Wanna help make Torb a viable/non-troll pick?

Torbjorn is and never has been a troll pick.

Brigitte provides healing that is separate and distinct form her ability to provide armor

Armor is armor

Healing is healing

They are similar to a degree, but not the same.

Sorry, we’re not going to agree on armor = healing

Blizzard disagrees with you, and so they are making changes that they hope will change the perception of Torb

I cant add a link, so google torbjorn +rework +“geoff goodman” +vg247

the exact quote from this piece: “With Torbjörn, the issues we’re trying to solve are that he’s a little overly defensive focused,” Goodman explains. “We need him to be more viable on offense in a non-payload situation. It doesn’t mean he needs to be equal on offense, but we need him at least to not be a troll pick.”"

I’ll add that I’ve seen the Torbjorn hate for myself as an occasional Torb player, as well

Brigette heals with her armor. Armor is different form of healing.

The changes I would implement to Torb besides some of the ideas already said here :

  • This has already been said by Blizz, but Torb throws his Turret in from of him and its automatically a level 2 turret. No hammering. Could be called the “new” level 1.

  • Torb can upgrade the turret to the next level by hammering it or apply a mechanic of the turret upgrading itself with a certain number of kills.

  • Level 2.5 turret is the same as level 2 BUT it can now focus 2 enemies instead of just 1. Could look like a double stack turret. Would eliminate the need to have 2 turrets on the field.

  • Level 3 could be the same during his ULT but the turret focuses 2 enemies instead of 1.

Please go re-read Brigitte’s abilities, focusing on one called “Inspire”

As I said, we’re not going to agree on this, and further, all heroes classed as support (as I type this) have actual healing abilities

If Brigette heals using her armor and armor is not healing, she needs to be moved to Damage.

With apologies - what Blizzard do with Brigitte is not relevant to this thread

I implore you once again to go read about Brigitte’s ability called “Inspire”, as it does not involve armor and it does involve healing

Ever had low health and when Brigette throws you armor, you heal? That’s healing.

I think one thing that neeeds to be put more focus on is that as any Winston in SIlver or Gold can tell you Torb is a surprisingly effective tank buster hero with his gun.
I think a solid answer on top of the obivous (hitbox size reduction, he’s one of the only heroes I can onsistently one shot with the hook combo so that should tell ya something.)
Increase his projectile speed to give hime a more effective range and give the turret a passive upgrade/self hel kinda thing where over lets sa 5 seconds (halved during MOlton Core) it upgrades itself

I’ll reply again when you acknowlege what Inspire does

Her Inspire heals when she strikes an enemy. She heals, but she also heals when she throws armor onto teammates that are low health.

Agreed, Torbs gun is fine as it is, (which is why I didnt suggest any changes to it) except when it is is Molten Core mode because it runs out of ammo

Does inspire involve armor?

secondly, are the armor packs provided by Torb identical (functionally) to the armor packs provided by Brigitte?

If torb dropped a level 2 turret right away you could get to plat by just dropping turrets

I disagree, and so does Blizzard, apparently, as this is one of the things the mentioned as probably going into the revision

Further, let’s say that you main Rein, and his shield is changed such that it is half strength for the first 20 seconds of the game.

Would other players on your team want you picking Rein as much as they do now?

they said they are testing it, but i bet they decide that its too strong OR make it so it drops as an inbetween form. So it would only have 1 level but that level would be somewhere between level 1 and 2. I think straight up dropping a level 2 turret would be VERY strong against the bottom half of the population.\

Also that rein example is such a horrible false equivalency im not gonna respond to that.

Nah, it isn’t - but - pick any character you like and halve 1 or 2 of their abilities for the first 30 seconds of the game and at intervals throughout the game, like Torbs are, and see how your fellow teammates react to then having such a character on their team

Molten core lame???

I’d say no, Molten Core is good.

Not flawless, mind you, but good.

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Armour packs provided by Brigitte disappear after 5 seconds if the armour hasn’t been burned through in that time whereas torbs armour stays until broken through by enemies (and on heroes like Zen this can be entire games, have seen it happen.

Inspire grans armour first and if you’re topped off at 100 it heals at 60 HPS

I guess you are answering on behalf of KimChi?

The point I was trying to make to Kimchi is ultimately that

  1. Torbs armor packs provide ONLY armor. No healing.

  2. Brigittes armor packs are not the same and they do (conditionally) apply healing

ergo Brigitte heals, and Torb doesnt

ergo Brigitte is categorized as Support while Torb is not