There wasn’t any locking onto me, just looked like Ashe was poppin’ tbh.
silenthack doesn’t lock.
It gives an additional AoE circle to the crosshair that acts as an aim assist. We’ve seen silenthackers look completely legit, missing things that could’ve easily been hits. They do it precisely so the anti-cheat doesn’t pick it up through accuracy ratios
Fair play, I don’t know much about hacking. Still stand by my point though that it is rarer than people report on the forums People see it a lot more than it actually happens IMO. Most threads about hacking just get shot down by others who watch the replay.
Believe me, its veeery hard to tell if they configure it properly and have enough mechanical skill.
If you have doubts, just youtube “people cheating in overwatch #3”. That’ll lead you to play logitech’s channel, who was exposing a discord of cheaters here, till the mods nuked the threads and his user. You’ll see how it works so you can determine better in the future.
Just last year, in Korea 1/5th of top500 players got banned for cheating. It’s more prevalent than what people realize (cheating, I mean).
Cheers for the recommendation I just… Don’t care enough to learn about it
Just doesn’t seem to affect me like other people on this forum. There will always be cheaters, they get caught eventually, woohoo F2P.
They aren’t banning them from the game just comp mode. So they can still play and yes Smurfs absolutely should be banned from Comp. They don’t deserve to play comp and if they want to ruin peoples games who actually are trying then bye bye. But Blizzard isn’t doing anything about it and won’t.
You say they downplay it, but I say you and other players exaggerate it, so who’s right?
How can we tell?
Factually incorrect. Deranking and boosting are both bannable offenses and people have been, are, and will continue to be banned for these offenses
Of course Blizzard can’t get them all, but to claim they aren’t doing anything and won’t do anything is actually patently absurd.
if you own 2 copies of the game, that’s sus & it probably means you’re trying to game the MM system, but the real problem is blizzard is letting people do it because they don’t care as long as these people keep paying for the game.
you don’t need 2 copies of the game. blizzard doesn’t know how to make a FPS so they don’t really understand how this is a problem w/ MM constantly being poisoned w/ duplicate accounts.
Not as big of a deal as these forums claim. I’ve been in silver-diamond (aka majority of playerbase) and get obvious smurfs in maybe 5% of matches lmao
If even 5% of matches. Most of em are just alts climbing back to their normal rank.
Umm it makes total sense? People who are willing to shell out that money just so they can stomp on noobs. You don’t think they’d do it again if an account gets banned? Of course they will. These whales are the reason why Blizzard makes so much money, they just keep buying accounts over and over. Oh rank not where you want it? Buy a new one. Want to play with your friends but ranks too separated? Buy a new one. Get banned? Buy a new one
Expect that reason to stomp noobs is not exactly common reason why people smurf. Majority of players who smurf dont do it because of it.
No, why would you waste time to get banned? Leveling up new account and then get it low enough is like 20 hours of game time. + money for account. To have fun like two hours and then get banned? Who would do that lol?
The literal definition of “smurfing” is playing at a lower rank on purpose to beat on players that are lower rank than you. There is NO other definition of this. So what exactly are you describing then? Cuz its not a smurf
Why would you waste your time leveling up another account just to get placed back in the same rank again? Who would do that?
Ok so how do prove someone is doing it on purpose? Also I was talkng about reasons why people derank. I dont have problem with your definition. I had problem with you thinking than stomping noobs is main reason why people smurf.
You didnt answer my question. Instead you answer with question which doesnt really make sense because people who smurf dont want to place into same rank.
Smurfs make the ranked system completely pointless and ruin the game for people. It should be bannable.
All of these games have something in common, they’re free. Overwatch isn’t free, if you buy it just like everyone else, you should be able to play it like everyone else.
If we do something like this, let me keep my seperate logins/names/borders… but, regardless of which account I login to, keep my avoids/comp rank the same. Sometimes I don’t wanna be flamed for my border, or I just wanna play as a different silly name. I don’t care to play at different SR’s or avoid any bans or anything.
So basically, my accounts are still different accounts, but they act as one when I enter competitive, regardless of which one I’m on. Same bans, same avoids, same rank.
I laughed. thank you.
Sounds like a player base issue to be. How is the system suppose to known to ban someone if no one actually reports them despite complaining about them?
Well, you are right of course. Problem is it is often hard to tell if person is deranking or playing bad.