Valkyrie is awesome (video evidence)

You are only pointing out and trying to say that the people who are asking for changes are bad players. That’s a great argument!.. mainly because you only have 4 hours with her and haven’t play comp at all… Keep telling that to your self, because you clearly don’t even know what you are talking about regarding the correct use of Mercy on PC, not to mention you are only level 17. Or maybe you are smurfing? Smurfing with Mercy? Console player? Mercy requires even less skill on console. You are just hating on the Mercy Players for some reason even though you play Mercy.

And btw I’m around 3400 since season 4.

TLDR: untracking this thread because I don’t want to deal with trollers. Done, peace out. God bless.

This is a fact, the same applies to any skill in real life. B level students in Spanish are not going to be as fluent as C level students, that’s just the way it is.

If a player can’t utilize a hero to its max potential is that a fault of the hero or the player?

And what exactly do I not know? Attacking me personally doesn’t change the facts.

I am a Mercy player myself.

These are the facts:

  1. Her average healing is on par with other main healers. It’s even higher than Ana’s.
  2. Mercy’s pickrate is higher in low ranks than in higher ranks. (due to meta and due to mechanical skill)
  3. Her winrate is above 50% in Plat and higher (just like with most heroes). 50% win rate is considered as a staple of balance.
  4. Her win rate is higher than Ana in every competitive tier including even Grand Master.
  5. In general, all the main healers are within one percent of each other in win rate.

Less emotion and personal attacks, more logic please.


I know several Mercy players on PC, and they all agree that she is impactful

I’ve watched several Mercy players on PC, and she appears to be very impactful there as well


I have no issue with healing, boosting, shooting, and movement. I don’t have issue with positioning, awareness and game sense.
I know how to play my flipping hero, AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM. I know how to play Mercy, so much so that I have a pretty great mastery of her core kit, which means I already know how to use Valkyrie pretty quickly and easily for maximum effectiveness at my level.

The numbers being fine, doesn’t make the fact that the ultimate is easy mode base kit that makes even the most terrible Mercy’s who have no grasp on her base kit, look fine and good even.

Why do you refuse to recognise that everything you go in Valkyrie can be done in a more complex and skillful way on the base kit? I want to be challenged, I don’t want to press Q to do the same thing I am doing but in a near 100% less skillful way. It’s not different, it’s not exciting, it’s base kit but easier.

The positioning possibilities granted by Valkyrie do not exist in the base kit
The chains do not exist in the base kit
The speed does not exist in the base kit
The unlimited ammo does not exist in the base kit

The refusal to recognize something is factually not on Ravenna in this particular case


The positioning opportunities of Valkyrie are easier to do and easier to gain advantage off, compared to your ground or GA air positioning with Valk that you use to gain quick game knowledge and process the information and use your brain to predict what could happen. The complexities of base kit Mercy are far greater than the easier versions that Valkyrie provides.

They make a terrible Mercy look better than they are.
It’s too easy. It removes the juggle and prioritization challenges that base kit Mercy provides, which the single beam is a weakness and a challenge that shows the players skill level and therefore shouldn’t be removed because the single beam usage is already mechanically easy enough.

The speed is hardly significant, all the worth from speed you actually gain comes from how well you use GA with the flight to create unpredictable movements to make you harder to hit. Which you can do with GA at a base level anyway and therefore make it more complex.

Also good. Having infinite Ammo on Mercy is broken and turns her into more of a DPS and is less challenging at mastering her pistol.

Not only that, the ability to entirely void your own weaknesses while getting to easy mode everything you already do in a more complex way otherwise on a hero that is otherwise mechanically easy to use, is broken. She needs to be complex in ways outside of mechanical skill and her base kit ensure this and Valkyrie does nothing but make her easier and lower her skill ceiling.

The refusal to see how Valkyrie compares to the base kit and realising how much it simplifies and lowers her skill ceiling as a character which makes for an unbalanced hero, is totally concerning.

An ultimate should be different and challenge you to use that different thing to make an exciting and new moment. Valkyrie is everything you were already doing, except your weaknesses are removed significantly and everything you have access to and can do is made easier to do for the duration. It is essentially “we believe that playing Mercy’s base kit is difficult enough for her playerbase and managing an ultimate ability that does something different is too complex, we’ll just make the ultimate base kit but easier”. That’s not engaging, I don’t play characters to feel like the thing that happens is the same as what I was doing before I pressed it especially when her kit doesn’t hold natural swing potential, unlike Ana or Widowmaker for example.

