Want to get rid of double shield? nerf mei

So basically like any other hero with counters and heroes that they can counter?

Orisa and Sigma definitely aren’t your only options. Pharah, Widowmaker, Hanzo, etc all out range her or just heavily out damage her since Mei’s DPS output is pretty garbage. Symmetra charges off of her walls and can lock her down after Cryofreeze by placing turrets around the Ice Block and also Teleport allies away from Mei ult if they’re ready for it, Moira outranges her while also being able to easily escape any attempts to freeze her, etc. Zarya is also excellent due to her bubbles, D.Va you don’t want to really play her directly into Mei but using DM to prevent frozen allies from being shot at or eating Mei ult with it is VERY useful.


i’m thinking this, i don’t play a whole lot of comp, and now its meta to use mei, people who mostly play comp aren’t used to playing against her…i dunno, i think she is fine playing her, and going against her

symm doesnt avoid shield play. winston, rein, tracer, genji, widow, hanzo, soldier, lucio, … these heroes can work around shields. Symm has auto aim turrets that slow and melt, that you cant see. of course she’s toxic. people wouldnt mind her at all if she didnt have the turrets.

but there isn’t enough counter play. if the pros are running mei every game, its an issue.

comps are built through the main tank. even if another hero is OP, they will just pick the main tank that works with that hero and build around it. you cant play winston, rein, or hamster into mei. but those heroes all counter Orisa depending on map.


Look on the Mei Pick rate.

this is my 3rd account, I’ve been playing since season 5. she was always annoying but never felt OP until they buffed her to fight goats.

which… duh, if you nerf every tank and buff every tank counter to fight goats, and then make goats impossible, the interactions are going to be problematic.

Or just buff lucio speed boost?, along others thing that changed during goats. With that Rein+ Zarya could just get to orisa before they melt rein shield.


Mei is the cause for double shields? LOL… That’s a new one. What will people come up with next.


dive counters its, but you cant dive because of mei.

rein zarya also counter orisa sigma. but you cant rein because of mei.

pretty simple.


reaper is trash, even supports like Zen / Lucio counter him

lucio counters lots of heros. reaper isn’t trash. he is good against some things, and not against others.

Want to get rid of double shield?

Get rid of the reason they are bunkered up like crazy, and make Double Sniper an invalid composition.

By removing Hanzo’s strong capabilities to burn barriers and kill tanks.

Such that even the threat of double barrier would be enough to prevent Double Sniper from being run.

yeah widow and hanzo are also issues, their weaknesses arent weak enough for how strong their strengths are. adding flinch is an option. widow is too mobile, hanzo is too strong of a duelist at every range.

mei is worse though.

She’s literally the only hero who allows allies to bypass bunker setups and move to the objective while setting up, very creative hero. And the turrets are probably the weakest part of her kit since they mostly serve as distraction, the damage and slow are useless when they die from any random AoE damage that wasn’t even intended to hit them in the first place.

They’re running Mei every game because she’s another strong anti-bunker hero. Orisa’s shield is immobile, doing things like putting a wall in her face really wastes her time and Mei wall can also deny the Halt + Hook combo and prevent allies from dying which is the main reason she’s used in this meta.

Again, Mei is the last hero you want to run against dive. She doesn’t do much useful that McCree wouldn’t do better and quicker, she’s durable but why are you diving her over the healers in the first place? People think Brigitte was the whole reason dive disappeared while Hanzo’s rework played a HUGE role that went completely unnoticed, and he’s noticeably meta too. Hanzo is another issue because of how ridiculously fast he shreds Winston and his barrier.


I’m a winston main that plays in plat, diamond, and masters. mei shuts down dive now. she didn’t use to, before her left click buff.

hanzo is an issue too, he has WAY too much bite up close for a sniper. he should not reliably 1 v 1 tracer. its insane. but its still not as bad as mei is.

Maybe an ability for McCree “Hollow point.” Active for x amount of time and shoots through barriers while active. Only problem would be having to remove one of his abilities. This would be amazing as a passive but probably overpowered a bit at the same time

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you dont need to break shields to win. Orisa has ALWAYS been vulnerable to flankers. but plat mercys couldnt deal with flankers, so blizzard removed it from the game, mostly.

orisa is also vulnerable to rein-zar on top of her. but they nerfed lucio team speed (to avoid nerfing brig) and they buffed mei (to avoid nerfing brig).

all of these issues stem from one cause. blizzard babying one portion of the playerbase.

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i really don’t see how mei is such a problem, i mean i thought people wanted different “meta” heroes…i hate it that mei is in the scene now, because now she is gonna get the hammer…when she really doesn’t need it

perhaps a “wrist slap” nerf

but you know blizzard, and how they apply their balance changes, instead of two steps down, its leaping off a cliff

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Yeah they could probably revert that slow duration buff without affecting her overall viability. Hanzo though I dunno what they’re doing with him, they keep giving him hardly noticeable nerfs then wonder why barriers are so necessary. Even though he shreds those too.

Love how suddenly Mei is used in OWL and becomes meta people want her head on a silver platter…


Pretty much what happens whenever some sort of originally “off meta” hero comes into viability. People only want their favorites to be meta really since Blizzard can’t seem to do anything other than the dumb turn taking balancing.