VOD Review Request

So I hover around 1950-2100 SR give or take. I just titled these Barely Gold as that sounds better than high Silver. Anyway I have my profile public so feel free to look at my stats but you’ll find Moira has my highest and most played. I can win on her pretty easily but… I don’t want to be a one-trick and want to improve overall. I’m fine dipping a bit as I try to round out my roster to include main tank and main healer. So here a few videos all recorded from yesterday detailing my game play on Moira, Roadhog, Rein/Orisa. They’re all close losses or wins so one can see the best case of me being challenged and not meeting the requirements or just barely getting there. I really don’t get what I am doing wrong especially on tank as i AM making space and pushing forward but my team is afraid to follow. And I often end up feeding because of minimal if any healing mid combat. I have the right mindset I think but my win ratio of 40% doesn’t match that… I believe my game sense is my strongest aspect with my mechanics worst and my positioning fluctuating between awful and solid. But I have no delusions of being good at really any of these.

I’d prefer PC players only respond and ask you state your current rank if you’re going to give advice. I clearly am doing a ton wrong but am not sure what those would be so opening up for harsh, scathing criticism in the interest of improvement. Thanx in advance Kornmeal!

Edit: Thanx for all of your varied help and input everyone! I’m going to put it to as much use as I can!


Some people might be traveling for thanksgiving. Give it time and i applaud you for seeking how to improve.


Im just starting on PC and unranked. Watching the first few minutes on the video I noticed three things.

First you are need to work on your awareness of HP bars. You used too much spray a few times on targets. When you returned from spawn if you had immediately used Coalescence you could have saved your critical HP Rein.

Second you used damage balls instead of heal balls when the fight had started, it was making me itch the healing you were missing out on.

Third you already seem to be aware of LoS and to keep mobile, but right before you got killed by the trap it seemed like you lost focus and stepped into LoS without being mobile.

Do you warm up? By this game you seemed kind of unaware and your crosshair wasn’t very mobile. You seem really comfortable on Moira. You just gotta clean some stuff up.

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At the start it’s often strong to do a damage ball for charge as by the time the fight gets back your recovery ball is ready. Tossing a healing ball when everyone is healthy doesn’t do much for the game. On average I’m healing 33-38% of the damage taken so I don’t think that’s the issue. I am by far most comfortable on Moira but I don’t want to only know her. My mechanics are bad and that trap caught me off guard like an idiot. That happens more often than it should honestly.

Stop throwing shield in the enemy team.
Stop throwing shield in the wall.
Stop throwing shield in other objects.
Stop standing in the open.

Stop throwing healing ball at pharah.
Stop throwing balls at enemy dva.
Learn to bounce ball off wall into your team.
Learn how to fade away from Rein shatter.
Stop trying to 1v1 tracer.
Stop tunnel visioning while your team is dying.
Stop standing in the open.

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Um… Moira does 1v1 tracer quite easily… part of the point is she wards off flankers. And with how… completely vague and unhelpful most of your points are (“don’t stand in the open” well duh… thank you for that enlightening bit of news no one ever could have guessed) I’m just gonna move on especially since most of these I already know and practice such as bouncing orbs. The condescension here is more apparent than any desire to be helpful/insightful.

Typical low rank scrub mentality. Ask for help. Get help. Don’t like the help you get. Act like you know more than someone 4 ranks above you. Then wonder why nobody wants to help you. :woman_shrugging:


Help kinda tends to be useful not… “play better.” Pretty much everything you said I either A: already do correctly or B: is something the character does/only way she can function. Like I KNOW tossing Pharah an orb isn’t ideal but what choice do I have? There’s a 1% chance a Pharah my rank will get a health pack or meet me for healing so my options are watching her die or burning an orb in the interest of keeping a teammate up. I get it. You’re way better than me. That means your teammates have a brain and know to do these things but I lack that advantage.

I would LOVE help and advice but seriously read what you wrote aloud and see if anyone finds it at all helpful. There’s nothing there to even work with.

Not pre-fight that was good. But mid-fight you used damage randomly, you gotta think why I am using this, why am I doing this? You didn’t kill any lows so holding orb for heals would’ve been better.
Pre fight it was good because noone was going to take damage during your orb CD, but you really want Orb off CD for heals when they are on your side of the choke like that.

