VOD Review Request

Going to reply to everyone in this one hence the delayed reply. Upfront thank you to EVERYONE for the varied bits of advice from various different perspectives.

Deadly-The asking thing is kinda strange but I think i get what you mean. I need to know why I am where I am. Just pushing forward alone won’t make space and it matters where it’s being made. The conviction thing seems to be like get 1 down then move to the next? Like target priority of confirm the kill and then move to the next one? I am trying to get what you’re saying but am not entirely sure tbh. Could you maybe clarify a bit?

Mondo-My biggest concern to infinitely holding right click is it will tank my accuracy which will hurt my PBSR, no? I know there’s no penalty in game but it can bite me in the butt, no? And, yeah, a common theme I am hearing me is I’m aggressive which beats being passive but overly aggressive isn’t great either. Kinda like overcompensating for a flaw common at my rank.

Bnol- You said a lot and I really appreciate the time stamps.
The first big thing you seem to see is I Fade well in the sense of survival but not well in the sense of ideally where to. As in I dodge X horrible thing but am either left alone, now with no CD for 6 seconds, or even worse nigh surrounded. I think what you’re trying to say is there are 3 options: Fade stupidly which is ineffective and not being done, Fade away from danger but away from everyone which is what I am doing, and finally Fading away from danger and to my team which is what I should be doing whenever possible. Kinda like taking a B or C when you could go for the A+ route. Also I might seem to be trigger happy to Fade from danger when I don’t need to if I was just more aware of my surroundings, especially cover.

The whole 2% away from ult making a huge difference I hadn’t really considered. It falls into your whole being a split second faster on pressing Coalescence to keep people up. I did the Orisa thing because it ignores her shield and pressures her but maybe that’s a bad habit I do kinda often on main tanks.

Everyone seems to repeat I’m playing too aggressively but that kinda goes to what you agreed with seeing and what In posted earlier. So many at my rank are afraid to engage and I know it’s not my job but someone has to lead the charge. If i do it when tanking no one follows most of the time and I cannot get healed whereas Moira at least has Fade to run away. Liken I know I SHOULD stick with the team but most of the times (when losing that is) they never want to move. Even if i tell them to they just stay at choke. But this plays into me being tunnel visioned on damage as my allies are behind me and I can only heal in front of me. I’ve been told in the past to back up when Coalescence-ing but maybe I should I apply that to my general play? But Moira seems to be a brawler as she has no range and needs to be sucking to heal consistently. Is it better to be passive rather than aggressive?

Also the whole macro v micro sense is a new concept to me tbh. It’s nice to know I at least have one of them down largely so I was correct in saying it is one of my strengths. That kinda stuff just feels elementary to me tbh. It’s really frustrating so many never seem to get it. Thanx again and I hope my questions aren’t too much.

Asheen 1- Again thank you for time stamps as I’ll be reviewing these again a bunch and look for each of these pointed out moments. Why I didn’t slam Rein is look at my win ratio… then look at my Moira win ratio (which has fallen and was closer to 60%). I’m apparently a cruddy Rein and a very solid Support. Why I went main healer after Ana was picked is because in low gold she is an off support… at best. I’ve out-healed Anan’s when on Roadhog ffs. They don’t hit shots and they tend to die a lot so they offer utility in sleep and burst heals/temp heal stop with grenade. At my rank the only real main healers are Moira and Mercy.

It seems you think I’m playing too aggressively but at the same time timidly using my shatter. I honestly missed the pics the team had and figured waiting out the Coalescence was out best bet as my shield cannot stop it and I’d be going in heavily hurt from the get go.
It’s also tricky on letting them die. if they die then we’re vulnerable and the enemies can capitalize on it. Even if they’re not great they at least back us up by numbers making us less vulnerable.

Cash- I don’t have time atm to view the video but I have noticed my movement is bad… (any half-not awful Widow can pic me easily and I was actually raging about that in another game that day). I’ll watch it and put it to heart.

Noshi- I mean isn’t pushing forward with my shield up making space? i cannot force them to follow. I ask for it. i communicate it but so many my rank never want to move. I’m apparently too aggressive but doesn’t that beat hiding at choke to assuredly lose? Like they SHOULD be with me, no? I cannot hold a shield for people that are never going until mine is on 200 HP and I have enemies now in front of me fast approaching.

