Use. a. micro. phone!

I have anxiety when it comes to using a microphone in game also bad experience of getting mic djs so I mute voice chat

You’re asking me to get a mic? I NEVER even join voice chat lmao. Nothing more embarassing than Overwatch voice chat, even R6 Siege is more tolerable in that aspect. People LOVE to be snarky in this game and will point out anything you do, especially if they’re in a bad mood due to potentially being in a losing-streak.

Look, I’m not a fan of voice comms (even less so now Blizz is recording people like world’s most useless wiretap.)

However, issues like this is why LFG should not have gone the way of the Dodo. That way people could specify comms intensive groups and have people who actually enjoy using voice comms.

I, personally have heard too many children screaming obscenities to see voice comms as anything other than a verbal latrine. My ears are not sewers.

My. Social. Anciety. won’t. let. me!


Expecting team cor in QP :woman_standing:

I appreciate interactions with randos but not so much in competitive. Ive had multiple guys ask the team to get in VC before and they were all pretty chill. They were friendly and just looking to co-ordinate. I feel like for every 1 game of that though theres 20 games where nobody talks until they want to play the blame game the first time they lose a fight. I just dont think its worth the hassle. It brings down my mood and makes me play worse regardless of who they’re mad at.

I say screw you, I’m using a macro phone!

We get one of these threads multiple times a day, fact is 95% of the time comms in this game are toxic and pointless to an extent they make me want to uninstall the game. They actually ruin it for me. game is unbearable with them on.

They are also not even that useful, I am completely average at video games and reached daimond with voice and text both off which is the top 5% of players.

The patched ow1 into ow2 to make it more of a solo carry experiance for you guys… you expect ppl to use mics in a game you can solo carry and scream at people to “git gud” when they call you out for playing low skill heroes like sombra,sym, torb and the such? Cmon now bud you all wanted carry potential whats the need of a mic if you can just get carried (probably by a tank main like myself )

I don’t use the ping system either. Pretty worthless in the middle of a team fight, and that’s when most flankers will go for the supports too.

Overall the ping system is worthless. Microphones are better and also a good idea to add a help voiceline if there isnt one already - but the ping system isnt helping anyone unless they aren’t shooting something

No thanks, not now that we have a ping system. I’m on the phone 5-6 hours/day at work. I don’t want to talk more in my free time. Being able to play a game like this and communicate with pings instead of talking is fantastic.

Those who use mics right now can’t even be heard half the time. I have voice at max and most the time its low quality and low volume.

The ping system is better than I had initially thought it was going to be, but it still leaves plenty of gaps for verbal communication to fill in.

The two in conjunction are the most practical and functional.

No. I’ve played with you people the past few years, y’all toxic.

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When I use a mic people are 10x more toxic & creepy than when I don’t. That much toxicity causes me to lose composure & play worse no matter how well I’ve been communicating with my team unfortunately

Is it a surprise that people don’t want to have their voice chats recorded by blizzard?

To be fair. I’d ignore you if you pinged something / someone 42 times.

I’ve played more than enough to not need to turn my headset on anymore.

At most you only need two people on your team making call outs.

Having 5 people all speak is more distraction than helping win a match.

Don’t make me break out the Gramophone

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The ping system does what the voice chat system does but better.
No need to describe where the enemy is, or who theyre playing, just point your crosshair and press a button.

LOL honestly, that’s what I immediately thought when I read the title.