if you jump into their team as Winston, and they have a reaper, you can bubble dance for a second, you can juke his shots a bit, you can land in a way to bounce him across your bubble. your DVA can DM him for enough time to create some disruption and escape. if he outplays you, you die. if you outplay him, you can do your job of causing some damage and distraction and get away.
if you jump into a team with a mei… you ARE getting slowed, frozen, and you ARE dying.
the same is true of the flank DPS, except even worse.
before they overbuffed her left click dmg, you would get slowed or frozen but it wasnt guaranteed death. if you came upon her by accident, you could still damage her enough to force ice block and get away.
She is already instantly slowing and stunning you after like .8 seconds. Why should it do so much damage too? Why does she not have to aim the left click?
the answer of course, is that Blizzard WANTS easy bot heroes to be able to beat good players so that a specific group of their player base can always switch to something and beat people better than them.
low entry skill heroes that scale well exist in the game. Lucio and Rein are both very easy to just play the game as when you start, but are also very high skill cap. DVA is the same way.
so why do the low skill floor+low skill ceiling heroes exist at all?
and yes, I know mei’s right click is high skill ceiling. That’s why she was cool when she used to need it to be worth playing.
How about this, we add a hero that can shoot through barriers.
there are already a TON of heroes that can avoid shield play. mei is just too strong for them to work most of the time.