(Updated) Jeff and Geoff finally responded to Mercy feedback

your right, they are on the forums…theyre just ignoring the players

A hero with all of his abilities being stuns/movement impairments called, he wants to have a word with you.

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not even close////////////

Alright buddy, keep doing you.

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The change in question is on the PTR and has been for a fair amount of time. I’ve spent 15 + hrs on the PTR since the latest one dropped.

The time in Valk is somewhat noticeably increased due to the reduced ult cost. I didn’t really notice any significant change in the healing during ult and to be perfectly honest I use damage boost for part of the ult so the impact with the possible exception of vs Winston would be minimal. Mercy did have the occasional impressive match but, the current one can occasionally do good too.

I would not anticipate seeing much of a change.

All I can say is that claim’s been made in the past, and there’s nothing more to do at this point than just wait and see.

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:spider_web: I’ve long given up hope on Mercy really being fun. To me personally, she’s not as unfun as most make her out to be–but I would still take the suicide mass rez at launch over where she is now and I hated that version of her.

GA is literally the only thing she has going for her and you can’t give people one fun ability and tell them to shut up and deal with it. The rework was a failure and they won’t admit it. Rez will never be balanced as an ability and multiple Mercy mains have asked for it to be removed in favor of another support ability (preferably anti-cc) and we’re met with this sort of response from Jeff.

I know the Mass-Rez supporters are loud, but they are not the overall majority and it’s a shame the entire Mercy community is being overlooked likely because of them.

Disappointing but not really surprising.


Jeff lies quite often, so it’s best to just wait and see what happens to her.


They said that like almost every failed Mercy rework though. They seem confused from their original goal of having Mercy being a dependable Valk who resurrecting the slain and a strong solo healer…to a current throw/troll pick healer who’s bad at healing and a nerfed game mechanic where she jeopardizes her team if she dies resurrecting if a enemy so much farts on her.

Didn’t Jeff also said if people didn’t like previous changes weren’t successful they would revert? I feel like we are being always string along with about a dozen nerfs or a buff that still result in net nerf with a PR spin.

Resurrection is a hardcounter to one shots combo or teamwipes which are very common on Overwatch. If they remove resurrection keep scaling back healing then it’s only fair they also scale back the damage, remove crazy ULTS, aimbot, wall hacks, aoe explosions that are as big as warehouses which are even more problematic. Balance isn’t mutually exclusive but there’s always the double standard even when if Mercy takes cover to make a play. It’s treated cowardly or taboo, but when dps take cover to make a big play it’s generally praised without scrutiny.

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I may not agree with what Jeff has said, but at least it is something I guess.

There are still issues that wouldn’t require buffs or a rework to fix that have been present for some time. Her on fire rate is atrocious . Surely they could tweak that to put her on par with others?

Hears Mercy crying in the background

…And they won’t


All mercy needs right now is something like acceleration on her healing that goes back to its base number around 50% health, so someone who is close to death gets a little boost, lets say 20% more healing done, than someone who is still able to perform and not get one-shot by most attacks. This will at least make it less monotonous to play Mercy and I think that’s her biggest problem in terms of healing. Other healers can either do things while healing or have multiple ways to heal that also offers burst healing (moira orb and ana nade, even lucio amp), mercy can only move around rapidly while holding the mouse button down for a mediocre but sustained and dependable heal and for those times where you aren’t zipping around constantly you’re pretty much just there holding the mouse down while scanning the area. I find that to be what’s “boring” and not her ult (which enables her to make plays she couldn’t normally do) like lots of people seem to complain about. A quicker heal on those close to death will also enable her to move to another person faster, keeping her tempo up without the low point where you’re hiding behind a box slowly healing the tank who was at 100 health and is still taking damage as you do it, making your heal look like a pat on the back before they die. I find healing tanks is the most frustrating with Mercy because it takes so long to do, and it also makes the tank have to wait longer before pushing (which is a bit annoying as a tank) whereas if I play Ana or Moira I can burst heal them and get them to push a point sooner.

Maybe it’s just best to leave that to the other healers and have Mercy follow/pocket DPS because that seems to be her most effective spot right now. Ana can’t follow DPS as good nor boost their damage like Mercy can, and while she is a sniper who can heal the dps on the other side of the map, it’s possible to get LOSed, blocked by a barrier, miss, or have another player stand in the way of the one you’re trying to keep up.

I don’t think a change to how her healing works will make her the best. Certainly increasing/decreasing numbers after her rework can make her the best or worst. The devs’ approach seems lazy and most people seem to erroneously complain about her ult and res, but I think the problem is just how she heals and how she is played rather than how much or how many people she’s healing. The way new heroes and reworks are coming out, characters are increasingly more dynamic in approach whereas some are still knobs being dialed. That is, unless you Battle Mercy more. A few headshots will force a flanker who is not near a healer to disengage, like how you can use valk to force a sniper back or at least pressure them enough make them miss more/get their attention for someone else to get them.

Basically, pharmercy is the biggest hint in how Mercy is most effective and most “fun,” that is, prioritizing DPS over tanks which you can’t always do, especially if solo healing. People should lay off her ult and res and focus more on making her left click less dry and dull, especially for heroes with bigger health pools. Also, I think Mercy is potentially the best shot-caller in the game due to her mobility and lack of need to aim to heal, giving her room to look around while healing, but I can understand why you may not want to communicate often or at all.

I find I only have fun on Mercy when I play more aggressively, be it following DPS/dive tanks into the fray more often or shooting the right people in the head. Valk is a better ult than mass res was in terms of what it enables you personally to do. It’s your own fault if you decide to use it as a glorified spectator mode; I personally prefer to use it more to damage amp or pick off targets like snipers or the enemy supports (best defense is a good offense etc.) – preventing damage by removing the enemy faster is underrated.

Honestly Jeff is showing that he does listen. He’s also telling everyone that they do care. He’s also kind of telling people to back off a little bit. And that all the whiners on The forums need to just shut up sometimes. Stop hating everything they do.

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I have seen a lot of mercy mains claiming she should be the best healer tho…

They are definitely not ignoring feedback. No matter what we say .

Well I guess they don’t want to get rid of her clunky resurrection for a better design. Because that would require a revert.

Instead they gave a better version to ana lol.

“we want mercy to be fun”
“no u just want her to be OP”
"No, we just want-
“shh you think you do, but you don’t”


Thanks for the summary.

But honestly, that’s so generic, we can say it about almost every hero (excluding Bastion boi, he’s so miserable :c).

Valkyrie couldn’t keep up when heals were 60hps, so I really wonder how the half nerf reverse will help in that. Seems like a placebo effect, only because your ultimate is now charging faster with your 50hps.

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*jeff kaplan explains what their plan for mercy and how they think she’s balanced now
*mercy mains still go “muh fun” and “muh being ignored”


60 hps Valkyrie, kept mercy almost at her almost at her must pick rate. It was insanely good still.

The reason mercy died is because they nerfed her overall healing. 50hps and a long time to get ultimate meant she wasnt worth running and combining that with the other support buffs mercy was dropped hard.