Title, a very easy reliable way to detect cancerous players, but you won’t do it.
Options > Social > Profanity Filter: ON
Thats gonna be a no from me.
Ubisoft did that, and they got massive backlash for it. I’d rather not see Overwatch fall under that same spell.
Only issue I have with that is that you could take some words that are inappropriate in some contexts (i.e. “F you”) and ban people for saying them in an actual appropriate context (i.e. “I got F’d”)
If that makes any sense
Anyway to try and ignore the evident purpose of the post I guess.
I notice you do that a lot on people’s posts, Im going to just not entertain it and not respond to you.
What if players are typing “cancerous words” to their friends sarcastically, with the understanding that their friends know it’s a joke? Should they be banned for that? I don’t think so.
I wouldn’t want it banning the F, however any use of the N word or any racial slur should be bannable, no matter the context.
Actually, that’s a good point.
That word can just be bannable immediately.
honestly people are way to sensitive about profanity…it’s online gaming and people are going to swear just turn profanity filter on if you are that concerned about it.
If it goes beyond that to like harassment, racial slurs, or anything along those lines then that’s different but swearing in general shouldn’t be punished tbh.
That’s a terrible idea; if Blizzard do that you’d get the exact same thing as what’s happening in Rainbow Six Siege. Trolls are still gonna say those offensive words but they’ll use some (not so clever) trick, they’ll put spaces between the letters, periods between each letter, or they’ll do whatever else. You’re also gonna get people banned for falling for tricks like “Spell ‘dabbing’ backwards”.
Or maybe they should replace it like they did with gg ez. At least, anyway.
They shouldn’t try to police language honestly, just add the stuff to profanity filter and then advice players to enable it to stop getting “triggered”, again, at the risk of having a whole bunch of normal words filtered like in Warframe.
Yeah because the easily abused automated ban system isn’t stupid enough already…
I believe THAT was THE masterpiece of a designer that is both toxic and greedy from the ground up. Someone who has to show the world how great he is after trashing project Titan.
This sentence is teeming with so much irony that it hurts.
The profanity filter doesn’t really do anything though. The words are still there, and any regular person knows what they are saying. If they replaced it like they did with gg ez (there is NO possible context that you should be saying the n word, for instance) then I think it’d be funnier and make the person look like a total idiot.
Is it so bad that people want racist and sexist slurs to be taken more seriously? Also, people’s responses to the BS toxicity isn’t the problem. The toxicity is the problem, and I don’t think the onus of how it should be dealt with should solely be placed on people who are tired of being called the n word, for instance.
The hostility in the OP sounds suspect.
I said this in another thread yesterday (thats now up there in responses…) that context matters. You have a filter for language. If you dont want to see it, exert some effort and click that check box.
But if youre saying “Ban anyone who says this specific thing” no matter what, youre going to create more problems than solve as well as punish a hell of a lot more people over frivolous things. I hate to break it to some of you, but just because you find something offensive does not mean others do.
This is where context comes in. If someones cussing you out or using slurs in a aggressive purposeful way to demean, harass, bully, then nail em on it. But someone stating something (context be damned) and then losing your bananas about how offended you are by even hearing/reading, and then saying with assertiveness “Youre not allowed to say such things because it offends me!” is, to me, a touch nuts.
To be clear: Simply punishing people for uttering a word sets a precedence in which we can say “Certain words are taboo, and need the strictest of punishments”. From there, it only becomes a matter of who deems what taboo. Way I see it, Im not inclined to let people who cannot even give a moments consideration to things that kind of rule making.
You cannot judge a person for what they say. It’s a natural reaction to get frustrated, and it needs a way to vent.
See what you did there, heh, well I guess that is what the flagging feature is for I guess.
You are joking, right? Venting is one thing, but being abusive to a total stranger in a video game for no good reason isn’t okay & yeah it is totally normal for someone to judge said person for their behavior and actions they chose based on their frustrations. If a person is having a hard time with self control, they need to talk to their doctor, because developmentally they are having issues.