Voicechat as a girl -_-

Dude, you are just really, really dumb. All the female top 500s just got boosted then, huh? Every female in dia, master etc. plays only heal then? Strange, that most of the female streamers I know are playing things like Widow, Pharah, Dva etc.

I am a diamond Pharah main/Flex player. A female friend of mine is Reinhardt main. Your logic just doenst make any sense and is the reason for girls not talking in vc. Cause if they loose, iTs cAuSE wE hAvE a gIrL oN oUR tEam…

Sounds like bronze to gold logic to me

I’m starting to believe this is mostly an issue for North American or possibly European players.
I used to find it weird that there were always complaints about this when I’ve never experienced it nor seen it happen when there were other girls in voice comms, so started to assume it’s a cultural issue. Is this kind of behaviour widespread over there?

I play in the South American servers and I’ve only once had a similar problem, except it was just a horny awkward boy.
There were other issues non-related to voice comms, but I see that as a different matter in this scenario.

Looks like we have a knight-identifer

EDIT- wow today must be necro-day lol. I didn’t notice it’s half a year old

I was quite annoyed by threads like these as well, because I couldnt encounter this issue and couldnt understand the agenda of these complaints. I’m a EU Player. The US Servers are an absolute nightmare when it comes to immature edgelords and their sexism. If you haven’t experienced gaming on US Servers, you’d think it would be just the usual lighthearted “Sexist” “get in the kitchen”-joke every odd match, but nah, it’s actually non-stop harassment with insanely graphic threats, remarks, etc for the entirety of Matches and beyond as soon as a female utters a word in voicechat.

That’s just… sad. Really sad.
I wonder why that is? Values? Culture?

Because it’s not like our education is ahead nor are we known to be the most civilized region (SA). Quite the opposite, actually, yet that sort of behaviour is a rarity here. It’s baffling.

I think the really sad part is I read this entire thing and thought, Why did they make a D&D reference? before my brain processed it, I checked, and thought, because I’m an nonredeemable nerd is why.

Anti-intellectual US meme-culture is my guess.
I dont know if this a recent development over there, but apparently it has become a peer-pressure contest to be the most edgy guy on the Internet, with the most toxic “anti-wahmen” stance to be found.

Get your gf or someoneelse to give you lines for a soundboard and have a field-day on US Gameservers. It’s a mess.

Not saying that all of the US is like that, but on every Server there seems to be one guy who gets really triggered and vocal as soon as he hears a female.

I can remember once I was playing on ps4 a few months ago, and I got into a quickplay game, and I decided to actually use my mic for once, and it just so happened that someone on my team was a girl who also used her mic, I didn’t care of course, I don’t give a damn what gender you are, I just hope you don’t suck at the game. But anyway, So far the only two people using the voicechat are me and this girl, and nothing weird is going on, I’m just calling out enemy positions and stuff, giving info to my teammates, normal gameplay stuff.

But then someone who I can only describe as a h*rny 12yr old weeb enters the mic, and the first thing he says is “are you really a girl?” she goes “yeah” and then he says what I can only describe as one of the most disturbing things I have ever heard in a video game chat. I’m not going to repeat his exact words, but what he said had something to do with her giving him her address and him sneaking into her house to do stuff with her feet. Thats all I’m going to say.

She literally left the game, and I thought I would be mad because whenever someone leaves mid-game I always get mad at them, but honestly in this situation I would be more concerned if she didn’t leave the game.

This kind of stuff is ridiculous. Anyone who has a problem with someone of a different gender on their team obviously is 12 yrs old at the least, and obviously hasn’t matured past the age of 8.


Stop necroing old threads. I don’t care that the topic is good to discuss, make another thread with this topic instead.

You just encounter this if you are actually making shot calls. Cause if you are loosing the fight and try to hold the team together, then is where the toxicity begins.
Cause angry guys dont like to get told to do something by a woman.

Haven’t had that experience myself.

I do notice though, if someone gets confrontational the other side will act like a jerk. But that’s besides gender and more of an ego issue, they attack whoever criticises.

Granted I’m very non-confrontational and watch my tone of voice to make sure they don’t feel I’m hostile.

No. Some people use gender-specific derogatory language against women online, and that is absolutely not comparable to the kind of traditional trash talk a man experiences.

We can’t ever stop people from being bad people. We can only merely encourage them to stop. But yet there are still bad people, and there always will be. Sure, we should still encourage them to be good, but we should still know that realistically there will always be bad people and there is only so much that can be done.

Interesting how a simple request for clarification on your stance causes you to revert to insults and accusations.

Sorry you experience the weirdos. I’ve heard it myself when a girl talks and I usually tell the weird cringe guy to calm down and shut up. I don’t know why people act so weird.

I’m happy when girls play an FPS shooter but I would never make an voicechat discussion about that, or treat female players different than male ones. I’m also never sure if it is really a girl or maybe a young boy. So you better avoid embarrassing situations in advance. :sweat_smile:

Luckily, Overwatch now has a little something called the replay system. Maybe you can use it help get those sexist players banned.

I’ve honestly never had anything happen besides a few “huh, it’s a girl” type comments.

I’ve always wondered what would happen if I talked in a southern belle type voice. It might be a fun experiment.

You could join a pre-established team, thats what most my female friends who play this game did and they have had far more enjoyable games thus far, and id even encourage finding people you like and playing a lot with them, if nothing else you could hmu and i could both introduce you to a bunch of absolutely amazing people, who wont get toxic at you, and prolly play with you myself, if our comp ratings are similar enough :slight_smile:

This goes out for everyone else aswell, not just girls btw!

and for yall who want it, my discord is Nixon#3327

I firmly believe that in lower ranks (usually lower than mid masters, ik not exactly ‘lower’) have the ~12 year olds that have never heard a female’s voice before, definitely not an every game thing