Venture only loses to one character

Pharah but mercy boosted, ironically two characters and pharah/mercy shouldn’t be in the game anyways.


i think you need to try harder, this simply isnt true.


My bad, responded to a old post :smiley:

junkrat can give them a hard time. And moira if you use your fade at the right time to dodge drill.

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What about Echo + Mercy?

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She lose to moira too, and sojourn, sombra as well… Prolly any hero who can avoid her engage really in my opinion…

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I’ve been using Cass/McCree to shut Venture down, but Phara is an easier option.

I agree, new phara shouldn’t be on the game, she’s a trash boring version of what she used to be.

But I’d go against pharmercy any day over venture. Hate this hero.

Too much dmg is ALWAYS more tilting than too much healing ^^


Any mid-range hero that is far enough of Venture’s fire range can win against them in 1v1 :man_shrugging:.

Venture clearly needs a secondary fire (something close to what Roadhog had before his soft-rework).

Venture kills Junk for free. Venture has better close range ttk, better sustain and more consistent damage beyond close range.


venture needs ot be banished to the shadow realm


Venture is tank-like in the same way Mei is. Easy enough to avoid, until they place themselves where you need to be.

Mei is good against venture right ?

what is annoying is they remove 2 shot from junk and give it to the new hero, everyone keeps comparing them to reaper, but they are more like junk but better.

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There is essentially no reason to play Junk or Reaper anymore.


I disagree. Phara now has better lateral mobility, faster rockets, and is no longer as depended on elevation to survive. Those lateral jets are a game changer when used correctly with concussion blast.

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Venture killing Junk so easily at close range is absolutely criminal and tells you everything you need to know about the state of both heroes.


The thing for me is, pharah was my first main. I was so used to the exact height her old vertical jump gave her. Now it’s too low… the improvements to the rest of her kit are irrelevant to me :confused: this isn’t the hero I got used to for years.

I play plenty of other heroes so it’s no massive loss. Just a shame imo :stuck_out_tongue:

The problem with the old Phara is that only long range hitscans and Echo could regularly interact with her. If she had a Mercy pocket, then the game got one sided pretty quickly when the other side had no good hit scan nor Echo players.

The rework made Phara less about vertical standoff and more dynamic movementwise. It also gave non-hitscans a chance at taking her down since she wasn’t always flying non-stop. Players can still use high ground to recover fuel instead dropping down. Her kit now emphasizes high mobility instead of vertical stealth. In short, Phara is no longer a one-trick pony, which makes her a lot more deadly at all ranks.


Topic: Venture loses to…

You: Moira can survive