Wanna help make Torb a viable/non-troll pick?

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, BP, but Blizzard has decided they are going to change Torb to make him more viable as a damage/DPS category hero, and less of a “troll” pick.

Their words, not mine

So I’m not asking if he should be changed, i am asking if the changes I am suggesting will make the character a viable pick in the eyes of OTHER players - you know, the ones who groan when you pick Torb

I’m aware. I made my own thread discussing Torb changes the day the Interview was public. (Least, think so…)

My point in posting that response was that, the problem with Torb isn’t Torb’s fault. It’s the fault that EVERYONE ELSE is Overpowered.

Except for: Sombra, Symmetra, Bastion, Pharah, Lucio

Ok, BP, but please acknowledge that when they fix a given character, they dont do it by adJusting all the others

As such, they’re going to change Torb


If they change Torb in the way that I have described, do you think that a substantial number of players will change their minds about Torbs viability on their team?