Valkyrie Mercy | How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

That just might be a thing. Anyway, it feels good to not be in the tar all the time xd

insert DJ Khaled’s “another one”

But they didn’t changed this to the gamepedia thing. :frowning:

How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

Able to deal with widow if I really want to. Being a group heal or boost buff assuming no scary dps or cc enemy ults are being used.

What do YOU like most about Valkyrie?

Being able to deal with the widow/ashe everyone is either ignoring or failing to kill

Is current Valkyrie your favorite version of Mercy’s ultimate? And if not, which iteration of that ultimate was your favorite? Why or Why not?

Nope. old res was. Purely because I felt like it actually meant something to the fight. Atm valk often feels like it’s not adding anything compared to what I was already doing unless the team makes some sort of play by themselves. Like I can initiate the fight with valk and I’d still see my team’s hp bars still dropping faster than the enemies’ and I’ll be like “welp that’s my ult guys, I’m already holding m1/m2 down and trying to make sure the important allies are getting the beams, what do?”. and here in gold, I swear some of my opponents take my valk as a cue to finally use their dps or cc ult which overwhelms any value from valk most of the time too :\

Do you have an idea of a Valkyrie-based rework/tweaks? If so, what are your ideas?

unfortunately no. maybe make the beam target (not the chained ones) in valk have like a damage reduction buff to make target prioritisation more of a thing in valk?

EDIT: actually 70hps + like idk 30~50% damage reduction buff for heal beam target, only like 50hps for chain heals. boost remaining the same but also with the same damage reduction buff for beam target (or something less).

This is so healing in valk isn’t so helpless but not to outshine moira ult much in raw healing. also to make targeting more interesting. Also to make valk more versatile in being able to switch between boost, heal and pistol, e.g. boosting won’t necessarily mean teammates going quickly to critical and can heal back up easier if can aim well, same with pistolling.

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How to make things better? Make them worse, than return how it used to be.
60 hps made it more useful, but it didn’t add more impact, as most of it was lost with resurrect charges.

“Press Q to heal on normal level for 15 s”. On normal. Which means “just enough for average player to not die from non-ultimate, non-instant kill attacks”, and just enough to heal tank within reasonable time.

Damage boost is nuts, I’m basically immortal and I can 1v1 anything if I want to.

it’s basically an offensive trans, allows you to get aggro while providing a crap ton of damage boost and healing to your team.

it’s supposed to be an engagement ult, not a reactive one.

  • Pressuring snipers who are scoped in and coming out on top. Or melee kills vs Pharah.
  • Turning on the blue beam on my entire team until they get the hint and go for the kills to earn their healing.

No. No speed boost to rez, nor a rez reset upon use. Favorite iteration any that included instant rez. Rez is a death sentence without someone covering you.

Double tap Crouch/Toggle Crouch when flying during Valkyrie to dash downwards until you collide with something.
Add a timer to Valkyrie
Rez cooldown reset upon casting Valkyrie or instant rez during valkyrie, or both. No bonus charges, no additional changes to Rez aspect.
Alternatively, change Resurrect to affect all targets in a radius during Valkyrie. Good luck slow rezzing a grav wipe lmao.

Alternatively, keep current movement and penalty and cast time, infinite resurrections during Valkyrie. This is balanced already because if you’re rezzing you damn sure ain’t healing and each rez is worth 100hp of heals, more if you count flight times. Rezzing mercy is easy kill for snipers.

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You don’t really need one, players are willing to rush in on their own any moment. Question is if you have something, that keeps them alive in meantime, at least.

Valkyrie is ult for stalemate situations, when both teams are already engaged, but neither has upper hand, so your damage boost may be just what it takes to tip the odds.

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I’m not a Mercy main, but I’ll play along anyways because why not.

I don’t think Valkyrie is impactful, but I do like the flight and chain heals. I think they can give her some more healing to help her out a bit though, or maybe another rez if it has a sort of cast time (not instant like before)

I like how Valkyrie allows Mercy to escape from danger. That’s about it. Other than that I find it to be pretty stale. Both playing with a Mercy with Valk, and playing against it. Most times I hardly know it’s there…

Hell no. First Valkyrie was probably my favorite version, because I was crying laughing with how powerful it made Mercy. Hilarious times seeing people get all worked up about it too. It’s wayyyyyy OP though so I wouldn’t recommend it returning in that way.

Give Mercy more resses, buff her healing a bit, and don’t make the rezzes invincible or instant, because that was some crazy stuff. I think at that point she’ll be alright.

  1. How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

Valkyrie at it’s current iteration, is just an escape tool. Majority of the time that I used valkyrie is just to escape a potential dive or if my teammates aren’t protecting me. So I just keep using it as a way to avoid blading genjis or annoying tracers.

  1. What do YOU like most about Valkyrie?

The ability to fly freely. Thats a great escape for mercy and honestly was needed back in her alpha days.

