Valkyrie is awesome (video evidence)

That’s purely anecdotal and not reflective at all on the actual reality I’m afraid. Valkyrie is a legitimately good ultimate.

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This isn’t exactly a highlight reel and it’s definitely not exclusively best-case scenarios. All of these clips came from games I played over two days (around four hours of play). I didn’t even play Mercy every game in that time. These clips are actually around half of the times that I used Valkyrie total those days, which makes them pretty average Valkyrie uses for me. It’s not like I saved my best all-time plays over a long period. I think the fact that they all came from such a short time span says a lot about how achievable these kinds of plays really are.


Anyone claiming these plays are not achievable or something that requires incredible difficulty to accomplish has either not played current Mercy at all or is quite honestly a very low ranked player in terms of the competitive tiers.

It’s really not that hard to use Valkyrie and make impact with it.



  • Protecting his entire Team from dying to an ultimate even if they are in an otherwise hopeless situation (Huge Shatter/Grav, Soldier Ult and no cover, Genji Ult, you name it)
  • supporting an engage with AoE burst heal
  • still has both of his Orbs up
  • mobility


  • see Zen
  • supporting an engage with a 750 HP Shield
  • still being able to deal damage and heal/speedboost


  • turning a teammate into a killer machine that is way scarier than a Valkyrie Mercy
  • still beeing able to heal, deal damage and use her abilities


  • burst AoE heal AND damage
  • mobility


  • high sustain for a strong engage or to stop an enemy engage
  • mobility

Meanwhile Mercy has to decide if she wants to deal damage, boost damage, heal, or waste some precious ultimate time while trying to res a single teammate, hoping that the rather weak selfheal will keep her alive.

Every other Supports Ultimate has the potential to consistantly counter ultimates and/or enabling your team to engage recklessly, while all of them can do their usuall job simultanously.

Only Mercy has to decide and no matter what she picks, other supports would do a better jobat it.

Her AoE heal is too weak to save her team even from a single ultimate (Zen or Lucio can get a 2 to 1 trade on a regular base).
Her damage boost is just about half as strong as Orisas and she can’t even keep shooting while using it.
And if you go for the Blaster you basically trade a main healer for a weaker form of Nanoboost and put yourself into danger.


You know, you can be reported and be banned because you are a “more active Mercy player” and not a “press a buton” one. So if you can’t change most of the community view on this then most of the solo players in comp have to press lft mouse and heal or they will be reported by the angry teammates.

For starters, you will only get reported if what you’re trying to do leads to no result or to a negative result, no one will report you for killing an enemy when your ally was about to die to said enemy, no one will report you for killing Widows or Pharrah effectively enough for you to go back to heal/boost mid valk, no one will report you for using your whole kit and winning games

They will however report you if you could have saved them by healing instead of shooting and missing all of your bullets, they will report you if you fail to actually kill anyone with your gun when you choose to use it, not because you’re using it but because you made the wrong choice

So it’s very simple actually, if you wanna be able to use Mercy’s gun, get good

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I’d agree with you if Mercy had to pick one aspect of Valkyrie per use and stick with it. The strength of Valkyrie, though, comes from her freedom to choose and switch abilities on a second-to-second basis.

I don’t think anybody’s arguing that any one aspect of Valkyrie isn’t slightly less powerful than other abilities with similar aspects. Yeah, Transcendence does more healing and Supercharger does more damage and all that but neither of them last for fifteen seconds and both of them have only one function that you’re committed to once you press Q. With Valkyrie, you can have a slightly less powerful (but mobile) supercharger for as long as you need it. You can then switch to a less-powerful-than-Transcendence group heal for a few more seconds. You can then switch back to the supercharger and there’s usually time left over to straight-up chase down and kill somebody with an infinite-ammo pistol.

If at any time during Valkyrie you feel like using one ability will leave your team open to dying (like chasing somebody with a pistol like you mentioned instead of healing) you don’t have to do that thing. If healing is what they need more than you killing somebody, you have the freedom to do that thing. That’s part of the decision-making skill that comes with using a fifteen-second ultimate. Basically, Valkyrie gives your team a fifteen-second advantage that takes whatever form it needs to at the time. That’s what’s unique and powerful about it.


Dude? You are just flying around in these clips LOL

Since this community generally goes by the top players opinions and behavior, I’ll just say, until XQC stops having tantrums about having Mercy on his team cause shes trash tier now that just makes it harder on the team, Im not even bringing my opinions or feelings into it. Shes not in a good spot.

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xQc pretty much rages about everything, though. It’s hard to know what he believes are actually problems when he throws “trash game” between most of his comments.

