Use. a. micro. phone!

Seriously, its so hard to find players that actually communicate. It’s why I don’t play QP anymore. NO ONE TALKS!

Comp has an avg oh 0-2 on mic. 3? Oh god no, people butt heads…

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The ping system exists.


For reals. I had 3 games in a row where nobody said anything at all until they wanted to just flame each other or me. No callouts beforehand, no declaring their next move. Then after we lost a fight just petty toxic bickering. Microphones are dead. Long live the ping button. I’m not going into team chat anymore.


I play better without talking


I have to say in mic to use the ping system and 1 our of 3 times I get “huh? the what?”

I’ve tried it and not say anything on mic/chat and NO ONE uses pings.

Not happening. Text and voice chat fully disabled in Comp, and not going back. You’d best learn to use pings.


Don’t expect comms in qp pings is the best you will get, ranked however I understand.

With my ana, I perfectly can ping where’s the enemy and countdown for my ult and ask for a fallback. Works so much better than yelling in mic THERE’S GENJI BEHIND. Behind WHERE? The pings work so much better.


Voice chat with randoms is not worth it. You’ll often enough have bad interactions or have to listen to someone else complaining or raging and a lot of people don’t want to be “suggested” what they or the team should do by another random. If you want to voice chat you should make a group.


That’s how i make friends through voice chat from randos. Don’t tell me you have’t made a friend from a rando game meeting a rando player and using basic non toxic communication.

I mean it does but…

Overwatch players when i ping an enemy reaper 42 times:


I came from MMOs where conversation was a requirement, and interaction with Overwatch players cured me of that habit in six months.

Haven’t been back yet, but if I ever do, all chat will be muted. I value my mental health too much to listen to it.


Personally I hate people with mics because Blizzard was too damn lazy to actually integrate mic usage into the sound.
Why the hell don’t the sound effects decrease when someone is speaking!?
Alternatively, why isn’t mic volume balanced!?
I’m left with the choice of giving up the ability to tell where the enemy is, and who is near me, based on footsteps/gunshots OR cranking up the mic volume so I can hear quiet people and have my speakers get blown out when some loud guy speaks!

Yeah mic balance is dookie. I’m lucky if someone almost levels with their sound.

as if im going to try to communicate with you troglodytes. 90 percent of the time no ones listening anyways. the other 10 percent it makes ppl feel attacked because they havnt heard a voice let alone the wind in years.

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Maybe I’ spoiled from LFG cause everyone used a mic and comms were game changing.

OK now what?


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I haven’t.

I literally haven’t met a single person through Overwatch I would call my friend.

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Not now.
Not then.
Not ever again.

The gaming community allowed toxicity to run rampant and even encouraged it.

I will not be using my valuable free time listening to salty bro-flakes lose their minds every time someone locks in Mei or Mercy.

Anyone who has a problem with that can…
Scream it into the void because we aren’t listening to you anymore.

Sorry Not sorry. Thank you, next.