist, you now have to fundamentally shift how you play, where you position, etc. and if you have to do that multiple games in a row, it becomes exhausting.

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You have to shift how you play agaim around most heroes.
Pharah, echo, tracer, genji, sombra, widow, ashe, cowboy, moira, juno, ana, bap… list goes on.

You do, but to the extent that Hog, Widow, and Sombra do, I find those to be much less invasive.

Sombra was the easiest for me to negate, basically, and I main support. But Hog and Widow are literally, “you were out of position - which is relative to where I am teehee - and I quite literally instantly removed you from the fight, have fun in spawn :blush:

Widow and hog are the worst, but at least sombra is easier to deal with and hit than pharah or echo. Those two can hold lobbies hostage almost as well as widow can.

Sombra was a pain the time when she got her original rework. With damage buff on hack and high damage virus. Which they both returned.
A good sombra rarely spent more time invisible than 5 seconds anyway, only longer when waiting for her team to engage so she could take down the enemies from behind.

They’ve basically just buffed sombra…