Valkyrie is awesome (video evidence)

I agree. I much prefer being in the fight to trying to get my team to die near each other and being like “Man, it’s going to be hella engaging when I fly in and press triangle”.

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I still enjoy her personally, but I did post my criticisms about Valk earlier on in the thread. I think my view on it is a bit different than the typical complaints.

To sum it up, I just don’t think Valk has a clear or intuitive use that is immediately obvious to the player, when ultimates should be immediately obvious in what they are good for and the impact the will make.

I don’t think it’s bad by any means as an ability. But as an ult, it leaves many players just feeling unsatisfied.


I don’t need to watch any video clips to know that what I felt 13 months ago is still valid. Valkyrie dumbs things down and has a duration that is much too long for being so dull. I don’t want mass-rez back, but at least it did not ruin 10% of my total playtime in a game. (In a 10 minute game you are likely to have 4 Valkyries, perhaps more. 4 Valkyries = 1 minute of game-time)

If Valkyrie was an ult of between 5-7 seconds it would be ok I think. But I absolutely hate Valkyrie. Fun is absolutely subjective and no amount of videos posted by the OP can convince me to feel something different from what I have experienced playing Mercy myself.


I managed to post this in the wrong thread, so I’ll just quote myself!

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Oof. Been there.

It posted to the wrong thread because you didn’t include any bunnies, clearly.

Anyway, as for your idea I’d be interested in trying something like that out too. I’m not sure if it would fit with the game or not, but I think there’s a lot of possibilities to make her ult more clear to the player exactly what you’re supposed to do with it.

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Nice clips! And I like that you’re giving YOUR opinion on the things but not everyone feels like that.

Not trying to be negative or toxic , but sure we can all play QP and GO Battle Mercy every time we get Valk but most of these scenarios don’t happen in a Comp match, especially when you’re against a high SR players.

The point of #ReworkMercy is not to bring Mass Rez back (I mean , sure , some people may want that but c’mon it wasn’t that fun either) and Valk feels kinda… meh.
I think Valkyrie is a great ability but it needs some changes to make it more “enjoyable” to use, to feel more rewarding. Like let’s say : Chain heals removed and increased the single target healing or just Rez in general to be changed to feel like an ability than an Ultimate because IT DOES feel more like an Ultimate than Valkyrie. Just make it earnable like Torb’s armor packs and I think it would be Gucci.

To sum up , I think all that Mercy players want is Mercy to feel more rewarding , more skillful, and players to be noticed for how well they do with her.
Some small changes might fix that problem.

(Also , I have some great clips of me using Valk in the best ways possible , I might post them someday too)

It’s nice to have an opinion on things but just don’t enforce it on someone (Like some youtubers do…)


Mass Rez was the most powerful ultimate the game has ever seen, meaning regardless of what Blizzard replaced it with, it was always going to feel less satisfying. But the goal with the changes was always to make Mercy feel more engaging, which they succeeded in. Whether or not Valkyrie is impactful is very much depended on the player, I think that’s where the real problem lies. Mercy was an overly simplified designed hero from the beginning, and players got use to that.


That’s actually a great point.
You see - when you use Mercy and you have to heal tons of damage , there’s no time to go Battle Mercy on the enemy team while leaving your team to die because you didn’t heal them.

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Maybe. But Mass rez has pretty much nothing to do with my personal criticisms of Valk. I think there is some inherent flaws with Valk. I know I can get impact out of it. I know people like Goldlantern can as well. But to the average player, the uses for the ultimate are not immediately clear.

Ults should be obvious in how they should be used. A big part of Valk’s strength is its length and duration. Knowing the ins and outs to Valk is pretty complicated when compared to many other ults. For a hero that’s supposed to be easy and straight forward, the ult isn’t clear on how it is intended to be used.

I liked old mercy. I like current mercy. Valk is a fine ultimate from a balance perspective. From how it feels to use, while things are certainly subjective I think there are plenty of ways to help make sure an ult feels satisfying.

Anyway, I still have fun in either case. I don’t agree with it being a well designed ult however. And while I don’t agree with the posts that say it’s just spectator mode, I feel like that’s a prevelant enough opinion that shows that they didn’t make the new ultmate feel more engaging which was the goal.


