Using the Priority Pass and Intended Use

or you may be start taking competitive serious and get out from smurf’s playground instead?

I used my ticket, but the queue double and even triple the “guaranteed” time. What is the point for this “Priority Pass”??? None priority I’ve got so far, but to play healer or tank.

No! You are not crazy! This is exactly what a competitive ladder should be! Lone wolves should only be able to climb if they demonstrate the ability to defeat coordinated teama of their ranks.

Playing a competitive team based game should foster a desire to form a semi permanent team.

No it absolutely shouldnt and your idea would destroy the ladder itself. A 3500 player should be a 3500 player. They should not be able to be a 3500 player in groups and then just be a complete liability when queueing solo or conversely being a 3500 solo player and just stomping if they bother to group with friends.

The fact that groups can only match up against groups is important to OW (also its part of why they block grouping up past a duo after you hit GM).

Quality of matches took deep dive.
and I take examples from qp where matching is, let’s call it, loose.
I can’t imagine how ranked looks now around gold.
Maybe match “priority” tanks against “priority” tanks, same with healers.

or call it a failed experiment.


Like, are you done with this crap? You just keep making DPS queues worse. This is a joke.

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Honestly I noticed two days after flex was implemented the amount of clueless tanks ballooned to immeasurable numbers but I thought it was just me. Please just take flex out of the game. This oops ranks on par with the new Hearthstone progression system, removing PvP vendors from WoW, and adding resilience as a stat in WoW. Flex was a huge mistake and should just be removed.


So I know someone who queue flex to store up passes and then queue DPS to throw with relatively shorter queue times… genius

Please reset everyones Off roles MMR next season. Maybe then ranked wouldnt be as bad as it is right now @Josh Nash.

Like do you guys even play the game right now?? Match Quality is gone now with DPS players playing tank and support and dragging their whole team down with them.

This is laughable at best. With a quick support ticket your support agents reverse all actions against players. Since they don’t know what goes on behind the scenes other than the whole automated system is very flawed. So any action short of full on account bans are pointless. But keep up the hype.

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The frustrating thing is you, Blizzard, were warned that people would exploit the priority pass system before it was released live. The solution is simple: Do not give a reward for losing, thus the “flexing” player has an incentive to win to get any reward.

Now that it is happening, as predicted, we are resorting to manual bans, when historically even automated bans do not eliminate bad behaviors… We still have a noticeable amount of leavers and throwers, even though actions are taken regularly.

The only way to fix this is to remove the thing that causes the behavior in the first place. Give no reward for a loss.

I imagine that we will get to that point eventually. But you have to understand how frustrating this is for people who predicted this to be a problem since day 1. Overall you guys are too idealistic when it comes to player behavior. True, most people will use it as intended, but there are enough that will not, and ruins it for everyone else.

I constantly see throw groups in LFG on a daily basis. They are reported. Perhaps even dealt with. But I constantly see 2 or 3 of the 20 that show at any given moment.

When adding a feature like priority pass you have to be cynical and ask how players are going to exploit it. Because they will. And you have to come up with solutions to mitigate that as much as possible. If you don’t, we end up in a situation like this… being surprised that players exploited it and threaten bans… when you could have mitigated the behavior instead.


I have since seen dumb que times.

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Why not just make every category engaging and fun? If you guys worked on making Tanks and Supports dynamic, instead of Shield and Heal bots, people wouldn’t need this pass that encourages dumpster diving behavior.


This is definitely the worst time I’ve ever had in this game. Makes me want to not play anymore. Passes for losing is dumb as hell. Ruined QP.

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Hey blizz if you are going to implement something to help queue times go faster make sure it actually does as you intend it to do. This could be false advertising on this.

With all respect to the efforts of the devs, for my part, I’m don’t think I’m following the intended use.

I’m a Support/Tank main nowadays, so I queue flex to do what I normally do… and now I am encouraged to queue dps to use up these passes. So players like me that never dps are now making the dps queues even longer.

PS: even with the priority pass, dps queues are still longer than tank/support. Sometimes it goes 7 minutes…


This can’t be stressed enough. When you have an automated system as bad as the one in OW, people will abuse it. They don’t care if what they are reporting someone for isn’t really gameplay sabotage. They know that they won’t be punished for the false reporting in the end.

Hell it’s even abused to no end on the forums to silence people over opinions or fun topics.

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For sure, I’ll spend 30 minutes playing roles I don’t want to play in order to save 6 minutes on a queue for a role I do want to play. Who thinks this trash up?
Role queue has become cancer. Matchmaking is terrible. Every game is a walk over one way or the other.

The Priority Pass System, supply and demand

What happens when everyone in queue has a Priority Pass?

With the control of how people spend Passes (i.e. only in high volume times), combined with a burn rate of 1 game = 1 pass, and that the whole system is designed to lower demand for DPS queues, it would require Blizzard to constantly monitor and control the rate at which passes were earned, in order to keep the supply at manageable relative to the demand. (less PP’s are worthless, and people stop playing FLEX, and were back where we started)

But if players could spend however many passes they wanted (per game), allow them to uses it at any time (regardless of wait times, because it’s not Blizzard’s job to babysit us on how we spend our passes), and use their bid as the priority in the queue, then due to the principals of supply & demand, the market would reach an equilibrium on the cost of passes per game (for a set queue time).

Of course if someone only wanted to spend 1 per game, they still could, and would be ahead of those not spending passes (basically for DPS only, as in these examples I’m drawing and assumption that most TANK and HEALERS are from FLEX), and if someone really really really wanted to play Torb. and spend all 40 passes to do so, they could (because who doesn’t like and instant queue). Additionally during times of high demand for DPS roles, the market would compensate and the effective cost per game would self regulate. Plus when someone ran out of passes, they would have to play flex to get more, increasing supply of those roles (lowering DPS queue times further)

So when a player places a bid, they get to see their estimated wait times, and use that info to make informed purchase.

Why any of this? Well… I love all roles equally, but since role queue for quickplay came out, I found myself playing almost entirely heals and tanks, only because the queues were shorter. Since flex came out I have used the new system to play more DPS games, but I’m still a sucker for short queues, and with a stockpile of PP’s in my pocket…

tldr; deregulate the priority pass market


This feature has effectively ruined the gameplay experience for anyone below 3k SR, specifically on console.

Imagine a developer that enables the player base to soft throw games in an effort to fix q times ( as opposed to the blatantly terrible balance of matchmaking) instead of making tanks and supports more interactive.

All you have done is enable players to grief their teammates for the sake of getting an opportunity to play a role they care about, then tilt off the planet when they lose their DPS games, and go right back to griefing because they are angry about the horribly balanced matches.

Just another testament to how you will likely run OW2 into the ground just like this one, because you have a band aid mentality instead of a repair mentality.

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