đŸ” "Useful Feedback" should only be one sentence long apparently

You just heard it here first (well, maybe not?).

Remember the Mercy megathread with countless posts over THOUSANDS of words long? Those aren’t regarded as useful feedback apparently.

I now know why not even one team member has cumulatively over their entire forums existence read enough posts to equal the number of replies in the “megathreads” for “feedback”. :tea:

No wonder we ended up with this :tea: :tea: :tea: “successful rework” :tea: :tea: :tea: , they were only looking at “Useful feedback” of one sentences. Which tends to be the least thought out replies often made by trolls who gave it nearly no thought. :tea: It’s not like any of those long thousands of words long replies had any sort of “useful feedback”.

:tea: :tea: :tea: Clearly, not even joking here, they were disregarded if they were even read (probably not)

Oh but don’t mind me. It’s not like I have “useful feedback”, I can’t summarize in one single sentence most of my thoughts

:tea: because

:tea: I

:tea: actually

:tea: articulate

:tea: my

:tea: points.

Has anyone heard that titanium is a very good metal btw? Would be a shame if one of the few valuable metals on this forum actually was blocked from being here. :tea:

Not that this game is currently looking like it’s in a good state, and it’s not even October yet. But who cares about one of the single largest character playerbase of the game? Mercy mains like me are just trash to be ignored right? :tea:

"Examples of useful feedback include:

It feels bad when I play [char1] as [char2] always shuts me down, when I feel I should have some sort of counter-play, without changing characters.
I feel that [char1] has been overly nerfed, and that [suggestion] would be more fun.
I really like [char1]! They feel powerful, however sometimes I feel too powerful because of [ability]."



Who even drinks green tea?


Continuing the discussion from I can't defend silencing:

Is he wrong with that statement? That’s how i thought about it from the first time and makes sense.

I can already tell this one quote is gonna be misused to high heck already lol.

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here is my feedback: It feels bad when I play Symmetra as doomfist always shuts me down, when I feel I should have some sort of counter-play, without changing characters.