Venture vs Clove

Clove is better designed ability wise
Clove is cuter
Clove is also nonbinary
Clove is already released.

Valorant is taking everything you worked for

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its still valorant tho


for their own game, and not really, the decay is too short and the heal is too situational. only the smokes and Ult are cool.


irrelevant? lmao

its not that serious lmao



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So go play them and get off of Overwatch for everybody’s sanity


Let me know when the matches aren’t 40 minutes.

There’s swift play, first to 5 rounds and TDM now.

Yeah, I’m sure the non-binary people are real miffed that they get representation in two fairly big games instead of one.

I’ve also seen quite a few non-binary people liking Venture more, partially due to being more androgynous. Not saying that non-binary people need to be androgynous, but seen people happy about it. :slight_smile:

bloodhound is cutest

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No shes annoying smokes after death and a self rez is annoying

Both are not conventionally attractive but im sorry clove is much worse she look like that one chick that had a wolf tail in the back of the class

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Tey swift play of spike rush i literally only play those and only play cypher if cypher was reworked or removed i would probably quit lol

epic fail whomp whomp

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All Cloves abilities are strong for a controller, the Reyna overhealth. Only time i’d play controller is to play Clove.

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Strong does not mean well designed this agent is literally made for duelists that dont want to be yelled at for picking duelist when 2 are already on the team this agent is insanely unfair with after death smokes no other agent has things that work after death that where not already active. She is trash design and people already hate playing against her because of how annoying her self rez and after death smokes are.

Your a duelists main thats probably why shes just a duelists with a single controler ability shes not a good controller shes a okay duelists and a bad character design that brakes the rules they set up with agents like cypher and kill joy

If you are desperately in a need of playing as a super sexy cute big booba character, try out Stella Blade demo.

They did what Overwatch did. Made a controller that duelists would want to play.

Just like Overwatch made Kiriko, Illari for dps to play who could 2 tap headshot, until these stupid hp changes ruining burst damage, and the game.

I’ve genuinely never seen one person who actually cares about valorant characters outside of gameplay

I do but thats just cypher i think his lore and look are cool

Ya and thats not a good think its bad game design for valorant but overwatch is about switching supports need to be able to pick up the slack of dps in nessisery valorant is more about guns and working together while overwatch is abkut hero synergy with the team and working together

in a completely different fps genre from Overwatch, much more similar to counter strike in aiming rules. but they are just “details”. :roll_eyes:

Well, it’s a subjective opinion :sweat_smile:

so the entire comparison capability is solely based on this and not everything else that has yet to be released? :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Can we at least grant to Venture an origins story and a biography at their releasebbefore make judge?

the first point is always valid with the addition of “so what?” :person_shrugging: