Only watched the Moira video so far, it is your most played so probably where to start first. I have to say you have really good macro gamesense, in knowing when fights are lost, knowing when ults are wasted, knowing where your team should travel/set-up defenses, and generally being objective focused. Really good there. I think where the disconnect comes from is a bit in terms of the micro game sense. You need to focus on your job of main support, which especially for Moira is keeping people alive, as you have no other utility. I will talk about some of the things I am seeing in order of the video.
1:20: Right at the start, call out what way the team should go. You are indecisive in your call, the team goes left, and you are split so all you can do is healing orb and then attempt to 1v1 an Ana, you win it but your team died, and if the Ana hit her sleep (or her nade) you would have done nothing. To be fair, this team was like herding cats, but sometime doing something stupid together is better than doing the right thing alone.
3:34: You engage and D.Va bomb is sent behind you, you immediately fade into their backline. This was unnecessary because you could have broken LOS of the bomb by stepping to the left. This splits you from the team, and thus you can do no real healing
4:40 Engagement starts with Ball on the point. You throw a damage orb into the Mei wall, you get hit by indirect rockets, but were getting healed and then you look into the sky for Phara while your Ball dies. You have full heal meter. You moved past the Mei wall and could have healed Ball, and would be able to burst heal him with orb spray if you didn’t send a damage orb out.
5:35: You are damaging Mei wall instead of healing McCree, who was taking freeze damage and McCree predictably dies.
6:15: You do damage to Torb instead of staying in cover and healing Roadhog who can do a lot more damage. Roadhog has to retreat/breather giving up space and pressure, and burning his CD. Then you position too aggressively and fade aggressively into their backline to avoid Mei ult. Better position and healing hog would have been better. It works out because of Pharah barrage.
8:42: Fade forward to avoid bomb, their entire team use their ults, you decide to damage orb their Ana/Torb and then, even after beat drop, you right click their Ana, then you use your ult. You should have re-positioned after the D.Va bomb to support your team and be able to escape. If you had seen the fight unfold from a better position, you probably would have saved your ult for the next fight, and been able to retreat without staggering.
12:40: Should have discussed where you were going before the gates opened. Then you throw a damage orb out the door, even though you know you are going to be Junkrat spammed. Should throw the healing orb upwards bounce in the room.
13:15: You drop off of high-ground ahead of your team and run right into a Rein hammer. You fade past them, and then again are split from your team. You right click Mei, while your Rein gets slept and low, he gets anti’d, and you ult to try to save him and secure the fight. Again, stay with your team, I know the Rein seemed to have W unbound but if you could have healed Rein before the anti, you could have kept him up and won the fight clean without using ult.
16:00 You tunnel on right clicking their Rein. You should at the very least throw a couple of left clicks into your Rein, especially early on as you can restore his armor, which will keep him more durable. Rein gets to critical and charges out, not sure what he would have done at full health, looks like he was going to help Phara? in the back with something. But Rein swinging into grav is a lot of damage, and at the very least he could shield to prevent Zarya death.
19:10 You move away from your tanks who are engaged with the enemy to look for a tracer, instead of just turning a quick 180 to glance back and then back to healing your tanks. Your Rein dies because of it. You then fade aggressively into the tracer (leaving your team behind) and then get killed by D.Va/Tracer.
20:00: Really good call for the Rein to fall back. You get a pick on the Tracer and prevent stagger. You did other things well but, I have been just focusing on the places for improvement, but this was really good.
20:42: You throw out a damage orb at the Orisa, your Mercy had just rezzed and you used Coalescence to cover her (although you probably could have backed up a bit), which means that you have no idea the health of your teammates, or position of the rest of the enemies. Not a good idea to just throw out the damage orb. You look behind and Zarya is low health, you have no orb for burst healing or damage, and then you stop healing her, even with full healing meter. You need to save the orb for healing, unless absolutely sure you are going to get a kill or you won’t need it during the CD. You do a good job of dying on the point allowing your team to regroup.
21:36: Good job of killing the tracer, because you are with your team, people are at good health levels, she just recalled, and you help secure a quick kill in your backline.
22:01: You spray-paint the wall instead of sending a damage orb towards their spawn, you are still 6% from ult. Again, the min/maxing can matter, if you need your ult just 2% faster, you can win or lose fights.
24:52: You send a damage orb out the door and into the sky, as the engage starts. An orb bouncing at the doorway would have helped you sustain the Rein and the McCree. Even more important with just a Brig to help you heal.
25:25: Good damage orb, everyone is full health, everyone is behind the Rein shield, you see two supports right in front of you, your Pharah flanks and Pharah often needs a bit of chip damage to secure kills.
28:30: Good coalescence, focused on healing the Rein, got back in a position to heal and damage. You could have stayed back and still hit the Rein and then transitioned faster to the good position. Then you tunnel vision right-click and Lucio dies and then Phara dies. You kill the Ana, but you lose 2 for it and Rein uses shatter. This could have been really bad if their baby D.Va had not gotten off the payload and you had the bad spawn for longer.
29:45: You coalescence and run into their team, while the rest of your team dies in the fire behind you. Just the opposite of the previous coalescence, focusing on damaging, especially the wrong target in Orisa.
31:46: Tracer flanks and you jump off the stairs to chase her (you don’t kill her since she blinks away), your Rein gets critically low during that time, then when you switch to heal Rein he gets anti’d, charges in and then dies. Granted he charges out into the open, but you were just a split second from being able to save him even with his suicide charge.
34:00 Really good call to regroup and let the enemy get distance for final fight.
I think if you review it, you can see that when you are playing well, your team is also doing well. Especially the second game, since first game was probably pretty unwinnable.
TL:DR: Tunnel vision right clicking too much, fading forward/aggressively too much, throwing damage orbs at the beginning of the engagement (instead of much earlier for ult charge), using Coalescence for damage, trying to kill flankers too much.