UR2GM is fake. They are lying


Streamers would have you believe that UR2GM challenges prove that anyone can grind from bronze to GM.

They are liars.

If an account has been stuck at a certain rank for a prolonged period of time, the system assumes they belong at that rank PERMANENTLY. If they win a game above their rank or loses a game below their rank, it is viewed as an anomaly and essentially discarded.

There is a reason that these T500 players use fresh accounts to get to GM. The system has no data to determine where that account belongs. So if they start playing the account at a T500 level, it will ASSUME they are a T500 player, place them in diamond, but give them MUCH BIGGER benefits to winning and smaller punishments from losing.

How do I know this? Well, my original account (this one) was stuck in Diamond/Plat in OW1 and is now stuck in Gold/Plat in OW2. No matter how well I play and how much advice I follow, I continue to stay in this rank. I continue to get unwinnable games due to garbage teammates that NO ONE, including T500 players, would be able to carry.

So what did I do? Well obviously I got another account. And without changing my playstyle at all, that account was immediately placed into D4 and I’ve climbed to masters in less than a couple of days.

I want the devs and the streamers that INSIST this system is flawless to explain this to me. How is it possible that I have TWO ACCOUNTS where I play the EXACT SAME in the SAME ROLES and have one account 2 tiers higher than the other? Why is my original account being INTENTIONALLY held back while my new account is free to continue progressing?

And a challenge to the streamers: Do “2GM” challenge using an account that has been in plat for a few months. Not a fresh account that you’ve been sweating QP games in.

Spoiler: They can’t explain it because the SR and matchmaking system is the absolute worst in the industry.


LOL will never happen. Well first off, there’s no way for them to legally do so by EULA rules. If someone gives them an account to play on, nope against the rules. if they intentionally throw an account to stay in gold/silver for months THEN climb, nope that’s also illegal.

Now a GM COULD do it, they would just have to do it anon, somehow prove it was low rank for months, and then upload it anonymously on a fresh channel so they didn’t get found out and their main account banned.

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how many games have you played so far on your alt?

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there was a better smurf detection which would place an Unranked player into plat1 or diamond 5 right away and give WAY more SR for 1 win that a normal one

if you see Dafran on last Venture game, since there were no data about hero, he was placed into SILVER 1, and got game by game 33% which are caped and reached diamond in 42 wins with 2 losses!!

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eltYNfEpkvc
Used MOIRA back than to go out of bronze, 20 25SR per game

Yes, it would take MUCH MORE TIME to climb out.
The point of a streamer is to show you diffrent approach in diffrent skill Tiers… In diffrent skill tiers, difrent heroes and playstiles are more valid than another. ( you can rock as pharah up to diamond and will be 1 shot by GM hitscan player if fly in the open space)

Said that YES

MM is designed to give you 50% chance to win the game, GIVEN your skill tier, it’snot made for you to climb it. but for everyone to enjoy a close game.
Since meta is diffrent, heroes are diffrent, the way we play a hero are diffrent its very hard for a robot to give you numbers and pair a Moira GM player that tries ANA for first time with a Plat ashe that plays Junkrat
Skill sets are too difrent and must be placed in same game.

for best result you should have diffrent MMR for each hero, chose it before the game and then matchmake it with others, NEVER swapping tho

cuz if i swap from tracking hitscan to widow,ashe, cas - i will drop 800SR of my skill between heroes…
YES higher players know more about Ult economy, Map pathing, Highground advantage…but at the end if you OTP a hero there are very less variables and you also learn to play around and where to swap. (except that tank role is now counterwatch without even going outside of the spawn and must be changed)

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Thank you for sharing this. What a garbage company to be honest .


The business is business. GM accounts are worth a lot of money on the black market. I think this Awkward type UR2GM streamers are boosting a lot of accounts to sell it later for a lot of money.


My theory is that old accounts are purposefully given poor matchmaking, and thus forced into lower ranks, to incentivize you to abandon your account and create a new one.

But why would they want this? How does it benefit them? Well, many old accounts that have existed since OW1 released, had a chance to take advantage of the free lootbox system, which gave them access to tons of skins and customizations for free, including legendaries, that now cost money to obtain. During this phase of the game, the company was giving its users a lot of content and customization that didn’t cost them any extra money.

Fast forward to today, and the monetization of the game has changed quite a bit, making obtaining these same customizations for free, much harder and in some cases impossible.

But if you are still playing on an old account, you may already have many of your favorite skins and customizations, thus giving you almost no reason to spend money in the store.

Enter: Poor matchmaking for old accounts

If the company can get you to abandon your old account, and just create a new one, they have a chance to make more money off of you, as you would quickly realize how slow and even impossible it is to get all your old customizations back, that you had on the old account!