Also I’m trying to broaden my hero pool, I can only play Zarya and mobile heroes lol.

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If you did it correctly I wouldn’t comment on it. I wrote the comments as I watched you do it incorrectly on the VOD. Perhaps you should rewatch your own VOD that you posted.

Comments like this show you don’t understand your own impact on the character. As Overbuff has you at 51% healing, which is pretty much by definition middle of the pack. Not outstanding. To your credit, you have a 54.7% win rate on her which shows you have room to climb up some SR, but you also still have a huge room to improve beyond that.

Everything I wrote is very exact. You just don’t want to hear it. For example

A) No she does not beat Tracer in a 1v1.
B) Even if you do manage to 1v1 Tracer because gold level Tracers suck, you are still ignoring the fact that you just spent 5-10 seconds trying to chase her while your team is all dying because their main healer is trying to 1v1 instead of actually heal them.

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What would you propose instead about a Tracer then? Let her clip me? So then the team has no main healer for 20 or so seconds? It’s not like anyone is going to peel for a Moira (hell, I peel to others more often) and she will eventually kill me by clip 2-3.

Btw I’ve watched that first vod back three times now. I’m going 1 by 1. My charges in it were garbage as Rein. That’s about all I could get out of it beyond being unfamiliar with Orisa’s cooldowns as so new to her. I overshot like two shields but beyond that they seemed solid. I’m using cover as much as I can but I cannot just hide in a little room.

And my Moira winrate was 58% not long ago. I dipped on tilt. I know her by far best. And I heal way more than most Moira’s I see at my rank. I feel like in a catch 22 as if I tank then odds are my heals will suck but if I heal my tanks will be afraid of their own shadow. Like I’m pushing up, no? I’m waiting for my team and shielding them, no? So why the hell can’t I get more wins on main tank? It’s so frustrating. If I get a solid healer it goes well but so often I feel like I’m on med pack duty as one.

I haven’t watched a lot since support is a hard thing to judge when i’m only masters but i can say that you are very greedy on moria, there comp plays alot of burst healing’s and your fading over to them to try and do poke damage. In higher ranks or even in gold a hog could have hooked you or a junk could have hit you with a mine or bombs. The point of healer is to stay in the back and let the damage dealers do as much as they can or stall on point so they dont cap. The things that make a good support a GM support is positioning.

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But like… what does Moira do then? She has a healing resource so you can’t click left the entire game like a Mercy. And her beam isn’t a bullet so it only has its middling range at best. She kinda has to be right with the tanks to be of any real use… unless you’re constantly being dove what else is she even doing?

Most of these are tanking btw. The third is all Roadhog and the top is mostly Rein with a round of Moira where we got steamrolled and a short round as Orisa. I got annoyed our tanks were ao bad I insisted to tank and then we got somewhere.

So I poked around in the first vid a bit, I’m a 500+ hour Rein main who was meh mid 3k when I played comp but I still watch tons of VOD review etc… The key to main tank is your actions have to direct and with purpose.

Also asking why am I here? If it’s not with a direct reason, you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. So no trash DMG when not moving forward being if you’re not moving forward there is no reason for the other team to even see you or your shield.

Also keep the plan simple like “I’m going left” or “Hey lets just go left”, ya don’t need a deep break down of how you’re going to make space for them etc. Also don’t call out any one player, it just makes them tilt, I mean yes the McCree was feeding but stick to “We need…” and “We should…”. Ya can’t change a person’s actions so no point to even mention it.

Then target wise, you need to hate the other Rein. My main goal is to break the other Rein to the point the don’t even want to play main tank ever again. Much like I once had a 3.8k Rein crush me so badly in a game I still have random flashbacks. So don’t bash the other Rein, then move to the hog. You finish off that Rein or just shield and call out they are low etc for the team.
Once the Rein goes down you can just shield for the win at that point, letting your DPS put in the work burning everything down.

