Valkyrie Playstyle

There is a guy who complied how many times Mercy was nerfed. It was 9 in total.

No ideas where the other 6 comes from.

It’s 14.

  • 2 nerfs on PTR and the nerf disguised as a bug fix

If you don’t count the PTR nerfs then it’s 12 which is still an extremely large number of nerfs for one hero to receive.

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I’m pretty sure you guys are in a cult and that your leader is the guy who made Surgeon Simulator

Mercy is currently the 3rd most played hero overall out of 28 heroes, she trails Reinhardt and Ana

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They are referring to the current trends. Mercy is definitely seeing a noticeable decrease in pickrate.

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Number of nerfs mean literally nothing.

The only thing that matters is a result of balance. Number of nerfs, buffs, whatever, mean nothing. It can be 1 as easily as it can be 50.

All that matters is balance.

This is a SIMPLE CONCEPT to understand. Please understand it.

Her pickrate has decreased, but we are still talking about the 3rd most played character in the game here. Heroes who are nerfed usually do see their pickrate decrease a bit and then it stabilizes

Indeed. Mercy used to be 2nd / 1st most played however, so we are experiencing less play time with the hero as of late.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

This nerf was unnatural in comparison to her other nerfs so don’t be so sure that her stats will stabilise. Also, the OP was saying that her pickrate is decreasing which you can’t disprove by saying that she’s the 3rd most played hero.

Goes to show how incompetent the devs are when dealing with Mercy. They can’t even nerf her properly.

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She is being played a bit less yeah. Pickrates do usually tend to drop a bit for characters who receive nerfs, it seems to have stabilized now

I’m not trying to disprove anything lol I’m just saying she’s still being played quite a bit even with her pickrate dropping. I mean she’s still ahead of 25 other heroes afterall it’s not like she’s garbage tier

Had they went from original rework to what we have now people would have still lost their minds. Arguably, they would have done so even more extremely than they did now.

Adjustment is adjustment. All that matters is balance. These are not things to be argued, they are simply facts.

You can’t make such a conclusion solely based off of her pickrate. Right now I see Mercy as close to being balanced (close to being underpowered) because they’ve successfully made the rest of her kit garbage to compensate for Resurrect on E. That’s just my opinion though.

“Numbers meaning nothing” is subjective opinion. How “simple” you assume this concept to be is also subjectively irrelevant.

Here’s the facts:

  • Mercy is one of the most nerfed heroes among the roster.

  • Mercy has also had the most unbalanced kit since the rework.

  • Valkyrie was a mustpick for a LOT longer.

  • Valkyrie Mercy had almost a 100% winratre - something mass res mercy never had.

  • With her winrates rising once again, this rework overall has proven to once again, be a huge failure.

“This was a Huge Success.®™”

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

it took them a year to do this…

Adjustments they could’ve avoided.

What? Are you even reading what I’m saying lmao :joy: I said it’s NOT like she’s trash can tier lol

I know. Which is why I said that I feel like she’s close to being underpowered??? Hello?

Eh maybe slightly underpowered but certainly not as bad as some other characters such as bastion, torb, symm etc. Ana is definitely better than her now but that’s how it should be. The lowest skill support shouldn’t completely overshadow the highest skill support