So some genius had the idea to rig the matchmaker to flood these old accounts with a higher percentage of poor games and low ranks, and incentivize new account creation with higher quality matchmaking, and higher starting ranks.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but all 3 of my alt accounts, that I have created and played on over the last 6 years, all hover in mid platinum, while my main account with thousands of hours and customizations has never even touched platinum, and is in fact HARD STUCK IN SILVER TO THIS DAY. Many stories like mine are surfacing all around the Overwatch community, but many get blown off as crazy people and nobody bothers doing any research into it.


that is how averaging works, if a guy wins 3/3 games, its gonna be a lot more favorable than a guy who has won 600/850 games.

theoretically yeah you could.

most importantly UR2GM players hyper focus dps because they have vastly better aim than anyone in the lobby from Unrated to high diamond, then gamesense carries them to gm


I lolled when Bogur kept ditching LW only accounts because they hadn’t climbed quickly enough so the SR gains slowed to a crawl. But remember guys elo hell doesn’t exist.


oh that was gold.

the only ur2gm i respect is mercy because it is pure gamesense from bronze to gm instead of “lol im playing baptiste and have gm aim in a gold lobby, i wonder how we won guyzzz!!!” and every time they take like 6x as long as any other hero


No, they prove that GM players can grind from bronze to GM. A bronze player is gonna stay in bronze.

Meanwhile I was at gold for months and I went to plat… and then diamond… and then masters… all over a span of years. Wonder how that worked. Or are you saying this is some kind of new system they just implemented recently?

Also, play like 50 games on your alt and see if you’re still in Masters after that. I doubt it, but it doesn’t cost anything to try, right?

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I think the main takeaway is:

New accounts have no mmr, thus can more easily boost sr off of winrate stats and general performance. It’s always been this way.

The main reason nobody does U2GM on non-fresh accounts, is because that would mean they’d have to throw 100s of games to derank first on an existing account, which would both take a ton of time and also be 100x worse (morally speaking) than just doing the rank-up.

The system doesn’t want you to stay at your rank, but if you have tons of hours on your account already, then it does expect you to stay at your rank, so you’re less rewarded for what you call anomality matches initially, unless you start having a lot of them in sequence consistently, which will start changing your mmr to where you’ll start gaining gradually more and more points per win. But yes, it does take time, because you have thus far spent a lot of time proving you’re well matched at your current rank.

Either way, you will always go up in rank if you have a consistent positive winrate -ideally 60% or more if you want to be able to see any meaningful change within the span of time you likely have available as a non-pro and non-streamer player (aka someone who doesn’t devote their life to the game and play 8-10h a day).

The real difference isn’t whether or not it’s possible to do the U2GM, the only difference is just how long it takes you to do it. Fresh account can maybe done in a couple days -seasoned account it may take a month or more. Does it suck? Sure. But it’s not unfair, and it’s not impossible. It’s the standard way, no more no less.


I have one account in Master and one in Platinum…

Plenty of games played on both…


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Yeah, basically he had to get a lucky account to get a nice boost (a win streak) while the account is fresh to reach at least Diamond, otherwise it was basically impossible to climb with Weaver lmao.

Whatever make you happy man but there’s not that skill gap between plat and diamond or gold and plat but definitely there’s between anything and high gm.

Also this community needs to reach in a consensus, if any streamer would try to climb in a old bronze account you would see a lot of players here asking for him to be banned, so if you guys want proofs, stop asking for bans.

This pretty much. A t500 player would get to high diamond as fast as possible, at least.
It should take around 100-150 games if no modifiers, and they would most likely get winstreak as fast as possible on top of that.

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Higher-skilled players can get stuck in lower ranks, but it’s not an intentional feature of the system. It has to do with psychological tendencies in lower ranks that are different from what higher ranks figure out.

Here’s something I’ve noticed: lower ranked players like to focus the enemy tank, because they’re big easy targets. So you get these long stalemates where both tanks are getting blasted by the enemy team (and are blasting each other) but are being kept alive by their respective supports.

Say you’re D.Va, and you decide to break the pattern. You dive the enemy back line, and you get a pick. This is a good play, but you need your team to follow up on it by pushing in and picking off more squishy targets. Instead, they continue to focus the enemy tank, and since you’re now out of position you get de-meched and die. After this the rest of your team gets rolled. Your good play got turned into a bad one.

It’s tempting to blame your team, but the truth is there will always be bad players, and they need a place in the ranking ladder. It’s up to you to figure out how to work with what you have available in your teammates and elevate their suboptimal play for a win. I like playing Mercy a lot, but in low ranks even a good Mercy has little impact on the outcome of a game (unless you’re a crack shot with her blaster). I’ve switched to Zenyatta just so I can climb on the merit of my positioning and mechanical skills.


You must not have watched these GM guys on twitch. Their play is on another level to mine. Not surprised they can do UR2GM over and over.

In the first two years of overwatch there were several bronze to GM vids produced before blizz started banning them during their runs. The only reason you don’t see it today is blizz bans them!

Show them. Let’s see.

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Your skills contribute 20% to your mmr , because you have other 4 teammates, you can be forced to stay 5 divisions lower or higher than your actual skill rate. Also that winstreak gives you extra 3% progression is brain dead, a champion player needs to smurf 150+ wins streak on a Bronze account (not new account) to actually reach GM. 50+ hours smurf guaranteed.