Voice Chat Needs To Be Default ON for Comp

I’m so sick and tired of playing comp with players who refuse to join Voice chat.

Do you people realize that it’s an AUTOMATIC LOSS in a comp game if you cannot or will not communicate with your team?

I report every single person in a comp game for Gameplay Sabotage that does not join voice chat. Why? Because if you refuse to hear what anyone else is saying during the game, you do not deserve top be playing in Competition.

I’d like another option for reporting people as well, just to make it EASIER to do so. How about: Gameplay Sabotage: Not In Voice Chat
Make this option ONLY AVAILABLE for Comp games, not Quick Play.

And for those of you that claim you do not have a mic. I do not care if you have a Mic or not. If ANYONE is shot calling, you need to be in voice chat to at the VERY LEAST hear what your teammates are saying.

Go ahead, be silent and don’t speak a word the entire match. I don’t care. I, at the very least, want YOU to be able to HEAR me when I tell you someone is flanking the team or you.

To the rest of you out there in Comp land, I URGE you to report every single player that does not get into Voice Chat during a Comp game, for Gameplay Sabotage.


Because obviously everyone can use voice chat in every game they play at every time.

Edit- also you can get banned if you keep reporting people for that.

Edit 2- I think this is bait. This person can’t be serious.


So by saying this you are hereby accepting:

-Screaming babies/children
-Noisy people between the walls of an apartment
-Loud conversations in the same room
-Loud chewing and/or swallowing of food/liquids
-Ambient sounds like air conditioners and crappy lights.

These things happen and people don’t want to listen to them.


Everyone can use voice chat. You need not speak while it’s active, but having voice chat ON is the only way for you to hear your teammates talking and shotcalling.

Doesnt matter if you never say a single word or make a peep during the entire game. You should have the respect during a COMP game to run voice chat so you can hear your teammates.

Also…I’mma need a Link to ANY post that says reporting a player for not being in voice chat during a COMP game can ge me banned.

I am ENTIRELY serious.


“If you don’t do exactly as I say I’m going to report you because I disagree”

You’re the reason I stay out of voice chat.


I use the LFG with Mic Preferred. Before launching I hit P to check who’s in channel. I will kick people not in channel (after a few attempts to get them to join channel via chat).

Once my team is filled and I see everyone is in voice channel, I will say ‘hello team’ to everyone and queue it up. While the matchmaker is looking for a match, I go down the line and ask everyone who is their favorite hero.

This gives me the opportunity to:

  • make sure I am pronouncing weird gamertags correctly
  • Find out if you have mic, and if you do, to hear your voice so we can start associating your voice with your gamertag.
  • Find out if you are actually paying any attention at all :slight_smile:
  • Find out a little bit about you.

Simply asking everyone to name their favorite hero is a good discussion starter, it gets everyone talking a bit, and you can figure out who’s shy and who’s verbose.

I have always believed it is critical to build some basic team rapport ASAP, and not wait until a game starts going badly to start talking to people about what they might do differently for the team… that road leads to tilt and toxicity. You must build a basic foundation of trust before the match even begins, if you want your teammates to accept your suggestions under stressful circumstances.

I actually don’t mind if a few people don’t have mics, so long as they are listening, respond quickly in chat, and, well, there are a few heroes I feel should probably not be played by mic-less players in a group. I do always insist that everyone is at least in the voice channel.

Hope that helps. GLHF.

I just join and then mute everyone, that way they don’t do the throwing cuz guy is not in voice chat thing.


well people can mute them

Its not about “do exactly as I say or I will report you.”

Its about Teamplay and properly working together with your teammates during a Comp match.

If you cannot be arsed to join voice chat and just listen, then you should not be playing Comp matches. It’s paramount to winning.

Do you think any of the top ranked players got there because they refused to communicate with their team?

And as for accepting these conditions:

-Screaming babies/children
-Noisy people between the walls of an apartment
-Loud conversations in the same room
-Loud chewing and/or swallowing of food/liquids
-Ambient sounds like air conditioners and crappy lights.

Yeah…I DO accept those conditions. With the idea in mind that if I get so annoyed with those sounds, I can gasp MUTE that player. What a novel idea.

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Lmao. I have a winrate above 50% with 90% of my games out of voice chat that prove you wrong


I’m ok with people not talking as long as they listen as long as we have at least one shot/target caller since you tend to need to stay quiet so the shot/target caller can deal out all of the relevant information rather than 6 different people talking and no one understanding, yes if they don’t speak at all we won’t know about flankers and such but I don’t understand why they can’t at least listen

If it’s on by default, people will be more toxic just because it’s on by default.

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What was that, you’d like to get flagged?

“I hear ya…”

Also git gud.


OP, you are admitting to false reporting an act that the game explicitly states is not reportable. That is a bannable offense; if you are joking, now is a good time to state that.


Haha no it’s not. I’ve won plenty of games where people were silent and lost plenty of games where people talked a lot.

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Blizzard forums in a nutshell.

  • Publicly admit you’re false reporting en masse = Nothing happens.

  • Say “dev team” in your post = suspension

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voice chat is useless in plat and below

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False reporting?

In my opinion, I firmly believe that the refusal to communicate with your Teammates in a Comp Match is Gameplay Sabotage. What other topic would you prefer I use instead? Inactivity? Pick one and I’ll use it.

In a game, designed to be played by a group of individuals, where teamplay is paramount to winning, how can non-communication NOT be a reportable offense?

Also…where is the blue post that states that not using voice chat in a Comp Match is not reportable?

So far I have NOT been contacted by Blizzard NOR have I received any sort of suspension because of these reports.

I would gladly stop reporting these individuals if you can provide me with a link to the post with a Blizzard reply stating it’s NOT a reportable offense.

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Player Behavior in Overwatch
We’ve also made some changes to how we penalize repeat offenders for abusive chat. Repeat offenders used to be penalized with a silence, restricted from communicating with other players in the game, with each subsequent infraction incurring a longer silence duration

Would be counterproductive if that were reportable.

I will chime in saying I’ve won plenty of comp games without voice chat on. If it’s that important to you I suggest LFG with that stipulation rather than reporting others for not following a secret rule you have. They may not be watching text or don’t speak/read your language.

I will personally join voice chat if someone requests it specifically but I turn it off by default because the general internet populace has proven to me repeatedly that giving them immediate access to my ears is a bad idea.