What do you recommend instead then? Rein is now in front of me so i cannot shield his blows. I cannot duel him as I’m over half dead and he’s assumed to be on full. He got the jump on me and there’s not a lot else I can do. Again people don’t want to push. I’m apparently too aggressive but everyone says “Hold W” so I do but no one else wants to… it’s really frustrating. I’d love to hear what you have to say especially as I apparently have it all wrong.

Asheen 2- Trolling but helpful is fine. I have a sense of humor and chuckled quite a bit reading this. You saw on round 3 why i have zero confidence our DVa will eat a boop and why going the boop side is suicidal. And I’m not a good Rein. It’s not a great map for him either. You cannot do any real charges on it without going off the cliff and the fact KotH is so circular based (opposed to linearly) it makes shielding hard as is. And why is it always my job to go Rein? I’m not doing well on him as we keep losing and DVa could have picked it too. There’s just a lot of frustration in ALWAYS having to pick up the shield especially when unless my healers are good… I’m often holding it for no one to get bodied repeatedly.

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Says who? Is that written on a Blizzard wall somewhere? No! you just believe you are. You believe it is not a good map for him.

Now I understand that completly, and yes your teammates could have done a lot of things to help. But you can act only on yourself. So you have the following alternative.

  • get good at convincing other to main tank.
  • say screwed that, and get good at a characters that do not need shield (Phara, Tracer, Genji, DF, Lucio for instance)
  • or get good at Rein.

Honestly from what I’ve seen of your rank getting good at Rein is the easiest way to stomped those games. I can give you a receipe to change your 40% winrate into 80% EA-SY. Below if you wish to follow the Rein path.

  • First. Nomore random pin! You will resume on pinning when you will know what you are going.
  • Second, firestrike on CD, hammer people coming too close.
  • Third take the lead to push forward, make sure everyone is ready then push with a full shield up. Nomore Firestrike doing so. When your shield is breaking move into them and hammer or out in cover depending on the Kill feed.
  • Forth, since noone wants to Rein in your ranks. Shatter for free as soon as you have 2 or more in front of you.

Free SR really.


The 40% win ratio and Overbuf putting me at the bottom for him at nearly everything say so… I do push but others are afraid to go. Other Reins tend to body me easily and I cannot get anyone to stay behind the bloody shield. Usually in frustration after being asked to do shield that everyone avoids I go Roadhog and it works. I cannot make anyone follow me or I would. Everyone complains if I push ahead alone but no one wants to go in like they’re supposed to! It’s really hard to rein against another with brig or zarya by myself…

Also confused on the “When you know what you are going?” Is that where you are going or what you are doing. Like… are you saying don’t use his insta kill ability? It’s like… his best aspect by far even if it’s buggy beyond belief.

LUL 1v1 me whenever bro!!! (Im already tracer btw)

Road Hog Lijaing


1.45 that is a misplay, I’d have gone back to Mercy, you and Dva are feeding far more than the other team. You have to be more sensitive to when you’re feeding when running what I call a pick comp which is a double off tank comp.

2.20 why no hook?
2.40 aim lower on Junk and melee him after. Good job whole hogging the dva I’d have probably killed their Mercy too, I’d probably have landed the hook on the Moira after your flank too, no biggie but that was a mechanical short coming there.

rest of the round was just mechanics that you could improve, try and do everything you did better and you might have done better.


I’d have played this round very different, I’d try and play without my team and get into their backline and take out the squishes, and hope dva doesn’t feed too much

6.35 Camp that body and you’ll kill the enemy Mercy

7.40 Good Tip! turn your back while using Take a Breather roadhog is very hard to headshot with his back turned.

won the round okay albeit deceptive stats.


Very poor performance by your whole team, brig was suggesting all sorts of things, but you just needed to play your role better.

You sounded tilted/salty last round, need to get rid of that trait.

What to do List

  1. you need to work on your mechanics a lot, sure you got good stats but you were not using your hook enough and you certainly were not using it against the juicy targets of the enemy DPS and Mercy.

My hook priority is the enemy carry then Zen > Lucio(2 shots I think) > Mercy(2 shots) > Moira(2 shots) Ana > Brig (10,000 shots) the only tank I really go for is the enemy main tank unless they are being carried by their off tank.

