Uravity Juno is Really Cool! But

…I already miss Juno’s space helmet! A core piece of Juno’s identity is now gone in clever collab…

I just wanna be an outer-space Martian pilot and Uravity! :woman_astronaut: :cyclone: :shaved_ice: :ringer_planet:

I guess I live with it in exchange for those dope pink Uravity boots! :partying_face: :boot: :heartpulse:

What do you think? Do you miss the helmet? Or was the change a worthy trade-off? Would it look weird if Uravity had a space helmet on? :face_with_monocle:

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Uravity is as overrated as the anime she comes from though.


Haters gonna hate I guess.
Everything is overrated if you eat too much salt on a daily basis


They showed some concept art for some other Juno skins and it seems like a lot of her skins won’t have the helmet. One replaced it with a veil and the other compensated for not having it by giving her insanely voluminous hair

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i wont buy juno skins if she has the helmet

Hmmmm…well thats kinda disappointing!

The voluminous hair might be Ok.

I tried her out. Not one of my favs from that series and the gun ain’t anything special either.

No voice lines nor any gravity effects, I don’t see the $26 appeal of this skin. But others like it and want to spend on it go right ahead.


Juno’s design seems to have been altered in the recent collaboration, and I feel it impacts the character’s overall aesthetic.

The changes to her proportions, including her physique, are noticeably different compared to the original skin, which affects the character’s identity for me.

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I would like to see a Megaman Juno skin. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Her kicks are hilarious. That juxtaposition of a violent hippy just works perfectly.


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same on the rein aswell. no special voice lines or anything. It is only a default skin that you get. no extra goodies or anything.

It is a nice skin tho.

The fact that Hammer Down or Charge didn’t get a DETROIT SMASH-SHA is a fire able offense


i think it is safe to now assume that these collab skins should come with voice and custom sounds.

I read on another thread that it might be bugged.

These skins are pretty boring if there is no extra ‘‘oomph’’.

I am not a big all might fan, but if it had some extra custom sounds, i would probably buy it.

Yeah, she is quite different now!

There is one advantage too this, when she is on one team, she feels unique if there is a Juno player on other team who is not Uravity.

Sometimes, it feels a bit odd when there is two identical players/skins of a hero on opposite teams. Its like they are twins. But with this Uravity skin, theres a significant difference from original Juno that they feel like different heroes now. Like a Mirrorwatch effect.

Her kicks are hilarious. That juxtaposition of a violent hippy just works perfectly. :muscle::heart_eyes:

They sure are ThiccBuddha! :laughing: The shape of her collab boot is so silly looking, but i love it! :smiley: :partying_face:

Also, she does have a voice line. Its “Go Beyond!”. Its alright. I’ll take it :relieved:

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I’m gonna favor every Juno skin that DOESN’T put a fishbowl on her head.

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I guess this is where the crowds split: ones who are die-hards to Juno’s character and ones who are fans of the new version of her :twisted_rightwards_arrows:

The fact that there is no line variation or anything special makes these skins feel like more of a scam if anything.

NGL but Kiri skin is way better than Juno.

I had a kiri and juno in the same match & Kiri skin looks bomb.

I have two complaints with the skin.

  1. The torpedo launchers are the exact same model as her base skin, only they have pink lights I guess which is nice.

  2. Her boots have pink lights on the bottom in the skin and emotes, but when you melee there is a blue light streak effect and it stayed blue for the skin. Since the boot light is pink, the light streak that follows the kick animation should be pink and not blue. Where is the blue coming from if the light is pink?

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