"Valkyrie isn't fun"

There’s been a lot of talk about Mercy’s ult not being “fun”. First and foremost, fun is very subjective. I can only talk for myself, but I’d like to try and break down what I’d like out of a ult and what would likely be “fun” for me.

Please also note that just because something is balanced, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is fun. These are two completely different concepts.

1. I want to be able to save lives. I play support to help my team, to keep them up and going. A DPS kills people, and when they ult they get to kill people better. A healer should get to save people better.

As it is, Mercy can only heal multiple targets if they group up. This makes them vulnerable, as Mercy cannot heal through or save anyone from dying if the enemy DPS utilize focus fire or their own ult. And if the team is grouped up, it doesn’t matter who she chooses to heal, as the beam will branch to each team member.

If there is any character in this game that should be able to save a team from dying, it should be Mercy. I say this both from a lore and flavor perspective, but also from the perspective that she is the most “pure” and “dedicated” healer in the game. She essentially sacrifices her own offensive capacity in order to support.

Let her ult support in a way that feels impactful. If it needs to have a shorter duration, fine. Just let the Mercy player feel like their choice of activating their ult matters and will be able to do something significant for their team.

2. Ultimates should be game changers. They should give us new options that we didn’t have before.

Flying and healing from a distance is not very engaging or exciting. If Mercy’s team is not grouped up, the only thing her ult provides is her being up in the air. Once again Mercy is forced into a passive role, depending on her team in order to get the most out of her abilities.

Zipping down to rez allowed Mercy to interact directly with the battle during her ult. It gave the player a choice to make. If you don’t want Mercy rezing during her ultimate, give her something else that allows the player to take on an active role that saves lives.

This should feel different and more powerful than her options when she is not in her ultimate. Ideally, a support ult should be capable of negating most DPS ults.


97 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018