Can’t wait for the Nerf venture posts here Next season
I just hope they’re as The Silly as they look. Their appearance is adorkable.
i am curious on what they will sound like also yea if origin story and gameplay cinematic. it would be cool if a full blown pixar animated cinematic but i doubt we’ll ever get that again since their cutting costs so much
Venture selling negative skins with the one confirmed main by a season after release
Writing a manifesto about the unfair treatment of a hero who is still a month from even being released has to be a record
Quick, someone write a screed about Space Ranger being mistreated to nab the record from OP
I’ll do you one better; that one tank we see in the selection screen in Venture’s gameplay that doesn’t even have a name or any official acknowledgement? Yeah, they’re gonna be dumpstered immediately. F tier after 1 week.
Her? You mean THEM, THEY serve a purpose of representation for non-binary people, please respect their pronouns and those who suffer from oppression due to how they identify themselves.
There should be 0 forgiveness for hitscan hitboxes. The reason why it’s preferred is because it’s just easier to hit things when a projectile doesn’t actually have to travel. Hitscan should only reward high precision play. It’s wild that they’ve made it so easy, but they also keep adding more mobility, so it’s harder for all groups of players to keep up. Mobility creep causes more hitscan favoritism. Hitscan gets more free value than anyone and that’s why top players prefer them, not because it’s harder to win on them.
The caveat being Genji because deflect and the ability to faceroll teamwipe.
Venture must be from the Venture Bros. show.
This is what I keep READING on the forums … People want their “I have MAD SKILLZ!!” in a video game …
That way they feel like they WON something.
Lets not go down THAT road again … OW Characters are not real.
gottem boss /7charss
cough cough Reaper cough cough.
Maybe this will make them realize how abysmal it is to play Reaper. Here’s to hoping for an underpowered Venture
ye that’s how it should be. stop trying to shoehorn garbage unskilled design in a competitive game maybe
Overwatch WAS a casual game where one side was competitive and the other side was casual.
Why are you trying to change that? You have competitive why cant casuals have something?
Cool, so, have you played them, captain false outrage?
You’re actually a stupid person.
Equating balance to handicaps makes you unintelligent. No one sane or mature wants to win a game that they had help with. Winning means nothing when the system is giving you an advantage.
No one good has ever called Tracer difficult because of mechanical skill. This is a lie. You not liking Tracer doesn’t change the fact that she’s almost universally agreed to be one of the hardest heroes in the game across all ranks.
I just hope we get to playtest them again like we did mauga.
well then, i suppose you won’t mind me calling reinhardt a little girl, or mercy an old man, right? because “they’re not real”, right???