Venture will be gutted

If they aren’t hitscan and crit/headshot-centered. The only thing that could possibly save them then is if they are highly mobile and that’s a gamble. If Venture isn’t these things, your best bet if you like the character is that they are absolutely mediocre because the elitists will never allow a character, especially a damage character, to perform well and not fit into a specific playstyle and weapon type unless their mobility is crazy enough to make up for the other parts of the kit not meeting their “skill” gatekeeping requirements.

Illari was witchhunted and the same people didn’t care when she needed buffs, they didn’t see or care that nerfing every part of her kit would lead to her needing buffs, they did not care or want her to be good at anything nor to have a unique identity that was useful. We now see the complete hypocrisy in the “free value” argument from damage character players with the “free value” they got in s9 and them defending it so heavily even though you cannot “destroy” their “free value” and put it on cooldown.

Symmetra and Tracer prove that damage players are some of the biggest damage character haters. At this point, the unfair bias and favoritism from both the dev team and the community cannot possibly be denied. Looking at discussions around Sym and Tracer, people will go to the ends of the earth to justify Sym being in her current state even with arguments saying “she is annoying” which hilarious because I’m pretty sure Tracer is also annoying and much harder to kill and much deadlier because she has better mobility and better/faster tools to help her kill with. One of the saddest things is how Tracer is broken due to blinks and recall yet people will justify her state and her entire kit because of the “skill” it takes to use her guns. Her guns aren’t the issue, the issue is her blinks which aren’t hard to use and give too much value for the input they require.

Anyways, Venture will be gutted if they don’t play like S76, Tracer, Widow, Sojourn, or Genji unless they’re already mediocre and easily shutdown or ignored. Damage players hate when “the wrong” damage characters are ever useful or played and will campaign endlessly to gatekeep them out of viability. Damage players only want to play as and against the same characters and playstyles that they have for the past 8 years. If the team wants to make another popular damage character they should stop putting in effort and just release more variations of soldier.

Venture is going to be hit with the “no skill”, “free value”, and “annoying” allegations until they are balanced into being a “niche” hero which is just them having to have perfect conditions on specific maps to be as effective as Tracer, Sojourn, or Genji can be on their own, with much less effort, and on most (if not all) maps.


Have you played them?


The person playing as Venture during last year Blizzcon didn’t do a very good job, it seems like someone that has never played a FPS or Overwatch. In the video:
-They use the underground ability to get to highground, only to drop seconds later
-They never get a kill
-They almost die

I hope it was the “person behind it isssue”, and not Venture themselves, still we don’t know about their ult, I hope it isnt a case similar with Illari, where at first people were complaining cuz “oh Illari op plz nerf” and then, they literally killed her to the point I don’t really see Illari anymore in-game, even after the most recent “b u f f”.


Her primary is basically a dps version of Sigma’s balls, so I’m expecting a lot of “Trash no skill hero” threads in the near future.


Digma balls


Next mythic skin will be a dps, venture is a dps.

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I play Reaper, fam. You think I care about my hero being usable? Venture will be fine.



I’m still going to play as them, their design sings to me. I to, yearn to dig hole.

As for the weapons looking like sigmas orbs, that could just be the weapon they used during testing.


Quoting for emphasis.

Although, I might as well be useful and make a suggestion: Ventures thing could be sending an attack underground and attacking under shields, walls, and such. The weapon could have awful vertical range but travel horizontally a long way and maybe pop up and explode like the Digger from Gears of War.

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Blizzard hasn’t even shown any gameplay or stats yet and y’all are already complaining :joy:

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They showed Venture gameplay during last year Blizzcon :skull:.


if she get a skin she will be buffed sky high and then nerfed to the ground.


They have, the person that was playing them was awful and the video is very low quality, but you can see the general idea of the characters playstyle

here is some

I don’t see Venture selling many skins, and they seem more like a Mei type of DPS than a conventional one IIRC. Yeah, she’s doomed once she’s had her season in the sun.


I have a feeling alot of traditional dps players arent going to be good with venture, shes prob going to more in style with mei but more mobile


And thats the tea of the whole matter.


I’m cautiously optimistic. I don’t play dps much, and when I do I’m horrible, but I think their kit looks neat. Like an opposite of an aerial hero, haha.

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I wonder if Venture has any passive abilities?