It’s why Orisa’s ult feels significantly underwhelming but that is a balance issue for what a tank needs to do as well.

In my opinion, a good Mercy player is able to leverage all of the advantages Valkyrie provides, and this in my opinion requires a great deal of effort and skill

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Well shooting is hard. Pressing Q and ressing 5 people for POTG is much more engaging and fun.

In my opinion, any Mercy who is able to utilize her base kit to maximum potential already knows how to use Valkyrie. It lets them do the same thing they were doing moments ago but their challenges are lessened.

Mercy’s base kit holds no significant power in it’s own right and therefore her ultimate should feel slightly like a significant choice that is a moment that relies fully on her and her choices.

Ana is a different circumstance because her base kit is so hugely loaded that she can make significant plays (albeit severely under recognized by the games detection systems) and be a constant swing power through the entire match, this is exciting and therefore she has an ultimate relies less on her and relies less on the possibility of swinging the fight, rather than just boosting the chances of the success of one and being incredibly easy to use comparatively to the rest of her kit.

Characters with a more loaded base kit, get less significant ults because their gameplay takes a lot more attention and therefore makes it more exciting constantly.

Widowmaker is a good example of this. Her damage numbers are incredibly high but it takes skill to get those numbers, but she can also be easy prey if dived and if the person doesn’t manage their positions and escape routes well. This makes Widowmaker’s ult significant. It relies on brain over mechanical skill but is enhanced in usage by what the Widow and her team can make of intel. Underwhelming if another hero had it, but significant when in a Widow’s hands due to a loaded kit.

Show me where Mercy fits this mold of loaded base kit to warrant an ult that behaves like an ult that would fit on a kit that was extremely loaded.

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I pick Mercy because when I play a support, I like to be reliable at the job.
The mobility is a bonus.
I enjoy working with her base kit weaknesses and managing my single beam among many.

Mass Rez was a different moment that relied on my discretion and understanding of the game to make the right call to make sure my team wasn’t wiped during the respawn or if I am better of using it tempo. This is important, Mercy is so heavily team dependent that unless she is shooting her pistol she has no direct contact with the enemy but furthermore cannot do anything significant for her team in her own right.

She simply needs some things that can allow her to be her own hero, not an accessory to others.

E Rez in a sense is supposed to fulfill this, but unfortunately it does not. All the changes to it have made it feel clunky and just underwhelming. It felt more rewarding successfully managing to bring back many people against tough odds than it does to bring back one to often see them die again because of the damage creep and combo kills that exist now compared to back then.

This current iteration of Mercy, albeit still underwhelming would have fit better in the early stages of the game simply because consistent damage was where the design philosophy of the game was focused. It was about having the longer fights that feel satisfying to strategise and overcome. The game has since shifted to a very combo kill and kill quickly as possible and less about what made the game fun in the past. It is about watchability over playability.

But…don’t people start screaming that the Mercy it throwing when they “pew pew” in Valk? Like there are people who have said they’ll report any Mercy player who dares whip out their pistol in Valk-and others that claim that those who do “just don’t know how to use Valk right”.

Just pointing that out. I dislike Valk because it messes with the flow of Mercy’s play during the match.

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If you have the accuracy, you can kill a non-pocketed squishy pretty reliably with a valking Mercy, it gives the team a sudden advantage where you can immediately switch into healing/boost to reassure you win the 5v6. Shooting as Mercy where you HAVE NO ACCURACY is bad. Shooting as a Valking Mercy METERS AWAY from a target without trying to crit is bad.

Here’s the thing; there are opportunities for every second. Just shooting and getting no value, and letting your team die is just throwing; and that’s what ‘throwing as pew pew Mercy’ is. If you actually know when and where to pull your pistol, THEN you’ll make full use of her kit.

Some Mercy players are so freaking passive they barely use the pistol, and when they do they miss and let someone die. Of course that’s throwing. Practice your accuracy as everyone else playing the game does.
There is no one set ‘flow’ to play a hero; if you know how to properly use all parts or a hero’s kit then you’re actually using the hero to it’s potential. Good Ana players know when to switch between offensive and healing shots, it should be the same to pulling her pistol. Don’t do it if it means letting ur team die, do it if you know commiting to it can net you a kill.