I’d add a bit of opacity to your crosshair as you can’t really see around it.

don’t tilt it’s a game, if you can stay calm and relaxed it’s easier to win.

other good hog tips. if you can’t outplay the other team mechanically pick Dva and matrix the enemy carry as much as possible and DONT FEED! if the enemy run a reaper who is better than you, switching to Mei is not a bad option if you can’t play Mei go DVA

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It is the right concept of making space for getting past a choke, but only if your team is able to utilize it. With a 2000 hp shield you can mitigate a lot of incoming damage and with 500 health you can also take a bit of damage for your team if need be.

Make sure when you push past a choke to start with a full/nearly full health shield. Telling your team to wait/take cover cause you’re recharging shield or when you are about to walk in(at the moment not during hero selection, although letting them know ahead of time is good but certain) does wonders for your team(to those listening of course). I feel you are giving little room for your team to work with, they should be with you but you are giving them little time to utilize it or no shield once you have gotten by.

Going through the timestamps, think about how your shield is oriented and if your team is able to benefit from it. Now take the perspective of an off tank/dps/healer and think if your rein player did that if you could utilize it. Like if you played zen would you be hugging your rein throughout the entirey of the choke push? Keep in mind your team will likely never be clustered up into a ball for future games.

10:20 nice use of shield, but you drop it way too early going into the left room ahead of your team, you couldve held it out longer given more time for your team to get by cause junkrat is still spaming nades towards the choke, unlike you as reinhardt you have 500 hp with an 800 shield, two random bombs can blow up anyone behind you.
11:40 you blocked the rein shatter which is good but you proceed to hug the left corner (with a 1700 health shield) as your team on the right is exposed to not just coalescense but to shots from torb/tracer/junkrat. A simple position of shielding directly behidn the payload and mitigate a lot of incoming damage with only the coalescence getting through.

12:14 If you consider your position here, you are shielding to the left of the payload meaning the right hand side of the payload is completely open to shots. Sure you are safe but how much space is your team given to work with having a shield on the left. During molten core, your retreat to the left room (think about how your dva/zen/moira can be protected in that situation as their shield is gone) For future references, when the enemy team has a junkrat, you want to try to push in enclosed areas as they will have a field day just spamming into them.

13:43 Think about your actions here, your moira/zen healers are in the back and you LOS them by chasing hog. Flipping the roles, would you want your MT to line of sight you as a healer when they’re at half health? (Sidenote: Charging a turret stuns it and deals a noticeable amount of damage to it)

14:50 Pretty sure you’re aware of the shatter but you could’ve gotten more value if you used it with you further around the corner.

So going to 16:50 the moment which you get charged and charge right back into the enemy team. You just ate a full charge with a reinhardt now in your face. With your moira/zen behind and healing you, you can shield up for a couple seconds. Reason being, sure Rein is hitting you but you are preventing from taking any damage from the rest of the enemy team while your support tries to top you off. Once you are high enough you can take that opportunity to swing. Heck if you feel risky you can swing (cancel animation) to shield to get a few smacks in but doing what you did is suicidal. Normally you would be killed if the enemy dps focused you when you got charged but fortunately they didnt.
So you say your team isnt psuhing in but how are you so sure? Your team is supposed to play behind the Rein shield, so they could be waiting right behind you to walk up or open up a space for them. Charging into the enemy team alone doesnt given the team much space (especially if you dont pin anyone) or enough time to support you without risking their own life cause their shield is gone without maybe a lucio.
Flipping the roles again, your Rein charges into the enemy team alone while you’re playing someone like dps/zen/moira, what can you do since your rein is now inbetween 4-6 enemies alone, do you run in after him?

Now I bring this situation up alot but Reins like initiating with a charge and dont always pin the rein in a Rein v Rein matchup. If it was a chokepoint or hanamura for example and rein charges to point pinning maybe a zen while the enemy rein holds the choke, what can your team do? Having a Rein present at the choke can hinder your team a lot. Especially if the enemy dps handle the charging rein quickly after meaning your team has no shield to push in.

When I face a Rein v Rein matchup, if I see the enemy rein charging in alone, I can either counter charge when he’s closer and have him punished or have my team punish him for charging in alone while I contest/hold off the choke essentially killing a push. Long distance charges are death sentences, short charges at opportune moments open yourself to less damage while not putting you horribly out of position.