Your tanking play at gold SR isn’t all that bad it just suffers from a lack of conviction. You’re kind of hitting the point and looking for who to shield and losing track of what you walked past vs what is spawning etc. That game sense stuff just comes with time. Tanking is a mindset of focus on space vs a focus on kills and it’s tough for support or DPS players to shift gears into thinking it’s ok to just stand still with the shield.
They always want a target to hit or a person to shield. Sometimes the right play is just locking down an area and letting your team come to you.


Personally I think you can be too aggressive as Moira. You spend alot of time infront of Reins shield.
Also just after you took first point Numbani you were standing out front in plain site of everyone just asking to be picked.
Try to realise when the fight is lost and get out of there.
Prioritise healing orbs over damage orbs where possible and when not doing anything allways have your life drain running you will be amazed at how long range it is enabling you to get bonus resource and it can work as an early warning system detecting other players,traps etc.
You are super positive which is great in game.

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Only watched the Moira video so far, it is your most played so probably where to start first. I have to say you have really good macro gamesense, in knowing when fights are lost, knowing when ults are wasted, knowing where your team should travel/set-up defenses, and generally being objective focused. Really good there. I think where the disconnect comes from is a bit in terms of the micro game sense. You need to focus on your job of main support, which especially for Moira is keeping people alive, as you have no other utility. I will talk about some of the things I am seeing in order of the video.

1:20: Right at the start, call out what way the team should go. You are indecisive in your call, the team goes left, and you are split so all you can do is healing orb and then attempt to 1v1 an Ana, you win it but your team died, and if the Ana hit her sleep (or her nade) you would have done nothing. To be fair, this team was like herding cats, but sometime doing something stupid together is better than doing the right thing alone.

3:34: You engage and D.Va bomb is sent behind you, you immediately fade into their backline. This was unnecessary because you could have broken LOS of the bomb by stepping to the left. This splits you from the team, and thus you can do no real healing

4:40 Engagement starts with Ball on the point. You throw a damage orb into the Mei wall, you get hit by indirect rockets, but were getting healed and then you look into the sky for Phara while your Ball dies. You have full heal meter. You moved past the Mei wall and could have healed Ball, and would be able to burst heal him with orb spray if you didn’t send a damage orb out.

5:35: You are damaging Mei wall instead of healing McCree, who was taking freeze damage and McCree predictably dies.

6:15: You do damage to Torb instead of staying in cover and healing Roadhog who can do a lot more damage. Roadhog has to retreat/breather giving up space and pressure, and burning his CD. Then you position too aggressively and fade aggressively into their backline to avoid Mei ult. Better position and healing hog would have been better. It works out because of Pharah barrage.

8:42: Fade forward to avoid D.va bomb, their entire team use their ults, you decide to damage orb their Ana/Torb and then, even after beat drop, you right click their Ana, then you use your ult. You should have re-positioned after the D.Va bomb to support your team and be able to escape. If you had seen the fight unfold from a better position, you probably would have saved your ult for the next fight, and been able to retreat without staggering.

12:40: Should have discussed where you were going before the gates opened. Then you throw a damage orb out the door, even though you know you are going to be Junkrat spammed. Should throw the healing orb upwards bounce in the room.

13:15: You drop off of high-ground ahead of your team and run right into a Rein hammer. You fade past them, and then again are split from your team. You right click Mei, while your Rein gets slept and low, he gets anti’d, and you ult to try to save him and secure the fight. Again, stay with your team, I know the Rein seemed to have W unbound but if you could have healed Rein before the anti, you could have kept him up and won the fight clean without using ult.

16:00 You tunnel on right clicking their Rein. You should at the very least throw a couple of left clicks into your Rein, especially early on as you can restore his armor, which will keep him more durable. Rein gets to critical and charges out, not sure what he would have done at full health, looks like he was going to help Phara? in the back with something. But Rein swinging into grav is a lot of damage, and at the very least he could shield to prevent Zarya death.

19:10 You move away from your tanks who are engaged with the enemy to look for a tracer, instead of just turning a quick 180 to glance back and then back to healing your tanks. Your Rein dies because of it. You then fade aggressively into the tracer (leaving your team behind) and then get killed by D.Va/Tracer.