However I think you missed the point that there are people who have stated, no matter how good they are, they will report them because they decided to DPS as Mercy.

I agree a lot of Mercy players are passive due to her previous styles, and that she now needs to be aggressive and engage more often-speed and smooth flow are things she’s really focused on now. However, if they are constantly threatened with reports and/or harassment then how can they get better at handling her pistol?

Pistoling is a double edged sword with some Mercy players barbecue there are people who don’t care and will report because “then you should have just picked DPS if you didn’t want to heal” -just because they wanted to use Valk to be something other than an enabler.

Not saying they should, I HIGHLY encourage Battle Mercy and pistoling-just too bad it seems to be a cardinal sin in Comp for some reason. (Only saying comp because that’s where a lot of people have the issue with Mercy’s using their pistols.)

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You’re totally getting the wrong idea about Mercy pulling out her pistol. ‘DPS Mercy’ is an absurd play style. You can’t really ‘DPS’ with Mercy. Her pistol’s travel time is awful and it’s super obvious youre not healing and trying to do measly damage from bajillion meters aways. Scrap damage doesn’t matter, kills does.

THERE ARE TIMES TO PULL IT OUT. eg; valk when u see a lone Widow, and immediately get super close to her from behind and headshot her, or get Anas that are scoped in, or Zens that have no peeling, etc. ‘DPS Mercy’ as some popular youtuber Mercy mains try to promote is a garbage play style, it’s not even effective and yes it deserves a report. If you want to DPS freaking go DPS or Zen as a healer where his damage actually meter.

Don’t ‘DPS’, just get picks. That’s the gist of using her pistol. Refer to Animetic, Neptuno or Ark clips to see how to properly use her pistol. It’s not just about shooting and ‘having fun and feeling impactful’, it’s about know where to do it.

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That’s…what I mean though.

The Mercies who play like that-who go after the Widow, who distracts the Ana/Zen from healing-the Mercy player who THINK about when to pistol and do and show that can use it well are being treated like this too.

I think you’re not getting that there is a negative stigma to Mercy players, regardless as to when and how effective they can be with their pistol-KNOWING WHEN TO PULL IT OUT-are being told they’ll be reported because “they shouldn’t be DPSing”.

I point out how Animetic said when using Valk it’s best to go after the Widow because you have the ability to get to her perch. Or how Lumi points out how you can distract and draw resources of other heroes by harassing them-only the be met with “She’s not a DPS class though.”

Also I point to Neptuno a lot because he shows how to balance when to pull out the pistol and when not too.


If you can’t confirm a kill stop shooting and get back to your team and actually help them. Too many times I see Mercy’s keep shooting while ignoring their team only to get killed.

I don’t really care about stigmas. If you want to play a hero better know their inside outs. People report you if they see you shooting and getting zero value while they’re dying. No one reports you if you get a kill while keeping them alive. Just be honest with our own gameplay instead of trying to play the victim card.

Again…there are Mercy players who do that and are still labeled that they are throwing because they swapped from healing/boosting because she’s a support.

You may not care about stigma’s but other do.

Also-I don’t play Mercy think I have…9 hours at most on her (? been a while since I logged in), I’m relaying what I’ve seen form people saying “I’ll report any Mercy who pulls out their pistol”

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Sorry, I didn’t mean ‘you’ as you, but Mercy players. The thing is; if someone commits to only playing a hero (aka one tricking) then they should be ready to receive criticism, no matter how unjust they might be. Ignore people who threaten to report if they really think they did nothing wrong, but be brutally honest to their own gameplay and whether they’re actually throwing or could’ve done better.

At one point you just got to shut people off with your actions.

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There are times I wish a tone could be brought through text sometimes, probably could have cleared up context and intentions like 2 back-and-forths ago.

You are right-but sadly false reporting is going to be a thing no matter what nowadays.

Sorta the mantra to live by for this game right now unfortunately.

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Why are you not climbing?

If it’s so easy, again why are you not climbing? Also that’s objectively not true, I’ve seen plenty of bad Mercies who clearly have no idea of her core kit or how to even use Valkyrie.