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INeedHealing- Okay, for starters you know I mean at my level. Moira at my rank can easily 1v1 a Tracer and win well over 3/4s the time. My suck has better accuracy and kills her in three seconds of contact. If they were good that’d be another story but at my rank it’s kinda expected of the beam heroes to handle her.

WarriorPoet- I rarely get tilted but when the team has no coordination whatsoevfer, the DPS are absolutely useless, and the only ones I can sort of work with are the supports then after a long day that can culminate in some salt. Especially when the match was already lost about 20% into round three and we were pounded round 1. I’m usually super positive but we all have our breaking points.

I mean I have heard the tip on take a breather but is losing my sight on the enemies completely worth taking the crit box out of the equation for a couple seconds? You have the 50% damage reduction as is. I know my mechanics are bad (I even listed in the post they’re imo my worst aspect of the big three) but they seem to be recently improving. My accuracy at least has gone up a lot. The main issue is… mechanics kinda are something you haev or don’t… and I’m the latter. Playing the game more has not really done much to boost my accuracy aside from at the start when i was totally garbage and rusted over beyond belief.

Noshi- I get some of what you’re saying but most of them are brawlers; they SHOULD be up close and personal with me, no? DVA has no range, Moira should be right behind me or at least in her healing range, no? Like it’s frustrating how people my rank don’t get how to push forward. I’ve heard enough times to “hold W” so I do but it seems meaningless if no one else comes with me. Isn’t it on them to get with the program? Like you said “little time” but that means they had time if they were where they were supposed to be. Like when I’m Moira and have a Rein I’m right there with him and even telling him to push up or swing as I’m healing you. I have a moment doing that near the end of the second video with that quote. Is it better if I just don’t hold W and instead cower with my teammates? Like I don’t know at this point. I’m communicating and telling them where to go and where I’m pushing and they STILL can’t follow. Other Reins tend to body me on him as I’m not great on him (My Overbuff basically says everything I do on him is bottom tier) and I cannot get any healing. Again that’s when losing. If my team pushes up and has half a spine it works well but again i’m intentionally uploading close losses/wins. It’s just frustrating as I’m trying to do what better Reins do but… someone put it aptly “herding cats” or in my more vulgar way “dragging a bunch of ****s afraid of their own shadow kicking and screaming to where they’re supposed to be all along.”

I’m going to watch these videos in a little while and give my two cents. I’m not a know it all and I’m no god at the game but I believe I can provide some sound fundamental advice. I’m currently bouncing back and fourth between 2500 and 2600sr. I also main Moira, and we’ll all the healers. My dps is not even close to ready for comp yet so that’s why I stick with healing, I’m also a off tank player at a platinum level and I’ve had some experience playing with a masters level rien and Orisa main, I’ve picked up some stuff along the way. One thing I will say before even looking at these videos is you must realize not every game is winnable and not every game is carryable. Trust that many other variables come into play besides just your good play or mistakes. You have five other players on that team.

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A Platinum Moira/Support main I imagine has a lot to say so I’m all ears.

I also sent the link to my masters buddy for you I’m going to try and get him to VOD review you.

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I watched the Moira video, I do think the videos could be longer for a better VOD review and perhaps add some of losses and not just victory but that being said I tell you what I feel like you could benefit from.

In my experience, more so than not you cannot count on high silver or low gold players to do their job and adequately fulfill their roles. Once in awhile you’ll find some who do and those are decent players but again, in my experience more so than not you can’t count on them. While everyone wants to complain about positioning, positioning is relative to how the rest of your team is playing. If your main tank isn’t holding shield up or is wrecklessly feeding by charging into the enemy team it is going to make your job as a healer all that much more difficult. Generally speaking though, assuming your team is, for the most part, functioning as a team and positioned decently, as a healer you want to be back line. For example, if you’re Moira and are too close to your team and the enemy is playing Zarya, prepare to have your ult waisted because you were to close to the team and just got stuck in the grav. Or maybe it was the reaper ult that just got you. Try to play farther back behind the main tanks shield as your hero’s limitations will allow. This means you want to be close enough to be able to heal but far enough that the enemy has a difficult time getting to you and you have less chance being caught in an enemy ultimate. The idea of having a front line to begin with is that the enemy has to go through them to get to you.