  1. Is current Valkyrie your favorite version of Mercy’s ultimate? And if not, which iteration of that ultimate was your favorite? Why or Why not?

No, Flat out no. It really isn’t impactful and doesn’t offer much as a defensive ult. It can barely save a team from a improper emp, let alone a nano blade. If we have to pick from the archives of Valkyrie, I would say Valkyrie 2.3. Where if mercy used rez it would be on a 30 second cooldown, but then resets if Valkyrie was activated. That, I felt was more balanced out of the bunch. It felt okay okay to play against rather then her previous Valk which was 10 second rez.

  1. Do you have an idea of a Valkyrie-based rework/tweaks? If so, what are your ideas?

If we want to fix current valk for both high and low elo, I think we need to look at the smaller things.

a) Healing per second needs to be change back to 60. This will increase the frequency of her ult and helps her actually heal something.

b) Remove the beam from disconnecting when mercy valks. It’s annoying that I have to stop healing for a second to activate my valk and my teammate dies cause the beam wasn’t on him for that 1 second. That needs to be looked at.

c) Sadly, I’m going to say but they need to fix that movement speed she has while rez-ing in Valk. Due to the recent movement update, she suddenly moves faster when she is rez-ing in valk. I don’t really hate it but it is inconsistent when she is out of valk. It messes with the player when they rez and I’m sure DPS’s arent enjoying that she suddenly moves so fast.

These suggestions are just quality of life changes that I feel would make the current valk a bit more better. But it doesn’t change the fact that the ultimate does need to be looked at again and possibly reworked. If not, there isn’t much Mercy could do as a support now besides being a pocket healer.


Imagine being able to press a button to frick off into the sky and heal when you are about to die

Not anymore. Boops are the biggest pain in the rear when trying to Rez.

Fair point, but I play her quite a bit in 3300 elo(players aren’t huge brained but they’re also not brain dead), whenever I can’t play Ana, and I still get them off more often than not. All about timing.
That being said I feel like people who actually hard main her experience these a lot more as they press E a lot more than me so I see what you mean, especially higher up the ranks.

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everyones practically invincible

it’s like the ult form of one of baptiste’s basic abilities but less effective

1 - Valk is just an E ability who able me to fight back or escape, that the only time this “ult” is really needed.
2 - Extended and faster GA + Health regen
3 - No. I don’t like valk as an ult, it will be better as a E ability with some tweak. I’ve play alot Mercy when mass rez was a thing in a friend account and :

  • The mass rez was feeling more rewarding, was a great feeling to rez a full team
  • The mass rez was useless 90% of the time in high elo cuz all your team have to die and your alone to rez them
    So it was not a good ult either.

4 - Keep valk, but increase hp/s. Actually unlike zen/lucio/brig and even moira, you just can’t keep someone alive with valk if the opponent aim correctly.

Valk is not a bad concept, but it’s actualy to weak.

I would also add, like I did in every post I made in mercy thread :
I would like to get ride of the Rez and get a more useful and low CD utility skill.
90% of the game, rez is just a dead skill.


Dead time, please! So… you hit the entire enemy team (6 people as you said) and you couldn’t kill the Mercy before she recovered even tough you surely had all your team helping you? I’m sorry, but that sounds like wood tier story.

Anyway, if you used an ult and she ulted, that’s a great trade for you. Now your enemy team is helpless against your team’s 5 other ults. That’s almost an assured victory for your team, or at very least a balanced fight.

Finally, yes, I can imagine you’d rather having to fight an underwhelming character over a really balanced one. However, if you have a Mercy helping you, good luck with her low healing. She could save you long ago, now you’d better call for Ana, a real main support.

That’s how abilities and ultimates are supposed to work. I’m sorry, but that’s called counter, and that’s what supposedly mass rez hadn’t, so thanks for proving that argument wrong yourself. Rendering something to useless is the best counter you can find, no matter how you manage to do so.

Great legend, almost never happening, but turned into meme by a few toxic streamers. Just an exploit, nothing else. If you ask me, it’s worse having hide and rez mandatory now as the best way to perform a rez than just a bunch of people doing so.

For example, you can check videos of people switching to Mercy just for a single rez from behind a wall next to respawn and then going back to Ana or whoever they were playing. The difference is great. Before the revert back to beta’s stationary rez, mass rez or rez was never used in my games (playing since before Ana’s release). Now it’s mandatory. It’s sad how Mercy has become everything she never was supposed to be.

Well, I’ll jump in here too, despite that was poor wording by the other person, I believe. Mass rez was an answer against having a great disadvantage. That included a long range, from loosing a vital player (main tank like Rein) to massive destruction plays (practically any sort of dpsish ult in this game and of course, the invincible ult spam).