20:00: Really good call for the Rein to fall back. You get a pick on the Tracer and prevent stagger. You did other things well but, I have been just focusing on the places for improvement, but this was really good.

20:42: You throw out a damage orb at the Orisa, your Mercy had just rezzed and you used Coalescence to cover her (although you probably could have backed up a bit), which means that you have no idea the health of your teammates, or position of the rest of the enemies. Not a good idea to just throw out the damage orb. You look behind and Zarya is low health, you have no orb for burst healing or damage, and then you stop healing her, even with full healing meter. You need to save the orb for healing, unless absolutely sure you are going to get a kill or you won’t need it during the CD. You do a good job of dying on the point allowing your team to regroup.

21:36: Good job of killing the tracer, because you are with your team, people are at good health levels, she just recalled, and you help secure a quick kill in your backline.

22:01: You spray-paint the wall instead of sending a damage orb towards their spawn, you are still 6% from ult. Again, the min/maxing can matter, if you need your ult just 2% faster, you can win or lose fights.

24:52: You send a damage orb out the door and into the sky, as the engage starts. An orb bouncing at the doorway would have helped you sustain the Rein and the McCree. Even more important with just a Brig to help you heal.

25:25: Good damage orb, everyone is full health, everyone is behind the Rein shield, you see two supports right in front of you, your Pharah flanks and Pharah often needs a bit of chip damage to secure kills.

28:30: Good coalescence, focused on healing the Rein, got back in a position to heal and damage. You could have stayed back and still hit the Rein and then transitioned faster to the good position. Then you tunnel vision right-click and Lucio dies and then Phara dies. You kill the Ana, but you lose 2 for it and Rein uses shatter. This could have been really bad if their baby D.Va had not gotten off the payload and you had the bad spawn for longer.

29:45: You coalescence and run into their team, while the rest of your team dies in the fire behind you. Just the opposite of the previous coalescence, focusing on damaging, especially the wrong target in Orisa.

31:46: Tracer flanks and you jump off the stairs to chase her (you don’t kill her since she blinks away), your Rein gets critically low during that time, then when you switch to heal Rein he gets anti’d, charges in and then dies. Granted he charges out into the open, but you were just a split second from being able to save him even with his suicide charge.

34:00 Really good call to regroup and let the enemy get distance for final fight.

I think if you review it, you can see that when you are playing well, your team is also doing well. Especially the second game, since first game was probably pretty unwinnable.

TL:DR: Tunnel vision right clicking too much, fading forward/aggressively too much, throwing damage orbs at the beginning of the engagement (instead of much earlier for ult charge), using Coalescence for damage, trying to kill flankers too much.


Those are my comment of you Eichenwald VOD:

  1. Be more decisif about taking the good pick. I do not have the sound on, but I would have pick Rein / Orisa as soon I have seen the useless Monkey pick. Someone made the right choice but late… MonkaS dude. You could have influence a better comp in picking rein early.
  2. Also after the Ana pick (main healer), a defensive ult + utilities would probably be the better choice. Zen or Lucio even Brig.
  3. The Rein is giving ground way too easy, and not really playing the chocke. He does not seem to be confortable on the pick. It is also important to realize that he has no support Monkey does not synergize with Rein. You guys are all fighting from the back foot, because of poor tank choice and play. Also you do not play together. Monkey, and Soldier were on the right side in front of Reinhart. You were hiding behind cover while Rein has shield up, and use your orb to damage instead of keeping it to heal during the push. Another mistake is to not communicate with Rein to recommend a better position. If you would have push your rein forward, you could have damage with M2 keeping orb for the push and your team would not have given ground so easily.
  4. The remaining of first point all drag from the above mistakes.
  5. 3:10 You use coalescence too late. As soon as Rein hit the shatter you should have follow up with everything you have (orb+Ult). You did not react to it. The both of you could have clutch the point there.
  6. Again next fight your Cree and Ana were fighting on the right side not using shield. the rein must have felt pretty lonely in that game. By that point I would spamm the group up key and ask in chat to gather behind the Rein.
  7. I rectify here. Your Rein keep on giving ground, but this is mainly because he can feel he has no support from the team as a whole. He is actually trying hard and die blocking a pin in the front line. alone. You had no orb to save him because you used it to save a frontlining Ana… My advise is ignore people that wants to die. You should have focus on backing up your Rein and “gently” remind in chat the shield is there to be used.
  8. Remaning of point B you are beatifully rotating 2V6 fight that you obviously lost. To be fair you could not do much aside from persuading people to group up and actually attack roughly at the same time.
  9. When your rein got Nanoed then hammered down I would have ulted.
  10. 6:00 Cree died in front of the shield again…
  11. Unlucky you die because Rein lower his shield, you should not have been so close though. you could have healed Rein from the 10 meter range just as much.