Secondly, while I can appreciate a Moira who can do damage and get picks, if you want to be the best Moira you can be priority should be healing. Yes, there is a time and place to damage as Moira and it’s in her kit for a reason but you should NOT be gold everything as Moira. If a tracer is bugging you, protect yourself or fade away but add the addition of the call out so someone on your team can peel for you and protect you. A diva can protect you. A mcree can protect you. A reaper. Etc.

I also don’t see you bouncing heals off walls to heal teammates, it’s a good method that can provide some good results. Try it, when the surroundings support it.

You can fade out of pulse bomb and you can fade out of grav, if you didn’t know that now you do.

You really want to be mindful of your own cool downs and when you use them so that when the right situation arises you have them. I seen a lot of moments where you use cool downs and didn’t really need to use them. It was more like, well I have the cool down so I’m going to use it. I know, it makes you feel more proactive but don’t do that. You over heal sometimes when teammates don’t use it, remember Moira’s heals have a lingering effect afterwards for like 50 heals for 3 seconds.

If you want to get into a little more advanced stuff, you need to start ult tracking or at least getting on mic with your teammates and having someone ult track. If you know an ultimates coming or likely to come your more likely to be able to prepare for it and maybe even communicate that to the entire time. If you find yourself being surprised by enemy ults, learn to ult track.

There was a moment where the main tank got a huge slam and you attempted to do damage into it but failed to throw a damage orb out. Start combo’ing cooldowns. I honestly don’t remember if you had that cool down at that moment, so if you didn’t fair enough but try to remember that for the future.

There will be many moments in gold where your dps won’t be able to get eliminations, and this is the very reason why it’s hard to climb or carry I silver or gold as a healer. Optimally you’d play dps to get out, but it is possible just gotta perfect your craft as a healer first. I hope this was helpful. Just remember I’m one person, do with my advice as you will.

P.S. watch many streams of better players playing overwatch and best of all watch your own videos and review yourself sometimes you can learn and catch mistakes that way too.
When you’re going to ult into a teammates grav, throw a damage orb in first.

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Yes Dva is a shotgun character but doesn’t require to be hugging you in many situations especially with her ability to fly/contest high ground targets and a Zarya needs some space to see incoming damage in order to properly bubble. And stacking up to the point of hugging is bad due to Firestrikes/and if you happen to drop shield (maybe to firestrike) you mark your team as a big red target.

My point is that you aren’t giving your team space as the Reinhardt and your team shouldn’t be hugging you in order to get a shield. Your team is pushing with you but you go ahead of them and don’t turn back regardless of what is happening to your backline. Things like at 9:40 which you just bolt to left room not even shielding anyone leaving your team or 10:26 where you shield up to the left room but drop it immediately once you yourself are at the entrance and you head in first. A big help to your team would be to stand at the entrance to the left room shield up giving your team a path to go in and once you see that they are in then you go in. The amount of time you give your team a shield to push is very little even though your shield is still relatively high (800) consider having it out longer especially when escorting into rooms. People in your Eichenwalde game are trying to push with you but imo your shielding style is not allowing them to do so safely which can be changed unlike their playstyle.

So the hold W is mainly directed to overly passive Reinhardts. Those that just stand at choke and hold up shield until a pick happens. I would say play smart, like find ways to get your team achieving objective A to B minimizing the amount of damage they take. If you know the enemy rein has shatter or they have ults, don’t do reckless things like charging into them across the map. If your zen has fallen behind and is exposed to a high ground dps, don’t just leave him there, walk back and shield him across. Think of how the enemy team is playing, and think up of ways to punish them for it. (For example the overextending torb/tracer in your 2nd attack on EIchenwalde)

So regarding to “little time” I am referring to you giving your team little time. If you hold your shield up like 4-5 seconds longer at the entrance to left room and tell the team to go into left room, it would not have been as difficult for your team to push in. Majority of the time, you went in first before even giving anyone a chance to safely follow.

So regarding to telling Reinhardt to push/swing, sounds like you have an overly passive Rein, either that or the Rein may have reasons like no shield/low health/purple. Because I have been told before from people to push in when I had a near broken shield into things like bastion/hog/shield busters which is ridiculous to suggest.