Mercy saw a lot of use in the World Cup a couple of months ago and I think she’ll continue to be used effectively in high-level play when OWL season 2 starts next month. Hopefully that’ll help with perceptions.


Not when he goes on a 20 minute tangent explaining why Mercy is trash and how chat is dumb for thinking otherwise.

Mercy will see use in OWL when ever theres a Phara to pocket or if we end up in a sniper meta again to dmg boost snipers. Or does no one remember the tripple tank+2 snipers+mercy for dmg boost?

And if we are talking OWL everyone is losing their mind about goats and Mercy is literally the only healer that is never in any situation a part of goats, while Zen, Moira and Ana have their specific roles and comps.

Mercy is so situational that 1. She doesnt work as a main healer
2. She isnt tied to a comp, shes tied to basically 2 characters being in the game. Snipers and Phara.
Her being viable in basically 2 situations doesnt make her not trash tier.

Her only use is to reliably heal phara, dmg boost and maybe ress. Shes outclassed by any other healer. i mean her ult is basically Lucios E. Moira and Ana can out heal her ult without ults easily. Or a worse mobile Orisa ult.

I personally dont care about what XQC thinks or really most streamers about the balance, but this community was more than happy to scream streamers opinions as a valid argument for nerfs for months now, I believe its only fair to use the same for buffs. Or do we pick and choose what suits us from what they say and ignore when we dont like it?

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Yeah Valkyrie is awesome on console. Wonder why she is still strong even after all the nerfs? She is still dominating along with Lúcio. Doesn’t matter if they nerf/revert/buff Mercy because on consoles her kit will always be strong due to the aim mechanics and the game not being that fast forward as on PC.

Unfurtenately, game devs balance the game around PC, so even if they do something to her or not, console players will still be getting the changes regardless if they make a hero stronger or weaker.

That’s why you feel Valk impactful, because on console it is… Mercy is. That not the case on PC.

It is the case even on PC. Watch Luminum for example, OP also provides plenty of evidence.

The “spectator mode” is a narrative promoted by bad Mercy players to claim that Valkyrie is bad because they can’t use it properly.

The facts speak for themselves:

  1. Her average healing is on par with other main healers. It’s even higher than Ana’s.

  2. Mercy’s pickrate is higher in low ranks than in higher ranks. (due to meta and due to mechanical skill)

  3. Her winrate is above 50% in Plat and higher (just like with most heroes). 50% win rate is considered as a staple of balance.

  4. Her win rate is higher than Ana in every competitive tier including even Grand Master.

  5. In general, all the main healers are within one percent of each other in win rate.


Numbers are ok. But they are not the reason why some players want changes for mercy. I’ve watch Luminum videos, YouTube channel and I’ve watched the video, but that’s just situational. At least on PC… you can’t always start to shoot and leave your team without heals when they need to (at team fights, not at the end of them). What people are complaining about it the lack of impact her ult has… no matter if you use valk, your team will die and if you try to res you’ll stop healing, that doesn’t help (again, at team fights) because your team needs help, and for sure you are gonna get killed (on pc, that clearly doesn’t happen on console) of course there are clutch reses but they depend on where your ally was killed and not your own positioning. Valk only enables 60hps (the lowest of main healers output), healing beams ( which wont do any difference if your team is split up) and fly/high mobility but those things any good Mercy player can replicate with the correct use of Guardian Angel to your allies and using jump mechanics such as bunny hop or super jump. So any good Mercy player make off valk just an option to make her kit easier to use instead of an engaging and impactful ultimate like any other support hero has.

So I’d say the contrary: Bad mercy players found valk impactful and strong because it makes mercy’s kit easier to use. And even more on console where she is stronger than most supports.

I’m a healer main, I have more than 150 hours each with Zen, Ana and Mercy, and about 80+ with Lucio and Moira. All I want for mercy is to be impactful I don’t care if it is by buffing or reverting her but don’t want her to be OP or a must pick in any case… and I believe that is the case for most Mercy players wanting changes for her, it has nothing to do with pickrates or winrates… it’s about hero itself.

You could hardly call valk participation, since the best way to use this intended healer ult is to stay a safe distance away and heal/damage boost. Yeah, if your team is doing well, you could try and get a kill, but most of the time you need to devote your time to healing your team (along with the fact that using a healer ult to get kills with a character that’s designed around helping their team is a bit counter logical).
And with mass res, if all you did was sit around and wait for someone to die, you were definitely doing it wrong (not attacking you, just saying in general).
In my opinion, Valkyrie has the potential to be as fun as mass res, but it just isn’t there yet.