Round 2:

  1. Actually a decent comp. Of course you know the Cree is useless. So brig Lucio instead of (cree+zen) would have been better but this could work.
  2. Lower your shield when shielded by Zarya.
  3. Do not hold shield while in cover. you wanna push with a 2000 Hp shield. You started pushing with half a shield.
  4. Also as Rein you are responsible for the charge coordination. Say"get ready I’m gonna push in 3, 2,1. Go GO GOOOOOOOOO!". A silent rein is a lone Rein.
  5. LOL OK. First off. I Like you Rein! You are agressive like me. However you need to temper that a bit. You got pinned but survived since the team is more tanky, then you proceed hammering to point which is good. But once there you should have hold you ground and shield. the last pin was Higly risk / low reward. Your 2000 HP shield (yes you were full) would have guaranty value for your whole team. Hammer only people trying to go behind your shield at that point.
  6. Cree got a pick, then proceed suiciding making the whole thing pointless but since they are 5 you still have a window to push as 5v5. So “Go, GO, GOOOOOO!”
  7. You should have started your push after the missed pulse bomb. You have no reason to be afraid of their spams. They have no shield you have. You also have a free shatter as long as their Rein is not there. Use it. I would have shatter the Tracer+moira+hog. yeah you let them bully you and lost the opportunity of a cap there.
  8. You could have shatter their Hog + whole team before or as he ulted (around 10:00)

OK that would be it. I do not have more time to review the gameplay. In summary:

  • Lack of decisiveness in pick selection. you could have influence a better comp.
  • Lack of leadership. Noone is grouping up, Everyone is doing his own thing. If noone does it you have to step up to do it. At the very least have people attacking together, roughly at the same time.
  • You do not recognize opportunities well or fast enough. This is especially apparent in ult usage. You could have saved the day twice with Moira, and you missed at least 2 winning opportunities of shatter. Shatter do not have to be a 6-men down thing. 2 or 3 is good enough.
  • You are too agressive with your Rein. Create the needed space then hold it. Do not burry your own grave in ennemy territory.
  • As Moira (support) communicate with your Rein, let him know you are backing him up. And warn the Frontlining Cree and Ana your are not going to bother healing people that do not understand basic positioning. Stay civil.
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I don’t have time to really get into the games now ( maybe I can do a better review later ) but one thing that immediatly stands out is movement.

When you see one of your teammates low you walk at them in a straight line. This makes you very predictable and thus easy to hit.

You spend too much time just holding W and using your mouse to turn corners. The same goes for your A-D strafe pattern, you hold the buttons too long.

Because this game has no movement acceleration dodging is VERY important.

This video goes pretty in-depth on the topic, I think if you work on your general movement alone you should get a massive boost to your gameplay.


So far I’ve only watched through the Eichenwalde game but here are my comments. I’m main tank/support player in Masters (was a rein one trick S1-S3).

Moira (Eichenwalde Def)-
I noticed you get distracted into dpsing which leaves many of your teammates at critical to die.

Regarding to dealing with tracer, I would focus on keeping the team topped off and throwing a little harass every now and then. Tracer can’t 1clip you that easily and things will be harder on her when your team is topped off with little harass is better then fully committing to trying to kill her leaving your team dry of moira heals.