Sorry if I sound repetitive but in your Eichenwalde game i feel your team was trying to push with you but you end up going ahead of your team (not really escorting them or protecting them) and start doing your own thing.

Overall I’m not suggesting you to cower at the choke and let the enemy team run over you. I am suggesting to tone down your aggresive style and take some time to shield your teammates. Have a balance of aggro/defense. If your healer is hit with a sleep dart, shield him/her until he/she wakes up.

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I actually did some tests with this a while back and it seems accuracy has very little to no effect on PSBR.

The amount of deaths you have seems to have the most impact on PSBR - the more time you stay alive the more value you contribute to your team.


Thanx again everyone for your time and insight.

Code11B- I did know those get out of ult free cards as Moira but sharing is always nice. You also lose anti-nade effect. I sort of ult track but often keep it to myself as people don’t really listen anyway. I’m not precise with it but I notice if X hero hasn’t used it in a while and what was used last team fight etc. And I DO bounce my orbs a lot. The thing is freakin fickle though as if i want it to hit said wall and bounce back it won’t but if I want it to go further and super tiny thing is there it bounces off it often in to the stratosphere. The orbs are super buggy/inconsistent that way. Does it not look like I prioritize healing? I heal 2-3x what I deal in an average game. It’s only ever less when the DPS are flat out incompetent.

And peeling: you cannot have it both ways. You cannot say others don’t do their roles well but then say ask your team to peel. peeling is very rare in my elo and, heck, I do it more than others do for me regardless of my role. Which is it?

Noshi- Looking it back over with what you said I can see what you mean. I’m safe but very often my healer or teammate is kinda left awkwardly without a shield they kinda need. Like I hug walls I don’t need to. I might be a tad safer but the rest of my team is left single file with half or less the shield utilized whereas if I stayed say 5 more feet to the right or the center of the choke they’d have the entire choke as a safe escort. I guess I have to be more mindful of where I am standing to maximize getting the protection out of it. I might be a bit too trigger happy to swing/charge and need to focus more on having my shield up where it matters. Thanx for your time and patience in explaining all of that and more.

Cash- Really? that seems really odd as you’d think higher accuracy would be a really good* measure of being better at your character. I know the low deaths matter a ton but I would figured nearly everything would factor in.

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This is from my personal experience so it might not be true for everyone : I played several games as Zen on a new account where I ended up with around 1-5% accuracy because I was just holding m1 for the entire game not just the fights. I did the same with several other heroes. In the end I still pulled maximum PSRB bonus because I had very high k/d.

It sorta makes sense if you think about it, several characters base their whole kit around spam and it would seem wierd to punish people for pre firing rockets or even soldiers smg.

This sorta ties in to the stuff I said before, Accuracy as a stat is also often misinterpret and misused on these forums. If you get 40% accuracy in silver you would get 5% vs GM players because the dodge and move that much better.

In short : Dont worry about accuracy AT ALL.


I have really trash accuracy (feel free to check my profile) and still get tons of PBSR when I play on my alts.

I always get more SR if I’m having high accuracy but I just realized it may be because if I hit more i kill more.

Also I fire at nothing / empty clip to reaload when there’s nothing going on. Some games I tryhard my accuracy and get double my average though.

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dude chill… it’s still tips whether they’re being detailed about it or not just take it or leave it… you wont have super nice people all the time giving tips there’s no reason or benefit to argue about it take what you want to take and move on.


No problem, good luck with your climb. If you want to pursue main tanking more I am always open to give advice (Things i haven’t mentioned like shield hopping, or dealing with meis, animation cancels, etc.). Not many people play main tank well but just fill it so I feel if you can get solid at MTing, you can make a big difference. Especially having Rein/Winston in your hero pool.

WELP I jumped into comp without getting my aim to where I wanted it to be… placed 2000 lmao.

I was doing decent on Zarya. If you wanna we can duo sometime and I’ll help support your main tank aggression (:

Here’s some gameplay, I messed up and chased because my ttk is normally lower lol

I’m already feeling a bit better on the lug. Dipped a bit while getting my footing but back to where I was using him a lot of the time. Charging second is usually the better way forward i have learned and constantly looking around to make sure your shield covers as many as possible. And… being more patient with escorting people forward/into rooms.

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