That’s your definition of awesome and impactful, OP? Console Quick Play?



You mean in a way that encourages not continuing to heal people and instead do something else with more value during your ult? As I recall Jeff had some choice words about how it was wrong to ever tell a hero like Mercy to stop healing.

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Yeah, but only if the Mercy played only to inflate Rez count for mad SR gains because the SR system wildly over rewarded for high Rez and low death counts. If you played active and involved with the fight, Mass Rez gave you options Valk just can’t. Just like Valk gives you options that Mass Rez just could not.

Both have their problems. Mass Rez had 15 months and 3 changes with Mercy never once being meta (and actually being troll pick even during a meta that benefitted her) versus Valk having 14 months and 14 changes where she was literally THE meta for over half a year, and has now settled back to basically where she started.

Anyone who thinks the rework was “successful” is a powerful form of delusional. Just like anyone that thinks she should be reverted to how she was before the rework.


If Mercy was released without Mass Resurrect I guarantee none of you would be complaining about this crap. She is awesome to play and she doesn’t need any changes except maybe a buff to her healing.

Well, you’re right, sort of. I wouldn’t be complaining about it, but that’s only because I’d never have played her, if she released in her current state.


tbh i think mercy mains who claim her to be boring and unimpactful are just going through what the rest of the game is going through. the game is a lot more dull now, ya’ll aren’t alone. i play mercy and she feels…fine. indifferent really, from the other heroes.

I’m not into the Mercy playstyle, but watching Mercy going from damage boosting her whole team in Valkyrie form, to eliminating an opponent with the pistol, and then swooping back to healing the team, looks incredibly satisfying to me. Much more so then seeing Mercy running back from respawn in time to press a button, while you can feel the whole enemy team roll their eyes in despair, at the thought of having to start a fight over that they otherwise deserved to win. Valkyrie is literally more engaging in every way. It gave Mercy what I think she should always have had; a steeper learning curve.

If you were to determine the success rate of a hero by meta placement, then the game would be balanced totally differently. I mean, Doomfist just got nerfed despite being amongst the top of the meta for the first time ever.


Well, that’s too bad. I’ll happily play her in your stead. :slight_smile:

Good thing I judge “successful” by a few criteria then.

  1. It not breaking game balance for over half a year.
  2. It not being the most negatively discussed and most divisive topic of all time on the forums.
  3. Not requiring more nerfs than any ability in the history of the game, and not requiring the ability be changed more from its initial form than some heros are changed by an entire rework.
  4. Not being the cause of hate from players and esports alike for well over half a year.
  5. Not spurring a toxic AF skit that demeans a section of the games players put on by a Blizzard officially sanctioned group and it being the sum feelings of so many people that no one sees the problem with that type of insanity being allowed.

Valk and Mercy 2.0 has been a barrel full of fail in ways that almost nothing else in the game can even pray to ever compete with. It’s by no means the crowned ruler of fail, but its one of a very few dukes at that table.


I don’t want to say the thread is dumb or not good. The thread is well done, ofc, but there is a single detail: you’re playing on console.
Say what you want, but play with mouse is more specific and you have a better aim to shoot easily Mercy in Valkyrie and counter her, not letting her to res or heal.
If you provide the same good example played on PC, i could consider better your OP.

If we are talking about balancing DIFFERENTLY BETWEEN CONSOLES AND PC, LIKE SOMEONE PROMISED US TIME AGO, that is another discussion.


I mean I don’t think the cries are about Mercy not being impactful. I think it’s more about Mercy being less engaging than ever. Which is true. She lost what made Valk engaging. It’s not beams. It’s the Resurrects. It was more fun diving in and getting those backline Resurrects. Now it feels sluggish her ultimate feels dull and less engaging without them.

They need a way to incorporate Rez as an ultimate along side Valkyrie. Maybe making it a max 5 Resurrects only able to cast it once on a target. Make it a short active time like 8 seconds with a 1 second cast time on each Rez. That way Valk becomes more engaging. Then we give her a tool from Valk as a standard E ability. Like chain beams.

It’s mostly reworking her design to make it better. Not reworking and scrapping Valkyrie.