So your Reinhardt-play, to be honest, I didn’t see you making much if any space for your team(opposed to your description on YT). A lot of the time it looked like you were only shielding yourself to advance (I will explain this further) and aside from that, you would be brawling out with the enemy team a lot (sometimes putting yourself LOS from your healers). So starting off

9:16 your mcree and zen both got picks on the enemy tanks (Rein + Hog). Take advantage of having a close spawn, majority of your team (aside from zarya) were alive/coming from spawn. With two picks and you as rein staying back behind choke, your team didnt want to push up regardless of the 5v4. By the time you started pushing(waiting for zarya to spawn/moiras ult to end), the enemy hog and rein came back to point with your mcree dying.

10:27 So heres what I mean by you shielding yourself to advance. I see this quite a bit, where the rein shields only himself into a room leaving the teammates shieldless if they werent literally hugging the rein during a push (which many times they wont be hugging you). Shield them in by creating a path for them through the doorway. For rooms and areas similar to 1st pt anubis atk, you should be shielding your team giving them enough time to get into the room (before you yourself fully goes in).

13:40 if it wasn’t for your soldier, that charge could’ve lost your team the push.

16:45 Enemy Torb & Tracer overextending but it seems like you didnt notice. If you did, you could have cut off the torbs escape route securing a kill making it 6v5.

16:50 Iffy shielding, team is left exposed on the right hand side while the left side of your shield is not utilized (because its in the wall)

16:55 I would avoid making that a habit. Charging after you got pinned and charging towards the enemy team at low health. It puts you out of position/open to enemy fire as well as leaves your teammates open to enemy fire. This may have worked out in this game but it is a big suicidal high risk/low reward play that can kill your push entirely. An alternate route couldve been to shield up and have your healers heal you high enough so that you wont get killed for random fire, then swing->shield and focus down/swarm a target.

17:09 you put yourself in an awkward position where hog/moira was to your left and zen was to your right and a big ol discord on you. Think what you couldve done differently there leading up to that point. I feel at around 17:04 you couldve focused on the hog with your team since he was way to your left.


Shield placement - a big weakness Orisa has imo is that if you drop shield up ahead as a defense, the enemy can walk right past it meaning no shields for you or your team until the cd is up. Think about how you can utilize her shield better without having enemies simply walk past it.

20:15 as an Orisa you mainly want to be defending further back. With where you are now, you are out of position(right next to the enemy team), with a brig/zen as support your heals will be limited so you would want to take as little damage as possible. The zen was scared prob cause you were critical and frontlining so he uses his ult to save you. If you were positioned closer towards point, he may have not needed to use it which in turn could have been used for a different fight (when the enemy team started using ults).

Those are my comments based on watching the Eichenwalde game, I could go further in depth but those were some things that sprung to my mind when watching.


Man, that Roadhog play is very revealing:

Disclaimer: I might be a bit trolly here and there but really I just trying to get my point across.


0:28 / Terrible! Terrible! TERRIBLE comp. No defensive ult, no shield, Slow DPS that do require shielding, not a single synergy. You should have go Rein to magically create some synergies with everybody. They all needed the shield especially Cree and Torb, you would have a shatter+bomb combo. A mercy that would have less spa to heal so more damage boost onto the Cree. Terrible choice to go Roadhog.

1:05 this is definitely NOT a Dive comp, but the intuition is on point. The comp makes no sense.

1:23 Say where you go BEFORE going. And Right is NOT a bad way to go. It is actually the way to go. You had a DVA that can matrix the Phara Boop and once the bridge taken much more space to avoid the spams. Left side is a chocke, you are facing spams (Junkrat+Phara) and you have no shield. How do you think this is going to play out?? The only good news is that they do not have a shield either.

1:52 you proceed eating spams and obviously die once you are out of CD.

2:06 two more teammates died, and you hear the reptire. Time to stop, Tab, and wait for your team to group up this is lost.

3:29 after that you all go one by one. Even though you did not play bad mechanically, the pharah out do you. She got a 3 kills barrage and killed your Mercy after that. You say “the damage is not there”. But really your DPS need to have a shield especially Cree to aim and control the Pharah. They were never able to do so because of all the spams they were eating. Honestly you never had a chance. If the 6 of you would have stayed in spawn, you would have had exactly the same chance of winning this round. No, Tanks were not doing their job! Not because they play bad, but because they did not have the tools to do it. As a general rule do not go out of the spawn door without a shield.


