Was Sombra really that hard to fight?

I know TF2 has this thing called Spy checking and apparently the whole community knows how to do it, you just shoot teamates and eventually see if one of them is a spy. It was easy peasy.

Why is Sombra checking deemed hard to do? I love playing Ana and any time there was a sombra on the opposite team I would purposely bait them into targeting me by sniping a little farther from my team. And what do you know they always try to get me. Checking your surroundings can really screw with them and it feels like supports donā€™t get that. Watching replays of me actively shooting surroundings and looking around makes you a harder target because said Sombra is aware that you know what they are doing.

Sombras who want easy kills will always pick off people who donā€™t check surroundings. Maybe itā€™s just me but I always found Sombraā€™s fun to fight, pretend to be careless, they try to hack and then I sleep dart them then execute them on the spot. I think just a bit more audio to her stealth like some footsteps or breathing would have been a better nerf along with a little damage decreases.


I never played TF2, but a spy disguised as a teammate is very different from an invisible opponent. Shooting a spy gives you targets to check. Checking for invisibility is just shooting down random lanes praying for a hit markerā€¦


I never found her a problem. Sheā€™s been pretty easy to punish in my experience. Iā€™m a support player.


Does Spy have the same amount of verticality that Sombra does? I was living in Azeroth around the time TF2 came out. In TFC, Spy wasnā€™t invisible but instead disguised himself as a teammate.

Anyway, spy checking for the most part here is an absolute chore. Iā€™ll do it to an extent, as long as Iā€™m not allowing myself to be completely tied up by a Sombra who is doing nothing, but shooting at all the thin air where Sombra could be is not riveting gameplay.


Well im assuming when someone plays Spy, they know that people check for them, therefore making it a risk to walk into enemy territory. With invisibility the same could be said if people started shooting thin air more than usual.

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No she was pushing you hard into not playing the game because of ruining the mood, the fun, the flow.

I would favor a hard battle fought against other heroes than any easiest win against a Sombra.

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Counter sombra stay together shes useless if your close to your team.


Your experience is probably the standard, given that Sombraā€™s sucked for the majority of her existence. Sometimes she can be a drag, but frankly, Iā€™d rather have Sombras running around than Widows nuking people from ten million miles away. At least I get to shoot at the Sombra. Unfortunately Iā€™m in the minority. RIP. :headstone:


Idk theres been a few times where I slept one and pinged her, then a teammate would walk up and single ult them. Killing Sombra is fun to do and everyone knows that


Now thatā€™s a fact. A slept Sombra is going to get the whole squad gathered around her. Thereā€™s going to be a smoking crater where that Sombra was snoozing.


No, she was never difficult to fight, but she was annoying.

You wouldnā€™t say a Mosquito is hard to fight, but I bet youā€™d like to see less of them.


Then how do you beat a rein or Bastion when your team is funneling down one lane? Crossfires and multiple lines of sight win games. Sombra shuts that down by herding the team into one spot

This comparison needs to stop being made.

Thereā€™s a whole list of things that differentiate spy-checking and Spy in general vs dealing with a decent sombra, in multiple categories ranging from the capabilities of the characters themselves, the way they interact with other characters, the maps, and the gameā€™s overall design and flow.

May as well compare her to the Infiltrator class from Metal Gear Online for all the sense it makes. (Probably more sense than Spy.)

TF2 Spy and Sombra are both entirely different beasts. High mobility in TF2 was basically limited to Scoutā€™s faster running speed and double jump ability and Soldier/Demomanā€™s rocket/grenade jump abilities. Spy had 0 mobility. Horizontal or vertical.

In Overwatch, being low mobility is outside the norm and everyone is flying around the map at all times.

Spy checking in TF2 was also comparatively tame. You didnā€™t have to search for the invisible Spy. You just checked your teammates to see if they were a Spy in disguise. Did you spot a teammate running away from the battle towards your team? Were they walking too close to the enemy unpunished? Is that Scout running suspiciously slow? Is your sniper making a direct dash towards your Medicā€™s back for some reason? They were probably a Spy.

In Overwatch, thereā€™s no disguise. Sombra is invisible and could realistically be anywhere thanks to her faster running speed and mobility granted through translocator. Spy checking involves spraying random doorways and high grounds in hopes of finding her and is generally a waste of time.


Not hard to fight. But annoying asf to fight. Hopefully the changes today make her borderline irrelevant. I havenā€™t had this much hatred for a character since hog was able to one shot with the utmost consistency.

But nowadays heā€™s far less annoying.

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You canā€™t compare tf2ā€™s spy to sombra. Spy has a relatively loud and long animation to go through before he can do something out of cloak and has to get a backstab which is why heā€™s one of the weakest classes in the game.

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personally i didnt have a problem at all fighting sombras unless i was widowmaker. even as widow i could figure out what she is going to do since i play sombra A LOT so i know how she works.

there are a lot of novice sombras in my games i noticed yesterday since there was only a couple of sombras that gave me trouble as widow. i kind of laughed at a couple of games where i shot at the corner knowing she probably would be there and sure enough she was

No, but constantly having to check for her was tedious.

At least that aspect of playing into her is gone now

Yeah, Iā€™m grateful for that as a support main.