Valkryie Doesn't make sense

I never understood why they made it an ultimate to begin with. Literally nothing changes with what Mercy is doing (especially since chaining more than 2-3 people is basically impossible) and the flight just feels like a free-roam cam.

I would be fine with Valk losing it’s bonuses and it’s duration shaved WAY down as an ability and a new ultimate made that has some teeth. Right now almost no supports can even think about PotG (without extreme luck/slow game) and her on fire rate is busted.


Yes because freeflight, constant regen, almost endless beam and GA range, and AoE beams for all 5 teammates is the same as normal Mercy’s “GA to someone and heal them, then GA to someone else and heal them all while trying to not get mauled to death by the enemy” gameplay on the ground.

Um, no? It’s incredibly easy to chain 4-5 people, especially when teamfights are happening on points or in chokes. They only have to be 10m near eachother, that happens naturally in most fights on points. Even if you aren’t getting all 5 next to eachother, the giant beam range allows you to keep swapping between teammates even if they are miles apart on the battlefield. It’s great :smiley:

Jeff said they are going to keep it as an ult and believe Valkyrie is the best direction for the hero. He has said they will continue iterating on it as needed, but it is staying her ult. I personally would be fine with a 10-12 second duration, increased healing (especially on the main beam), and slightly faster GA speed :). It’d be perfect :smiley:

That’s not true, almost all supports can get play. I see supports getting play all the time, and I get it myself as Mercy a lot of the time as well. You just need to rez someone, get assists, heal some people, maybe even get a kill. It’s not that complex. I see Lucio and Zen and Moira’s get it a lot as well, and Brig too. The only one who seems to suffer is Ana.

The first true thing you said! lol

They really need to fix it for real though


Finally a mercy idea that doesnt sound completely broken and bad for the game. I would actually love to see this be tested

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I’ve argued a similar thing in the past myself. It’s a very poorly designed ult and one of the worst designs in this game.

The way it covers for skill, and how much it does so, clashes with Mercy’s kit. The fact that you have a hero reliant on GA, positioning, surviving and target selection and you make her ult 15s training wheels for all of that was not well-thought out idea. Also you get infinite clip, training wheels for aiming too, because why not, it’s already bloated anyways.

Having her beam divided in big-main-small chains is a half measure in my opinion. It helps but I would rather have a full solution, particularly when it’s so simple: Remove chain beams, single target is stronger, whatever number one deems right.

I still would have issues with the mobility, infinite clip ammo and constant regen, but those are less bothersome.


Here you go


Here’s the more recent version which synergizes with Critical Care

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I thought this post was gonna ask for mass rez back again and I’m happy it didn’t.

Valkyrie should indeed heal more on the main target and less on other allies so that Mercy still has to beam prioritize.

It would make valkyrie potentially even more skill dependant and if you’re good; more impactful on a fight’s outcome. (Not that I think it isn’t already)


I must say that there are many other reasons why Valkyrie does not make sense or should not be the way that it is.

I do like this post though, and this is very eloquently stated. Kudos.


I would argue that good supports aren’t interested in potg anyway. That’s what makes them good supports.

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then you have

where is baptiste?

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Thank you, I really appreciate that!

Wow, I actually left him out😂 Sorry Bap!

Also, I didn’t put all their abilities on the list, as the points are related to the application of their healing and why Valk is counterintuitive to the way Mercy functions

That’s honestly my biggest gripe. I’ll admit Valk is impactful in its current state, but it doesn’t allow a mercy to shine more than any other one. Skill ceiling for mercy is a problem, and I think a lot rides on little to no expression in her Ult, which target prioritization(one of her biggest skills) should be a part of, but isn’t


tbh I don’t really buy the “BigMain-SmallChain” beam idea. It seems a bit unreliable and complex from the view of teammates, where you can’t easily tell how much healing are you receiving.

Rather, if we’re gonna emphasize Mercy’s mobility and single target prowess, I think “Super Beam” is a better alternative, where the beam remains single-targeted, but becomes very powerful (like doubling the strength or something). It is more engaging to use, showcases skill to a better extent, is more intuitive to use, and has higher impact in a team fight.

I dunno maybe this is a step too far for improving, so I’d like to know what do OP, or others think about this.

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I understand your point

That said, BigMainLittleChains is designed to keep Mercy functioning pretty much as she already is for players who are currently happy with how she works - ie chain beams - while providing some tactical advantages and engagement to those who juggle beams well.

A single beam would be a substantial departure from the existing setup, which brings with it the possibility of a large number of unhappy players

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Transcendence does the same thing for Zen. :man_shrugging:

Gotta admit- not at ALL where I thought this thread was going to go.

And I completely agree with you

I’ve asked for this very thing myself in the past.

This or ditching the tethers all together and making the single beam much much stronger all together.

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I see what you mean. What I can get is it is more of a compromise that Mercy can display a player’s skill better while avoiding become Mercy 2.5 or 3.0. In this case I guess I’d agree it could be a solution.

btw, since we are on this topic, what do you think about Valkyrie Concentration? Basically the idea is to reduces the duration of Valkyrie, but increases its power. I proposed it as a way to improve Mercy’s contribution in team fights, but haven’t include much of the skill factor (well maybe a bit on ult timing).

Well, it would take away a lot of power from her kit. A doubled beam would only be 100hps, a weaker Coalesence. Buff to much and you’ve got a mini-transcendence for one person

I’d like One strong beam, if it meant Valk added some other buff, like another Rez or something.

Not really, Zen is an off healer and his ultimate is a defensive one. Valk is made to “enhance abilities”. Trans counters ultimates

Should list that moira trades good heals for no utility in her kit.
On the contrary the pros of ana are also the gamechanging effects of a well placed sleepdart or nade.

100hps main beam and the others at 50hps would be fun!