Except it has a tough time doing that in the current state of the game because damage keeps getting higher. Back in the early days, damage wasn’t this high and now it keeps getting higher and there is more burst now than there has ever been. There is no room for this consistency because by the time it comes time to use an ultimate, you need something that offers swing potential but as a support you need to be able to provide saving moments for your team.

Base kit Mercy has never offered this sort of even early/mid fight save, she was only ever just enough with a team that worked with her limitations and her Mass Rez was her only moment where she could make a difference and that meant simply trying to salvage something if she planned right. She requires people to peel for her and at her current healing rate, that peel takes too long and by the time you can use Valkyrie, the s**t will have already hit the fan. By the time you can ult, something is ready to ult you back. People like to say Valkyrie is a tempo ult, if that is true than Valkyrie should be able to fight against another tempo ult on even ground. EG. It should be able to fight of a Coalesence on fairly even ground. Except it can’t because Moira’s damage is higher than Mercy’s healing and then Moira’s healing is higher than Mercy’s healing, which means Mercy’s team is at a disadvantage because Moira could sustain her team through the damage boosts against her team whilst also dealing more damage against Mercy’s team mates that she cannot heal through.

Mercy’s left click heals 30 lower per second than Moira.
Mercy’s ult heals 80 less per second than Moira.
Mercy deals less damage compared to Moira.
Mercy has no burst potential outside of E Rez which is often more risk than it is worth.
Mercy has not even the slightest swing potential to any given fight.
Moira even has a decent movement ability that isn’t team reliant and makes her unable to be seen or damaged.

Why choose Mercy over Moira? Moira has the far better statistical advantage and it isn’t hard to play her in a similar role that you would Mercy. In fact, I have done so. My first comp game with Moira, I dropped just over 20k heals with minimal effort compared to when I could drop 20k heals with Mercy which took a ton of effort.

Valkyrie is everything you do on the base kit made easier in all aspects.
It removes her weaknesses and takes over and makes easier work of your usual already rather simple to do tasks.
This is not fun, or engaging. It is insulting.

As a Mercy player, I know how to manage my single beam among my team.
As a Mercy player, I know how to damage boost and heal with said single beam.
As a Mercy player, I have spent time mastering my guardian angel that I get as much air time as Valkyrie gets me.
As a Mercy player, I know when and how to shoot my gun without Valkyrie and can get the air time to make those shooting risks with GA.
As a Mercy player, I didn’t need my core kit job made easier for me.
As a Mercy player, I needed something that gave me something different and slightly more complex job that relied on my thoughts and skills in a new way. Not one that made my job easier whilst also making it even more obvious that my team fails me.

Valkyrie is not healthy for the game, or for it’s players.
It is not engaging. It does not make the player do more, it makes them do less.


She is impactful and the numbers support that. It’s up to the players whether or not they use the character’s kit to the fullest or not.


Having an ultimate that is exactly the same thing you do all the time but easier and has weaker stats than every other “tempo ult” in the game is not impactful. It is just a way for the game designers to throw shade a Mercy players acting like we don’t know how to use our core kit and need help.

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The problem with Valk for me at least, isn’t that the ult is weak or anything, for me it is just counter intuitive, most of the time I have to use valk to shut the enemy sniper down and start a fight 6v5, this is not what a main healer should be doing with her ultimate. When I pick mercy my feeling is that I want to pick a hero to support my team, but when I ult, I feel that I’m only doing the most impact by killing enemies, sure it is fun to kill enemies with Valk, but Im sure I would be having much more fun supporting my teammates.
“So why you don’t heal/DBoost them?” You ask me. Well, It isn’t the strongest part of her ult, single target focus ruins valk, damage boost isn’t strong enough to change a fight so dramatically(it is basically a stronger version of discord orb), shooting snipers is what is left, and it is impactful when you do it, but it isn’t what I would like to do when I pick a main healer, It is like using coalescence(moira) to kill enemies instead of healing your team.
Btw just for comparison:
Coalescense a Support ult: 120HPS and 60DPS
Valk: 60HPS and 100-200DPS
Can you guys see the problem? That is why shooting with Valk is way more impactful then healing, Valk was a support ult before because she had instant and multiple rezzes, now it is just a weak dps ult with some supporting on it.

People who are below diamond generally have issues with multiple things - mechanical skill, positioning, compositions, small hero pool, game sense, situational awareness etc. The list goes on.

If you play Valkyrie like a “spectator mode” that only tells me about you and your ability to play the character, not the ultimate itself which is perfectly fine by the way.

The numbers support that pretty clearly. You not using the ultimate properly is on you.