Valkyrie Mercy | How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

Funny thing is that it’s flanker’s role to be sure, that healer or other high value target won’t slip away.

I know, but I can still get that aspect. My issue is mostly that they didn’t really try to find a way to work around it, instead of using a chisel they took a sledge hammer on her kit… with matching results.


In the process, they created something more concerning: rest of defensive ults, including (to some degree) nanoboost, were more useful for tanks, than DPS. So their decision lead to Goats, and to current anti-Goats balancing, which did hurt tanks outside of it.

They didn’t really try a way to fix it, because they used perception of high rank players. And for that group of players, mass resurrect was easy to stop, not very viable for OWL environment, which already needed new healer to use.

Btw, do Blizzard devs have any experience in balancing FPS games?

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It provides the Mercy with much higher survivability, it glorifies her damage boost, which is the most useful part of her kit right now, and it gives you infinite ammo, which makes taking down poorly positioned opponents much easier.

Its versatility. It doesn’t just have one way of use just like many other ultimates in the game. It can be used as an engagement tool, as a combo ult, as a defensive ult, as a movement tool to help you reach a key soul that you can’t reach without Valkyrie, etc… There is much more to it.

It absolutely is. Its versatility, its play-making, everything about it.

No, I don’t. I’m open to changes, but I don’t think she needs any as of now.

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1. How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?
It glorifies her as a DPS and is most impactful by enabling you to murder the enemy.
The healing doesn’t provide enough burst heal to act as a DMG counter. You can’t sustain your team during a push or counter push.
The damage boost doesn’t give you the agency of choosing the target. It is entirely dependent on your team making the most of it so you have little direct impact.

2. What do YOU like most about Valkyrie?
I don’t like anything about the current design. I think it over simplifies Mercy’s game play due to doing the work for you rather than enhancing what Mercy has. It forces you to go kill the enemy to be impactful rather than perform your primary function: healing.

3. Is current Valkyrie your favorite version of Mercy’s ultimate? And if not, which iteration of that ultimate was your favorite? Why or Why not?
I do not like the current version of Mercy’s ultimate. I liked it when Mercy had agency and was seen as a threat because of her potential. It meant you had to play harder. You had to have better game sense. You needed to strategize. The current version of her ultimate removes those aspects of her character simplifying her play style.

4. Do you have an idea of a Valkyrie-based rework/tweaks? If so, what are your ideas?
I would scrap Valkyrie and give her another ultimate.


Ice cream is about as useful as paint


It’s really useful to flee from team wiping ult such as Genji’s, Junk’s, etc.
Also to initiate push, team often follows me to push when I ult.

Would be even more useful, if it would allow to share flight with team, so they too can laugh at poor Genji with ult jumping below.

Yeah if only I can take someone with me up to the air by clinging to my staff lol

You supposed to bring teammates to Valhalla, right? Would be “unconventional” defensive ult: teammates can fly like you are, as long as healing beam is connected.

Kind of interesting airborne comp, with Reinhardt aiming downwards to shield his flying team, while everyone else are raining justice from above.

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It’s good for getting back to your team quickly from spawn, seeing as they enjoy buffing every dps into insane mode now.

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The poor Pharah player when she meets a flying Rein… :joy:

Like this:

  1. Well you see, Mercy’s primary healing is mediocre now and she doesn’t have any regular abilities that let her burst heal (despite being the game’s only dedicated healing support, ecks dee) so in situations where an Ana or Moira might simply use their CD abilities to heal an entire group at once, Mercy must skillfully switch from holding m1 to pressing q and then holding m1… to do the same thing… but slower! Sure it’s lame but your team will slowly die if you don’t. Actually there’s a very good chance they’ll slowly die if you do. But they’ll definitely slowly die if you don’t… unless they die quickly, y’know, from all those ults that you can’t counter.

  2. Sometimes when both teams are idiots you can spend your Valkyrie flying around going pew. That’s fun. Definitely not Mercy gameplay aught to be about but, y’know. Its fun.

  3. No. I liked Mass Rez better. And that’s saying something because I didn’t like Mass Rez.

  4. If Mercy’s ult is going to consist of her floating around holding m1, then it needs to be a solo beam so that Mercy can at least have skill expression in deciding who to heal/boost and when (vs now where her heal/amp output in Valk is based entirely on whether her team is smart enough to group up.) But personally I’d prefer to take it the other direction–if Valk is going to a move that just heals everybody for you, then why is hold M1 even necessary? Just let Mercy dump that chainhealing staff on the ground near her team, fly off and do something else while the staff does its braindead chain heal thing.

But what I’d really like to do is throw Valk in the bin, set the bin on fire, and then launch the whole mess into the sun. And then give her a proper ultimate.


Okay I should not answer to this post as it specifically does not address me. I don’t like current Mercy and I don’t really like Valkyrie but it is not my biggest problem with her kit. Still, here we go:

It is a great initiation tool. Just like Rein’s shield or Winston’s bubble it can start out a teamfight.
It is also a really great tool to charge other ults in a dry push.
It can also be used to escape a flanker going in on you, ideally a Genji ult that could potentially snowball the teamfight.

Nothing, really. I guess the pistol buff is nice but it is not what Mercy is about for me anyways. If I wanted to pew there is a huge roster of DPS to pick from.

Basically any version that had no resurrection cast time. My main gripe with Mercy is the self-induced stunlock which is so contrasting to the rest of the gameplay I just hate it and Mercy because of it.


  • Can only be used in Valkyrie form.


  • Healing beam no longer chains but heals 100 hp/s instead.
  • Damage boost now increases the damage of the prime target by 50% and secondary targets by 25%.
  • You get two charges of resurrection you can only use while in Valkyrie form. Resurrection no longer has a cast time.
  • No longer changes your passive regeneration (any damage still delays it by 1 second).

If anyone is interested I can give you my full reasoning but it is mainly making Valk more impactful but easier to counter. Also addresses the problem of Valkyrie feeling unengaging.

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Valkyrie can be fairly impactful if your entire team isn’t tanks. IMO the main problem is its animation/ how its impact is presented to the Mercy.
Other ults, especially Moira, Zenyatta, and Lucio’s (in the support category) have a very noticeable impact moment.

When Moira finally straightens her arm after that flashy hand motion you can feel it. When Zen spreads his mystical translucent arm and that massive intricate circle appears on the ground, you could mistake him for an actual deity. Lucio’s is the easiest, there’s even a base hit synced up with his line and a massive wave ripples out from right underneath you.

Mercy has and increased movement speed and more yellow/blue lights on the ground, and her assists are easy to miss at best.