4:06 The Rein pick is what you needed. You are probably going back to Roadhog because you think you are doing good but honestly the reason you are doing better than the DPS is because you have 600 HP and a self-heal. Therefore you can afford to eat a bit of spam. In picking Rein you might think your personal impact is diminish (which is wrong btw), but the thing is the 5 other player are going to do better.

4:54 Could you imagine how easier this would be if the Brig was a Rein there? See the space he could take with a tiny 500hp shield?

5:17 “4 kills should not be gold medal” given the first round I’m not surprise. This is the result of you comp being built for dying. By the way this last fight is simply lost because the spams out do your resources at some point. You also lost you Junkrat early.

5:25 “our comp is better”. Yes you traded the Torb for a Junkrat so your overall DPS is higher, and you do have a small 500HP shield.

5:36 nice play. De-mech DVA then ult was a good move. You screwed up their Coalescence as well. McCree got a nice 2K high noon which secure the fight thanks to space you have created. Do you understand what is happening though? You are playing “who’s got the biggest one” game. You unzip your pants, take your thing out, and say “here is mine! Where is your’s?” and who’s got the bigger one wins…First round, their’s was much bigger with the Phara+Junkrat combo. Now your’s is bigger because you Ulted first, forcing them into a reactive game that they lost. Personal skill is not involved in anything you have done so far.

6:23 I do agree that your Mercy is doing good job, and given the circumstances you are not doing bad either. You are really making it difficult for yourself though

6:47 Good hooks! I wonder if they could take a pick that would prevent free hooks…?

6:54 useless ult. Wait for them to actually push.

7:04 you tabbed, but I could not see the info I needed. You have a lot of ult though. You should strategize their use for next fight. (Though you do not have any synergie going on…)

7:40 using your ult now as they are pushing might have saved the day.

8:02 You have rally you should group up, use it and then push.

8:49 you won on reptire. Again showing that at that precise moment your team have the biggest D…


10:13 you took the wrong side as in round 1. The free boop side! Your DVA does not seem to be aware that it is her job to eat the boop. To her defense she is forced into a main tank position. If only some character with a big shield existed… Junkrat dies of spam early.

10:15 free boop from pharah, Cree dies. 4v6. Both DPS died early from spams.

10:17 Brigitte dies. Phara free as ever kills Mercy. If you want to proceed with that comp I would suggest going on the main side. It has the benefit of not being a free boop side.

10:38 Roadhog is a counter to DVA, 50/50 against Roadhob and a counter to noob DF, yes! But none of them are your team problem. Also you actually ignore the DF on your righ side during the first fight (I heard him), so you are not playing your”counter” role anyway. Finally Cree is also a counter to Hog, DF and Phara, but he needs a shield to actually counter them. So you are doubling up instead of working together.

10:56 Out of screen DF killed Mercy. So you are definitely not playing your counter role really. To be fait you cannot be a main tank and a back line protector. Hence the powerful “H key” combo in the spawn room.

11:03 Free DF in the backline. So he is becoming a problem also.

12:20 they were not hard focusing you. Roadhog is just slower to kill. Your team died (11:35 Cree / 40 DVA / 46 Reaper / 48 Brig) and yet you push forward instead of backing off. If it was a high level game I might have though they delayed you for bad positioning. But in this case I just think they have DPS the walls pretty hard while trying to kill you. Therefore you taught you “resisted” for long in some kind of epic battle, but really it was just clumsy clean-up of a 600HP target.

OK, so summary:

I think you are mechanically good enough to stay in gold. What is holding you back is general decision making.

You need to understand what your team needs. It is not because you pick your character in the Tank category that you are actually tanking in game. Roadhog is a 600HP DPS really. You badly needed shielding ALL GAME. As a general rule: No shield = No win. A Rein would have mean, a safe zone for the Cree / Junkrat to actually focus on aiming instead of dodging. A DVA focusing on denying the Pharah. Free pokes from your team. Free shatter since they did not had a Rein themselves etc, etc… Decent Rein play would have stomped them or at the very least force adaptation.

You need to understand grouping up, and generally be more aware of, what your team is doing, when your team is dying. And react to that.