What was the best answer to that? So easy. Why she had never a high pickrate at pro ranks before, even when metas favoured her? Because rendering mass rez to useless, aka counter it, was extremely easy as soon as you learnt to be patient and don’t smash the buttons. You waited for Mercy to change her ult for another one? You won.

At least that would encourage more skilled game, since those players would need to focus the counter, something they don’t need to do nowadays. They didn’t focus her? Then punishment should be deserved. Surviving in the mid of a fight till you managed to keep everyone alive or rezzed your teammates turning a defeat into a possible victory was the greatest thrill of Mercy. Now she has no moment to shine at all… unless you like being a flying dps.

Agree. Nothing else to say here.

Tbh the problem with valk is that it doesn’t fit with the character as an ult. Mercy was never supposed to have aoe healing. That was Lucio or Moira’s job. By having only single target, her skill ceiling was higher than nowadays, because you had to prioritize targets, and that was a challenge that many people still underestimate. Also, she was never suppose to have so agressive inputs like the aoe damage boost, something that messes directly with Orisa’s drums. It is true that she needed more independent mobility, but tbh, I think that bunny hop and superjump are fair enough. Finally, the most enjoyable part of valk, going battle Mercy, was never her role in the game.

There are so many unnecessary things in valk that I don’t believe it should remain as her ult any longer, because it’s just bad design for Mercy. Maybe it could fit better as her E, and send rez to wherever it could be balanced without being bad design too, in whichever form it could be turned into. We already have Baptiste with a mass rez like ult (different way to work anyway), so it’s clear it could be balanced somehow.

Just a side note, I don’t think that giving Mercy a R ability will be a good idea. Valk and E rez are bad designs, so the problem can’t be fixed by adding balance changes. The only things this change are going to achieve are two:
1- Every single character’s community will want another R ability sooner or later.
2- Mercy, however, will remain the same problematic as before, because a new ability can’t fix a flawed design in its whole. By now, this is only proving how desperate are the devs trying to balance Mercy without admitting their obvious failure with this revert back to all her bad designs from the past. They were all changed for good reasons, so why going back to those same problems was the way to go?

I’d like some dev to answer these questions.

1- Considering that Mercy’s stationary mass rez got reworked because of being extremely unfun to play (specially as), causing her to have to hide or die (so hide and rez was mandatory back then), why was going back to that almost exact same problem a good idea? Yes, she can move, but it’s like being freezed by a Mei, how many things you can run away from in that situation (without wasting your rez)?

2- Nowadays, Mercy is being used for picking a hero, then switching to Mercy just one second and rezzing a dead allied from behind a wall because rez is automatically reseted when you change to another hero. Is it fine having another “rez from respawn” exploit?

3- It’s known Mercy’s healing was buffed from 50 to 60 hp/s because of her being too weak in comparison with Ana, the other main support of the game. Mercy’s challenge also was prioritizing targets when healing. Seeing the consequences of giving her an aoe healing, aka reverted overall healing and being easier than before because of her chained beams, but overall too weak with an extremely problematic ult in terms of design, how was that a good idea? Are you thinking about any real change for her or you are going to keep trying to succeed at once with this almost 2 years old rework?

4- You know every single hero’s community is going to want an R ability if you bring one to Mercy, don’t you? Considering how were people saying that moving valk to E would create problems with console players, what’s your solution for this?

P.S.: As always, I expect no response, despite I’d like it.
P.S.S.: I also encourage whoever want to add their two cents to the op’s post. My opinion is my own, the same as anyone’s, so any feedback will be welcome.


yeah everyone has bad gamesense including grandmasters right? you know hide and rez became a thing because of this exact reason, mercy was being targeted by everyone so then naturally the mercy players tries their best to avoid it, its instant rez so it didn’t have much counters besides killing mercy

you don’t need 5 man rez, even rezzing 2 players is a good ultimate, bringing back dead players is a dumb mechanic and im glade they nerfed that aspect

ult spam was never an issue, if you know anything about ult economy you would know that spamming ultimates only makes you lose next fight or even more fights afterwards so its not really a problem

i know how bad mercy’s healing is, rein works better with moira and ana anyways and hammond mostly goes after healing packs

dive tanks still work well with mercy, its just rein who likes to brawl a lot but he still has ana, not every healer should work with every tank

mercy heals less sure but she still gets more healing a game than ana, you just need to play more passive when you have mercy and slowly play around the dps while ana comps is more quick but not consistent

It’s called being lazy: players didn’t want to search for Mercy. She didn’t have camouflage or invisibility to help her with that, and she had to be close enough to return, as soon as last teammate falls dead.

At the same time, players had to search for Mercy, to use their ults as they want.


I wouldn’t call it laziness, I can understand that people didn’t want to devote a flanker to constantly search for the Mercy when they suspected she had ult. But I mean, a LoS check would have probably solved many of the issues.