Objectively incorrect when you realize that this is a game, and players decide who to play between two balanced heroes based upon what is most fun for them.
If Ana and Mercy were of the same power level, players would chose based upon who they like to play more.
Skill =/= consistency.
Want a counterexample?
Playing Junkrat doesn’t require much mechanical skill. And yet… he’s one of the most inconsistent heroes in the game. Pharah, who requires more mechanical skill, is far more consistent.
Consistency (or lack thereof) is balanced by burst potential (or lack thereof). Ana is less consistent than Mercy, therefore she has a much higher rate of healing on her Biotic Rifle than Mercy does on her Caduceus Staff. On top of that, she has Biotic Grenade, which features instant AoE heal for 100 health.
Overwatch was designed to cater to a broad fanbase, pulling not only from FPS players, but MOBA, RPG, and RTS games. If they were to make heroes that require high mechanical skill objectively better than the heroes who do not, they would alienate a very large portion of their playerbase. Thus, they balance (or try to anyway, they aren’t very good at it) based upon hero power levels, not how a few elite players feel about their aim.
I just did. Seen Junkrat vs Pharah.
You haven’t even brought said assertions up.
Find me a single instance in which I created a strawman, and tell me exactly how that was a strawman.
I’ll wait.
Until you do, I will assume that any quote from you is fair game, as I have been assuming thus far.
You spent about half of these two paragraphs creating an argument. Then you spent the other half bragging about how you created an argument.
I did not put words in your mouth, nor did I say that you made X argument; it is not a strawman. I brought up additional information that provides context, and illustrates why another person saying that the proposed build is OP is not concerning to me.
…Maybe that explains why you say I’ve been constructing “strawman” arguments. You don’t know what an strawman is.
I have seen zero quotations from said thread.
No, you haven’t. You haven’t even provided the context for you to begin doing so.
That was literally the first time I, or anyone that I know of, has said that.
And it’s appropriate. You are constructing conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality.
Last I checked, we’re all for another rework.
Did you read the rework proposal? Because if you did, you would know that.
Oh, that’s no secret. Is there a problem with some of us communicating off the forums?
Let’s take a look at that “strawman”. Here is the relevant part of where the chain started:
To which you replied with:
But in order for a threads providing legitimate feedback to be spam, they must not be unique. Therefore, if you are arguing that the threads are spam, unless they are irrelevant or inflammatory, you must also be arguing that have identical counterparts.
Which, now that you realize you cannot reinforce that assertion, you ditch the position and accuse me of constructing a strawman.
My overall view on the Mercy rework has been the same since October. If anything, the confirmation bias came from the patch notes, as nothing screams “failure” like 14 consecutive nerfs. I have kept in touch with reality. You, on the other hand…
And then there’s the good old “you all are cultists… no wait, that’s a metaphor”.
I’m not going to go digging through your post history to find something that reinforces a point you are making when the burden of proof is on you.
“Go find me something that proves my point.”
You sure did a great job of making it relevant:
And you have yet to actually open the post to say why any of the assertions there are not the above.
Nope. It’s the go-to question when someone makes an unsubstantiated claim than most people in their right minds find to be intuitively absurd. There’s no point in trying to kick the leg out from under the table if the table doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
Now that is a metaphor.
We don’t go around saying that we are being mass false-flagged by the opposition without providing a source that supports our assertion that they are doing so. For example:
That Sprinkles person abuses the flagging feature quite often. Need proof? Don’t take it from me. Take from them!
Sorry, but “You are false-flagging my posts” and “The majority of players hated mass-rez” aren’t exactly opinions. They are assertions that are either correct, or incorrect. There is no “that is my opinion” here.
Is this that recycled argument of “The developers did it, therefore it is justified/correct”?
Oh boy.
You’re talking about the same people who:
- Wanted D.Va to be more of a bully tank, so they granted her 100 additional armor.
- Backtracked on that and decided that they wanted D.Va to be less of a bully tank, so they reworked her health/armor and buffed DM. They supported this notion with “Protect the Rip-Tire”.
- Doubled back again and decided they wanted D.Va to be more of a bully tank, nerfing DM and granting her Micro-Missiles.
- Left Sombra in garbage tier for well over a year after her launch before buffing her into… almost-not-garbage tier for two weeks. Then they… nerfed her back into garbage tier.
- Left Sombra in garbage tier for months before changing her, allowing her to ascend to… still garbage tier.
- Left Bastion in garbage tier for months before reworking him into into god tier. They then left him in that state for about a week on PC (a full month on consoles) before nerfing him once again back into garbage tier. They have not touched him since then.
- Took 8 months to grant Widowmaker a simple cooldown reduction buff; one that had been universally requested by the community for that duration. Then they half-backtracked on that exact cooldown reduction.
- Left Hanzo in garbage tier for nearly two years before finally reworking him, at which point he began to dominate the meta for months.
- Took months or years to fix obvious and trivial issues (bugs, hitbox irregularities), or sometimes completely ignore them despite obvious discussion on them: Genji’s deflect, Doomfist’s hitboxes, Reinhardt’s Earthshatter, Mercy’s post-rework GA bug, etc.
- Listed known and fully-functional features as “bugs” so they can remove them. This has happened twice; once to Mercy, once to Lucio.
- Are responsible for Mercy’s rework and how it turned out.
- Have yet to bring Torbjorn out of garbage tier.
- Have yet to bring Mei out of garbage tier.
- Have yet to bring Reaper out of garbage tier.
- Have yet to bring Symmetra out of garbage tier despite two reworks.
- Decided not to add an LFG system until two years after the game’s release.
The Recent Sombra changes were universally unsupported, and they went through anyway. The developers don’t care about how unpopular a set of changes are once they hit the PTR. At least some of it is going through.
There have been only 3 instances that I know of where the PTR has been altered before going live.
Strange how the official Overwatch Forums are suddenly our echo chamber.
Hm. Once again, this looks to me like you cannot accept that the community on the forums hates the rework.
You realize there are no statistics that back your claim, therefore you cannot provide them, thus your assertion isn’t reinforceable and can disregarded as false or invalid.
See the list posted above.
I cannot argue against it because there are not statistics for it.
You cannot argue the affirmative either… because there are no statistics for it.
And much more than the 800 people (now 930) agree with my position.
Is that suddenly so?
Because before, you seemed to be quite interested in that. Why the sudden turnaround?
The developers are flipping incompetent.